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承認全地都屬於主Recognizing the Earth Is theLord’s

[每日靈修] 11/17/2018,  駱鴻銘編譯






詩廿四1 地和其中所充滿的,世界和住在其間的,都屬耶和華。
詩五十2 從全美的錫安中,神已經發光了。
詩五三1 愚頑人心裡說:沒有神。他們都是邪惡,行了可憎惡的罪孽;沒有一個人行善。

Recognizing the Earth Is the Lord’s

It was Bonaventure who offered the thought: “In order that we may be able to extol and glorify God, and in order that we may advance to the knowledge of God, we must transfer to the divine that which pertains to the creature … nearly all creatures possess certain noble characteristics which furnish a source for our understanding of God, e.g., the lion possesses fortitude; the lamb, meekness; the rock, solidity; the serpent, prudence—hence it is necessary that many names be transferred to God.”

John Calvin agreed with these sentiments. “There is not an atom of the universe in which you cannot see some brilliant sparks at least of His glory.”

The earth, nature that surrounds us, the world—everything is full of God. Nature is a glorious theater, a spectacular sound-and-light show of the beauty of God. But nature is not God. To worship the whole or any part of nature is idolatry. To confuse God and nature is to fall into pantheism, an intolerable monism that obscures the distinction between creatures and Creator.

But the universe is God’s handiwork. It sparkles with the revelation of its Maker. It is not an independent entity existing alongside and apart from God. There is no dualism divorcing God from the world. The earth is the Lord’s.

Coram Deo
Spend some time today enjoying the beauties of nature, remembering that the earth is the Lord’s.

Passages for Further Study
Psalm 24:1
Psalm 50:2
Psalm 53:1