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領受得救的確據ReceivingAssurance of Salvation

[每日靈修] 12/12/2018,  駱鴻銘編譯





腓二12 這樣看來,我親愛的弟兄,你們既是常順服的,不但我在你們那裡,就是我如今不在你們那裡,更是順服的,就當恐懼戰兢做成你們得救的工夫。
羅八16 聖靈與我們的心同證我們是神的兒女;
羅十10 因為人心裡相信,就可以稱義;口裡承認,就可以得救。
羅一16 我不以福音為恥;這福音本是神的大能,要救一切相信的,先是猶太人,後是希利尼人。

Receiving Assurance of Salvation
How, then, do we receive assurance? The Scripture declares that the Holy Spirit bears witness with our spirits that we are the children of God. This inner testimony of the Holy Spirit is as vital as it is complex. It can be subjected to severe distortions, being confused with subjectivism and self-delusion. The Spirit gives His testimony with the Word and through the Word, never against the Word or without the Word.

Since it is possible to have false assurance of salvation, it is all the more urgent that we seek the Spirit’s testimony in and through the Word. False assurance usually proceeds from a faulty understanding of salvation. If one fails to understand the necessary conditions for salvation, assurance would be at best a lucky guess.

Therefore, we insist that right doctrine is a crucial element in acquiring a sound basis for assurance. It may even be a necessary condition, though by no means a sufficient condition. Without sound doctrine we will have an inadequate understanding of salvation. However, having a sound understanding of salvation is no guarantee we have the salvation we so soundly understand.

Coram Deo
Thank God for the testimony of His Spirit and His Word, which provide assurance of your salvation.

Passages for Further Study
Philippians 2:12
Romans 10:10
Romans 1:16