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回答終極的問題Answering the UltimateQuestion

[每日靈修] 1/21/2019,  駱鴻銘編譯




目的如何影響您的日常生活 - 您的優先事項,計劃和活動?

弗三811 我本來比眾聖徒中最小的還小,然而他還賜我這恩典,叫我把基督那測不透的豐富傳給外邦人, 又使眾人都明白,這歷代以來隱藏在創造萬物之神裏的奧秘是如何安排的, 為要藉著教會使天上執政的、掌權的,現在得知神百般的智慧。 這是照神從萬世以前,在我們主基督耶穌裏所定的旨意。

Answering the Ultimate Question

“Why?” This simple question, which we utter many times a day, is loaded with assumptions of what philosophers call teleology. Teleology is the study of design and purpose. It comes from the Greek word telos, which is sprinkled liberally through the New Testament.

We seek to discover the reason things happen as they do. Why does the rain fall? Why does the earth turn on its axis? Why did you say what you said? When we raise the question of purpose, we are concerned with ends, aims, and goals. All of these terms suggest intent. They assume meaning rather than meaninglessness.

The cynic may respond to the question “Why?” with a glib retort: “Why not?” Yet even in this response there is a thinly veiled commitment to purpose. If we give a reason for not doing something, we are saying that the negative serves a purpose or fulfills a goal. Human beings are creatures committed to purpose. Intent informs our actions.

Coram Deo
How does purpose affect your daily life—your priorities, plans, and activities?

Passages for Further Study
Ephesians 3:8-11