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穿上祂的義BeingClothed in His Righteousness

[每日靈修1/30/2019,  駱鴻銘編譯





啟三5 凡得勝的必這樣穿白衣,我也必不從生命冊上塗抹他的名;且要在我父面前,和我父眾使者面前,認他的名。
詩一一一3 祂所行的是尊榮和威嚴;祂的公義存到永遠。
彼後三14 親愛的弟兄啊,你們既盼望這些事,就當殷勤,使自己沒有玷污,無可指摘,安然見主;

Being Clothed in His Righteousness

The church is our mother, but it is Christ’s bride. In this role, we are the objects of Christ’s affection. We, corporately, are His beloved. Stained and wrinkled, in ourselves we are anything but holy. When we say that the church is holy or refer to her as “holy mother church,” we do so with the knowledge that her holiness is not intrinsic but derived and dependent upon the One who sanctifies her and covers her with the cloak of His righteousness.

As the sensitive husband shelters his wife and in a chivalrous manner lends her his coat when she is chilled, so we are clad from on high by a husband who stops at nothing to defend, protect, and care for His betrothed. His is the ultimate chivalry, a chivalry that no upheaval of earthly custom can eradicate or make passé. This chivalry is not dead because it cannot die.

The bride of Christ is soiled but will one day be presented spotless to the Father by the Son who bought her, who loves her, and who intercedes for her every day. If we love Christ, we must also love His bride. If we love Christ, we must love His church.

Coram Deo
Ask God to rekindle your love for members of the body of Christ, the true church.

Passages for Further Study
Revelation 3:5
Psalm 111:3
2 Peter 3:14