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確認上帝的主權Affirming God’s Sovereignty

[每日靈修] 11/11/2018,  駱鴻銘編譯






詩一〇三19 耶和華在天上立定寶座;他的權柄(原文作國)統管萬有。
詩六六7 他用權能治理萬民,直到永遠。他的眼睛鑒察列邦;悖逆的人不可自高。
代上廿九12 豐富尊榮都從你而來,你也治理萬物。在你手裡有大能大力,使人尊大強盛都出於你。

Affirming God’s Sovereignty

Our God remains incomprehensible and retains His simplicity. He tells us in His Word that He is not a God of confusion but of order. He is not at war with Himself. He is altogether good, altogether holy, and altogether sovereign. This we must affirm to maintain a biblical concept of divine sovereignty. Yet we must always balance this understanding with a clear understanding that God always exercises His power and authority according to His holy character.

He chooses what He chooses according to His own good pleasure. It is His pleasure that He does.

He chooses what is pleasing to Himself. But that pleasure is always His good pleasure, for God is never pleased to will or to do anything that is evil or contrary to His own goodness.

In this we can rest, knowing that He wishes for, and has the power to bring about, all good things for us His children.

Coram Deo
What difficulties are you currently facing? Reaffirm your trust in the sovereignty of God, who is working all things together for His good pleasure.

Passages for Further Study
Psalm 103:19
Psalm 66:7
1 Chronicles 29:12