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 摘錄/编译者 : shane lems/诚之

「从某种意义来说,道德律对信徒来说已经被废止了:1) 就称义来说。信徒不是靠他们顺服道德律而被称义的。信徒应该善用道德律,但是他们必须唯独信靠基督的义(不能靠自己行全部律法的义),以得到救恩。2) 从律法的咒诅来说。因著基督在十字架上所完成的(加三13),信徒已经脱离律法的咒诅和定罪的权势。」



汤姆华森,十诫,44页。Thomas Watson, The Ten Commandments, p. 44.


The Christian and God’s Law Aug
by Reformed Reader

The Christian and God’s Law AugI appreciate Thomas Watson’s explanation of the relationship between the Christian and God’s moral law.  This might be considered a commentary on the Westminster Larger Catechism Q/A 97 (“What special use is there of the moral law to the regenerate?”).  Note: I’ve slightly edited the following quote for length.

 “In some sense [the moral law] is abolished to believers: 1) With respect to justification.  They are not justified by their obedience to the moral law.  Believers are to make great use of the moral law, but they must trust only Christ’s righteousness for salvation.  2) With respect of its curses.  Believers are freed from the law’s curse and condemnatory power because of what Christ has done on the cross (Gal. 3.13).

“…But though the moral law be thus far abolished, it remains as a perpetual rule to believers.  Though it be not their Savior, it is their guide.  Though it be not ‘foedus,’ a covenant of life, yet it is a ‘norma,’ a rule of life.  Though a Christian is not under the condemning power of the law, yet he is under its commanding power.  To love God, to reverence and obey him, is a law which always binds and will bind in heaven.”

 “This I urge against the Antinomians, who say the moral law is abrogated to believers; which, as it contradicts Scripture, so it is a key to open the door to all licentiousness.  They who will not have the law to rule them shall never have the gospel to save them” (p. 44).

Thomas Watson, The Ten Commandments, p. 44.

rev shane lemsby Reformed Reader