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使歷史有意義MakingHistory Count

[每日靈修] 9/5/2018 駱鴻銘編譯

1. 此讚美的本質
2. 什麼時候收到的
3. 誰給你此讚美,那個人對你的影響





詩八九1 我要歌唱耶和華的慈愛,直到永遠;我要用口將你的信實傳與萬代。
詩七七11 我要提說耶和華所行的;我要記念你古時的奇事。
詩一四三5 我追想古時之日,思想你的一切作為,默念你手的工作。

Making History Count

For a little fun, as well as an important look into the pages of your history, take a few minutes for a simple exercise. Take a pencil and paper and jot down the five most meaningful compliments you’ve ever received. They may have been verbal or nonverbal, direct or indirect. On your paper note:

1. The nature of the compliment.

2. When it was given.

3. Who gave you the compliment and what role that person represented to you.

After completing this exercise, try another: Write down the five most important events in your life. Then write briefly why these “historic” moments are so important to you.

These two exercises represent a simple means by which you can come to grips with who you are. To finish the exercise, ask yourself this question: If Rembrandt could paint only one portrait of you, what would he have you doing in the portrait? What is your fruitful moment? Maybe tomorrow will bring a moment that will redirect your personal history.

Our history is not the result of blind fate or the impersonal forces of chance. My personal history and yours are bound up with the Author and Lord of history, who makes my personal history count forever.

Coram Deo
Do the two exercises suggested in today’s reading, then answer the question: “If Rembrandt could paint only one portrait of you, what would he have you doing in the portrait?”

Passages for Further Study
Psalm 89:1 Psalm 77:11 Psalm 143:5

受洗與受洗以後  太一21-23;廿八19-20

聖經歸正教會 主日證道 09/02/2018, 呂沛淵牧師

前言: 為何要受洗這要從「太1:21-23」說起「耶穌」與「以馬內利」聖名的意義是認識洗禮意義與效用的關鍵。在「太28:16-20」,復活的主頒布了大使命「使萬民作門徒」,所以我們要「去」、「施洗」、「教訓」,如此「我就常與你們同在,直到世界的末了」。洗禮是主耶穌所親自設立的聖禮。聽到福音、信而受洗者必然得救(16:16)


1. 洗禮表明對聖約的委身Covenant Commitment


2. 洗禮表明與主基督聯合Union with Christ
(1) 主耶穌基督設立洗禮作為屬於他的教會的聖約記號與印證。他使用洗禮,不只是莊嚴的將受洗者收納進入有形的教會,也是宣告並確認他接納此受洗者住在他裡面,將此人納入恩典之約裡面。
(2) 主使用洗禮來向我們顯明: 我們與我們的兒女是在罪惡中所生,需要得到潔淨。
(3) 主使用洗禮來向我們見證與保證: 我們的罪得到赦免,並且藉著與主聯合,賜給我們救恩所有的恩典。洗禮以水表明與保證: 主的靈以主的寶血洗淨我們的罪,並且藉著主基督的死與復活,使得我們向罪死,得以復活一舉一動有新生的樣式。因為這些救恩的恩福,是三一真神在恩典中的賞賜供應,他樂意稱我們為他自己的子民;所以我們受洗是歸入聖父、聖子、聖靈的名。
(4) 在我們的洗禮中,主將他的聖名放在我們身上,稱我們為屬他的,召喚我們承受聖約的義務。他呼召我們相信主耶穌基督為我們的救主,棄絕惡者、世界、老我,存謙卑的心與我們的神同行,專心聽從他的誡命。

3. 洗禮表明聖約恩典是一生之久Lifetime Effective
(1) 「洗禮」的恩典與功效,並非止於「洗禮」的當時,其果效乃是一生之久。我們(如同約瑟)因記住自己是屬神的,就不敢犯罪得罪神;我們(當效法馬丁路德)每逢遭受試探時,常對自己說「我是受過洗的人」:「我是屬於主的人,主在我生命中曾如此的恩待我, 我已經向罪死了,我已經復活有新的生命,…那麼我怎麼可以屈服於試探,背叛我的主呢?」
(2) 這正是「羅6:1-11」與「加 3:27」所顯明的真理:「洗禮」是永久的見證,提醒我們「神在基督裡已經為我們所成就的」與「我們因信與主聯合,所得的新人身份」。所以我們應當在「受洗之後」,一生不斷的跟進,根據「洗禮」的真理來過基督徒生活,長大成熟,滿有基督長成的身量。
(3) 洗禮提醒每位聖約子民思想回顧自己受洗之後,是如何過聖約生活: 基督已經將他的名放在你身上,稱你為屬他的子民;他呼召你認罪悔改,因為你犯罪是得罪你聖約的主;他呼召你在人面前承認你的信仰;為主而活一舉一動有新生的樣式,因為祂以自己兒子的寶血作為印記,與你立約。

4. 洗禮表明我們是主內一體「一主、一信、一洗」One Body in Christ
(1) 受洗者已經受洗歸入基督,成為主基督有形教會的一分子,全會眾都應當接納他。因為「我們都從一位聖靈受洗,成了一個身體」(林前12:13)
(2) 每位受過洗的信徒,在主基督裡彼此互為肢體(4:32)。基督稱我們每位弟兄姊妹為屬他的,並且召我們來在愛中彼此服事。
(3) 你應該在神面前委身自己,在至聖的真道上與信徒團契中,以敬虔榜樣、禱告、鼓勵來幫助受洗者的靈命成長。

結論: 受洗與受洗之後
1. 受洗是奉主耶穌基督的名加入教會,與神的子民一同享受主內的相交團契,特別是參與領受聖餐。在每日生活中繼續堅信持守你所承認的信仰,謙卑倚靠神的恩典,勤勉使用施恩的媒介---特別是聖道、聖禮、禱告。
2. 在平安中確信: 你若在人前承認基督,他必在天父面前承認你。願那賜諸般恩典的神,曾在基督裡召你、得享他永遠的榮耀,等你暫受苦難之後,成全你、堅固你、賜力量給你們。願榮耀權能都歸給他,直到永遠,阿們。(彼前5:10-11)
3. 感謝主,你已經受洗歸入主的名下。懇求主施恩使你能成為守約者,每日向罪死,在基督裡一舉一動有新生的樣式。
4. 我們需要在「洗禮」上跟進長進。我們應隨時謹記在心:「我是受過洗的人」,特別是在遭受試探時。每當我們參加施行「洗禮」的聚會時,更當回想自己當初受洗時與現今的靈命光景,儆醒禱告,悔改感恩。我們應當特別留意下列「受洗之後」的跟進方法:
(1) 以認真與感恩的心,來思想:「洗禮」的本質,主基督設立「洗禮」的目的,「洗禮」所帶來與印證的恩典與權益,在「洗禮」中我們所發的莊重誓言;
(2) 謙卑悔改,為了我們被罪玷污,虧負「洗禮」的恩典,背離「洗禮」中我們的承諾;
(3) 操練長進,享受「洗禮」中所印證給我們的赦罪確據,與其他一切恩福;
(4) 從「基督的死與復活」支取力量,因我們是受洗歸入基督,在罪上死,在恩典中活;
(5) 竭力靠主因信而活,在公義聖潔中說話行事,因為我們已經藉「洗禮」歸入基督之聖名;
(6) 彼此相愛如弟兄姊妹,因我們是由同一位聖靈受洗,成了一個身體。
5. 既然「洗禮」是「聖約」的「入門記號」與「施恩的媒介」,所以以上這些增進「洗禮」果效的生活方式,必須落實在「聖約家庭」架構中。我們無論在個人,家庭,教會中,都應結出「洗禮」的果子,榮神益人。
6. 受洗之後,你繼續在主基督的聖名「耶穌」裡,經歷「以馬內利」(13:20-21)

1. 你受洗了沒有? 你當初受洗的原因為何? 洗禮與「以馬內利」有何關聯? 你能從馬太1:21-2328:19-20來解釋麼?
2. 受洗是表明委身於聖約,公開告白聖約的信仰,承認救恩福音的真理,有那些要點?
3. 洗禮見證受洗者與主耶穌基督聯合,與主合一,有那些經文證據? 洗禮是恩典之約的記號,印證了甚麼?
4主在洗禮之中向受洗者施恩典,洗禮的果效是一生之久,洗禮不斷的提醒我們什麼? 你從受洗之後直到如今,是如何過聖約生活? 有沒有繼續長進,操練敬虔?
5. 為何說洗禮表明我們受洗者在主基督裡成為一體? 有哪些經文根據? 你的教會生活狀況如何? 是否活出肢體合而為一的見證? 如何改進?
6. 洗禮的意義是「與主聯合」,聖餐的意義是甚麼? (林前10:16-1711:23-29) 二者有何關聯? 沒有受洗的人,不可領聖餐,原因何在? 洗禮是一生一次,聖餐則是繼續多次領受,原因何在?

反省過去Reflectingon the Past

[每日靈修] 9/4/2018,  駱鴻銘編譯

在聖經對時間的分類中,有一個重大的區分,就是對「時序」(chronos)和「時機」(kairos)所作的區分。這個區別內含了一個假設:一些個別時刻可以對人的一生產生巨大的影響。新約聖經特別是像這樣:「時序」是指正常線性時間的流逝;一刻接一刻,日日夜夜、歲歲年年。「時機」則是指時間中具有特殊意義的特定時刻。這是賦予歷史恆久意義的時刻。聖經中具有劃時代意義的時刻(kairotic moments)包括出埃及、膏立掃羅、被擄、耶穌降生、十字架。





詩篇卅13 耶和華啊,我要尊崇你,因為你曾提拔我,不叫仇敵向我誇耀。 耶和華我的神啊,我曾呼求你,你醫治了我。 耶和華啊,你曾把我的靈魂從陰間救上來,使我存活,不至於下坑。

Reflecting on the Past

In biblical categories of time, an important distinction is made between chronos and kairos. This distinction carries within it the assumption that individual moments can have a dynamic impact on a whole life. The New Testament distinctive is like this: chronos refers to the normal linear passing of time; moment by moment, day by day, year by year. Kairos refers to a specific moment within time that is of crucial significance. It is the moment that gives lasting significance to history. Examples of kairotic moments in the Bible would be the exodus, the anointing of Saul, the exile, the birth of Jesus, and the cross.

Perhaps the closest thing we have to this distinction is the words historical and historic. Every event that takes place in June is historical, but not every event is historic. Historic events change the course of history and become the cause of future celebration, mourning, or memorial. The signing of the Declaration of Independence was historic, as were the first human steps on the moon.

Within our private individual lives, there are also historic moments, special events that shape and mold our personalities and the direction of our energies. Each of us has fruitful moments in our lives. What we want the most from life will often be “meshed” or “disguised” beneath the veneer of our nostalgic memories. If we delve more deeply in these memories, we can discover a great deal about who we are. Reflections on things of the past you might prefer to forget may provoke feelings of guilt and/or fear. Yet we must live with our past.

The historic in our lives defines our history. There is a real sense in which we are our history. I cannot disassociate my identity from the past. Even if I become a “new person” in Christ, I still carry the “old man” around with me until I die.

Coram Deo
What feelings emerge when you reflect on your past? Are there unresolved issues you need to resolve?

Passages for Further Study
Psalm 30:1–3

效法父Imitatingthe Father

[每日靈修] 9/3/2018駱鴻銘編譯






8) 從前你們是暗昧的,但如今在主裡面是光明的,行事為人就當像光明的子女。9) 光明所結的果子就是一切良善、公義、誠實。10) 總要察驗何為主所喜悅的事。11) 那暗昧無益的事,不要與人同行,倒要責備行這事的人;

Imitating the Father

If we are to search out the depths and riches of the meaning of God’s love, we can approach our quest in two ways. We can work from the top down or from the bottom up. By working from the top down, we can focus on everything the Bible says about the character of God’s love, seeing the full expression of the declaration that “God is love,” and then seeing how that dimension of God’s character is to be reflected by His image-bearers.

Or we can proceed from the bottom up, reflecting on God’s commandments to us regarding love, and discern from this light of His law something of His own character that stands behind His law and out of which His perfect law proceeds.

The apostle Paul calls us to imitate God, which is carried out by walking in love (Eph. 5:1–2). Next, this imitation is viewed as an imitation of Christ—in that Christ, as the new Adam, perfectly demonstrates the character of the Father’s love. He is the Beloved of the Father. He is the supreme lover of God and lover of our souls as well. He shows love both in its vertical and horizontal relationships.

Coram Deo
Meditate today on God’s love and the supreme example of love, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Passages for Further Study
Ephesians 5:1–2  Ephesians 5:8–11

學習愛Learningto Love

[每日靈修] 9/2/2018駱鴻銘編譯







Learning to Love

Love is a popular topic, one that evokes warm feelings and a rush of spiritual adrenaline. Every year the polls indicate that the chapter of the Bible voted “most popular” is 1 Corinthians 13. This is the famous “love chapter” of the Bible. That this chapter holds such perennial appeal for Christians indicates something of the profound concern we have for the matter of love.

1 Corinthians 13 is a double-edged sword, however. It not only comforts us with an inspiring and exalted rhapsody of love, it also presents a portrait of the nature of love so clearly that it reveals the flaws and warts of our feeble exercise of love. It shows us how unloving we are. It sets the bar, presenting a norm of love that condemns us for falling so miserably short of it.

Perhaps our delight in the love chapter rests upon a superficial nod toward this biblical paean of love. Maybe we read its eloquent words as if they were merely the lyrics of a romantic ballad. But once we probe the content of the chapter, discomfort inevitably sets in.

The ultimate norm of love is God Himself. His love is utterly perfect, containing no shadow that would obscure its brilliant purity.

Coram Deo
Prayerfully study 1 Corinthians 13. How does your love measure up to these standards?

Passages for Further Study
1 Corinthians 13:1–3

結出果子Producing Fruit

[每日靈修] 9/2/2018,  駱鴻銘編譯



每個基督徒彰顯聖靈果子的程度會有不同,甚至個別的基督徒,在人生不同時期也會有不同程度的表現。產生果子的是聖靈。聖靈果子是聖靈成聖工作的一部分。成聖不是神單方面的工作(monergistic work),而是人與神共同的工作(synergistic):它涉及到、也需要信徒的合作。我們正在作成得救的功夫,與此同時,神也在我們心裏運行(譯按:腓二13)。




Producing Fruit

One cannot be a Christian and have no fruit. Indeed, all Christians yield some measure of all the fruit of the Spirit. It is not that one receives the fruit of love and another the fruit of joy. All the fruit is to be manifest in all Christians.

The degree of the manifestation of the fruit of the Spirit may vary from Christian to Christian, and even episodically in the individual Christian’s life. The Holy Spirit produces the fruit. The fruit of the Spirit is part of the Spirit’s work of sanctification. Sanctification is not a monergistic work; it is synergistic: It involves and requires the cooperation of the believer. We are working out our salvation while at the same time God is working within us.

All of our labor in sanctification would yield no fruit if God were not working in us. Ultimately, it is His fruit in that He is the source of it and power for it. But the full measure of the fruit of the Spirit requires that we work. We are to work not casually or occasionally. Our labor is to be done in fear and trembling.

Coram Deo
God is at work within you. Are you cooperating?

Passages for Further Study
Hebrews 10:10  Hebrews 10:14  1 Corinthians 6:11

經歷超自然的喜樂Experiencing Supernatural Joy

[每日靈修] 8/31/2018駱鴻銘編譯



耶穌也說到祂存在我們裏面的喜樂的目標或目的,即我們的喜樂可以滿足。「滿足 [full]」(新譯本作:滿溢)這個詞是指一種程度,在這句話裏是最高的程度。沒有比滿溢的喜樂更大的喜樂了。我們會經歷到部分的喜樂,或比滿溢的喜樂更少的喜樂,不是因為耶穌的喜樂會有上下起伏,而是因為我們在基督裏面的程度會有上下起伏。




Experiencing Supernatural Joy

In John’s Gospel, Jesus expounded His declaration that He is the vine and we are the branches: “These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full” (John 15:11).

This text indicates that the joy of the Christian is not the natural joy of human life. It is a supernatural joy insofar as it has a supernatural source. It is the work of Christ within us. Though Jesus spoke of His joy being in us, it is still our joy once it is in us. He is its source and its power, but it is still our joy.

Jesus also spoke of the end or purpose of His joy remaining in us, namely, that our joy may be full. The term full speaks of a degree, in this case an ultimate degree. There is no more joy than full joy. Yet we can experience partial joy or less than full joy, not because there are fluctuations in Jesus’ joy, but because there are fluctuations in the degree of our abiding in Christ.

We cannot fall out of Christ, but in the process of sanctification we experience greater and/or lesser degrees of clinging closely to Him. Here our wills are important in that we are called to abide in Christ.

Coram Deo
Ask God for supernatural joy to flood your life.

Passages for Further Study
John 15:11  Isaiah 61:1, 3  Isaiah 61:7