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創世記第三章講道:聲音Brief reflections on a sermon on Genesis 3The Voice

作者:PETER LEITHART   譯自:駱鴻銘
艾瑞克(Eric Venable)牧師在三一長老教會關於創世記第三章的講道。

Brief reflections on a sermon on Genesis 3 given by Eric Venable at Trinity Presbyterian Church (TPC). The sermon will be available on TPC’s web site in a week or two.

1)艾瑞克強調這段敘事裏有好幾個彼此競爭的聲音。上帝說話,世界就存在了,祂也賜下誡命,包括正面積極的命令(要生養眾多,治理,管理)和負面消極的(不可吃)。亞當對夏娃說話。創世記第三章引出一個新角色:蛇,牠也說話。墮落之後,亞當夏娃「在聖靈的日子」(in the spirit of the day;《和合本》作:天起了涼風)聽見耶和華的「聲音(qol)」,耶和華責備亞當聽他妻子的聲音。
1) Eric emphasized the competing voices of the narrative. God speaks the world into being, and gives commandments, positive (“be fruitful, multiply, subdue, rule”) and negative (“thou shalt not eat”). Adam speaks to Eve. Genesis 3 introduces a new character, the serpent, who also has a speaking part. After the fall, Adam and Eve hear the qol, the voice, of Yahweh in the spirit of the day, and the Lord rebukes Adam for listening to the voice of his wife.

2) The voices come from outside. God speaks to Adam, Adam to Eve, the serpent to Eve. Outside voices get into our heads and take on a life of their own, but they begin on the outside. We are guided, all of us, by authoritative words. Genesis 1-3 presents a radically anti-autonomous understanding of human existence. The issue isn’t, voice or no voice. It’s always, whose voice? To whom do we open our ears?

3) God speaks imperatives, the serpent in skeptical interrogatives. “Has God said?”  Eric pointed out that after the fall, Yahweh also comes with questions: “Where are you? Who told you? Have you eaten?” He doesn’t start with condemnation and curses. The Lord’s response is chiastically arranged:

a. 對男人:9-12
b. 對女人:第13
c. 對蛇的詛咒:14-15
b'. 對女人的詛咒:第16
a'. 對人的詛咒:17-19
a. To man: vv. 9-12
b. To woman: v. 13
c. Curse of serpent, vv. 14-15
b’. Curse of woman, v. 16
a’. Curse of man, vv. 17-19

4) Yahweh’s voice comes first as a summons, calling Adam from his shameful hiding. Then He calls Adam to confession. This is a judicial interrogation, but it’s designed to bring Adam to self-knowledge and to elicit acknowledgement of guilt. Yahweh does curse, but He first interrogates, and the interrogation is a gracious call to Adam to come clean in Yahweh’s presence.

5) There’s a liturgical structure of sorts in the passage: Yahweh arrives in the Spirit of the day; He calls Adam to appear; He summons Adam and Eve to confession and repentance; the chapter climaxes with a sacrifice and covering (atonement), and then a dismissal from the garden.