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聖誕真意:神的兒子由女子所生Christmas is God’s Son Born ofA Woman

作者:Denny Prutow  譯者: 駱鴻銘

及至時候滿足,神就差遣他的兒子,為女子所生,且生在律法以下, 要把律法以下的人贖出來,叫我們得著兒子的名分。 (加拉太書四章5節)





Christmas is God’s Son Born of A Woman

“When the fullness of time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman” (Galatians 4:4). What does this mean? First, God sent His Son into the world by way of being born. The common thing which took place was the birth of a child. But something uncommon also took place. The child who was born was the divine Son of God.

Second, God sent His Son into the world by way of being “born of a woman.” By coming into the world through the womb of a woman, the Son of God took to Himself a human nature. The common thing which took place was that the Son of God, like every other child, received His human nature in His mother’s womb. But something uncommon also took place. His human nature was not derived from both a man and a woman. It was derived only from a woman.

Therefore, Jesus Christ was and is absolutely unique. This Jesus had a true human nature. But He also had a true divine nature. He was, and continues to be, both God and man in two distinct natures in one person forever.

This is what Christmas is all about. Have we forgotten this glorious truth? Have we forgotten the wonderful story? By definition, Christmas is the celebration of God’s Son who was born of a woman.