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追求上帝Pursuing God

[每日靈修11/21/2018,  駱鴻銘編譯





詩四二2 我的心渴想神,就是永生神;我幾時得朝見神呢?
詩一四三6 我向你舉手;我的心渴想你,如乾旱之地盼雨一樣。(細拉)
賽五五1 你們一切乾渴的都當就近水來;沒有銀錢的也可以來。你們都來,買了吃;不用銀錢,不用價值,也來買酒和奶。

Pursuing God

Albert Einstein was once asked by a student, “Dr. Einstein, how many feet are there in a mile?” To the utter astonishment of the student, Einstein replied, “I don’t know.”

The student was sure the great professor was joking. Surely Einstein would know a simple fact that every schoolchild is required to memorize. But Einstein wasn’t joking. When the student pressed for an explanation of this gap in Einstein’s knowledge, he declared, “I make it a rule not to clutter my mind with simple information that I can find in a book in five minutes.” Einstein was not interested in trivial data. His passion was to explore the deep things of the universe. His passion for mathematical and physical truth made him a pivotal fixture in modern world history.

We are called to similar passion, a passion to know God. A thirst for the knowledge of God should drive us to drink deeply at the fountain of Scripture. We are equipped with more than enough unholy passions. Our appetite for lesser things at times threatens to consume us. Yet few of us are in danger of being consumed by a passion for God. The Scripture says of Jesus that zeal for His Father’s house consumed Him. In His humanity, Jesus was a man of passion. He was neither hostile nor indifferent toward the knowledge of His Father. He was a man driven in His pursuit of God.

Coram Deo
Are you driven by an undying passion in your pursuit for God? If not, ask Him to rekindle your desire.

Passages for Further Study
Psalm 42:2
Psalm 143:6
Isaiah 55:1