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經歷上帝的管教Experiencing God’s Discipline

[每日靈修] 11/7/2018,  駱鴻銘編譯


上神學院時,我經歷了一段艱難的時期。我去找一位教授,葛士納(John Gerstner)博士,來輔導我。當我告訴他我正在經歷的事情時,他做了一個簡單的評論,「主的手現在重壓在你身上。」我立刻想起我的足球教練。對於重壓在身上的手,我有生動的記憶。

當上帝把手重壓在我身上時,它比我的足球教練所帶來的任何懲罰都要厲害得多。這並不是說上帝在貶義的意義上是在「下重手」(heavy handed)。但祂管教的手確實很沉重。當然,如果我向祂尖叫,「把你的手從我身上移開!」而祂也這麼作了,那就更糟糕了。如果上帝把祂的手從我們身上移開,我們瞬間就會滅亡。


詩卅二4 黑夜白日,你的手在我身上沉重;我的精液耗盡,如同夏天的乾旱。
詩九四12 耶和華啊,你所管教、用律法所教訓的人是有福的!
詩一一九67 我未受苦以先走迷了路,現在卻遵守你的話。

Experiencing God’s Discipline

I had a football coach who had hands the size of catcher’s mitts. When we got out of line, he would stand in front of us and place his hands on our shoulders. As he rebuked us, he would begin to squeeze our shoulders. When he did that to me, I could hardly keep standing.

During my days in seminary, I went through a difficult period. I went to one of my professors, Dr. John Gerstner, for counsel. When I told him what I was experiencing, he made the simple comment, “The Lord’s hand is heavy on you right now.” I immediately thought of my football coach. I had vivid memories of a heavy hand on me.

When God puts His heavy hand on me, it hurts far worse than any punishment wrought by my football coach. This is not to suggest that God is “heavy handed” in the pejorative sense. But His hand of discipline can be heavy indeed. It would be far worse, of course, if I screamed at Him, “Take Your hands off me!” … and He did. If God ever took His hands off us, we would perish in an instant.

Coram Deo
Thank God for keeping His hand on you.

Passages for Further Study
Psalm 32:4
Psalm 94:12
Psalm 119:67