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行為之約  Covenant ofWorks (Creation)

聖約神學課程  三、行為之約  Covenant of Works (Creation)
作者:Dr. J. Ligon Duncan   譯者:駱鴻銘

如果你有帶聖經,請跟著我打開創世記第一章。我們上週讀過這段經文,我們再讀一次。我們把焦點放在一章24節以下If you have your Bibles, I would invite you to open with me to Genesis 1.  We read the passage last week, and we will look at it again.  In Genesis 1 we will focus on verse 24 and following.

上帝說「地要生出活物來各從其類牲畜、昆蟲、野獸各從其類。」事就這樣成了。於是上帝造出野獸,各從其類;牲畜,各從其類;地上一切昆蟲,各從其類。上帝看著是好的。上帝說:「我們要照著我們的形像、按著我們的樣式造人,使他們管理海裡的魚、空中的鳥、地上的牲畜,和全地,並地上所爬的一切昆蟲。」上帝就照著自己的形像造人,乃是照著他的形像造男造女。上帝就賜福給他們,又對他們說:「要生養眾多,遍滿地面,治理這地,也要管理海裡的魚、空中的鳥,和地上各樣行動的活物。」上帝說:「看哪,我將遍地上一切結種子的菜蔬和一切樹上所結有核的果子全賜給你們作食物。至於地上的走獸和空中的飛鳥,並各樣爬在地上有生命的物,我將青草賜給他們作食物。」事就這樣成了。上帝看著一切所造的都甚好。有晚上,有早晨,是第六日。天地萬物都造齊了。到第七日,上帝造物的工已經完畢,就在第七日歇了他一切的工,安息了。上帝賜福給第七日,定為聖日;因為在這日,上帝歇了他一切創造的工,就安息了。創一24~二1-3Then God said, Let the earth bring forth living creatures after their kind: cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth after their kind”; and it was so. And God made the beasts of the earth after their kind, and the cattle after their kind, and everything that creeps on the ground after its kind; and God saw that it was good. Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. And God blessed them; and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” Then God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you; and to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the sky and to every thing that moves on the earth which has life, I have given every green plant for food”; and it was so. And God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day. Thus the heavens and the earth were completed, and all their hosts. And by the seventh day God completed His work which He had done; and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.

以上是上帝默示的聖言願祂加添祝福。讓我們一同禱告Thus ends this reading of Gods holy and inspired Word, may He add His blessing to it.  Lets look to Him now in prayer.

我們的父我們感謝你賜下你的聖道當我們開始研讀專注在包含在聖經裡的聖約我們禱告求你打開我們的眼睛好讓我們對你聖道中的真理有清楚的認識我們會被真理的榮耀所折服、所俘虜好讓我們能夠向其他人傳遞這個真理。奉耶穌基督的名。阿們。Our Father we thank You for this Word, and as we begin to study it, concentrating on the truth of the covenant contained therein, we pray that our eyes would be opened that we would have a clear understanding of the truth of Your Word, that we would be captivated by the glory of that truth and that we would be better enabled to communicate that truth to others.  We ask these things in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

 The Exegetical Basis of the Covenant of Works

今天我要開始和各位一起看行為之約的解經基礎。當然我們會集中來看創世記第一、二章。從某個意義來說,創世記一章1節到創世記二章3節是創世記二章4節到二章1724節盟約公式的序言。自由派習慣在這裡大做文章,說這裡有兩個互相矛盾的創世記載。我相信我們所有的人都會明白,不可能會有這麼差勁的編輯,偶然地、隨意地把兩個可以互相替代的、彼此矛盾的創世記載並排放在他所編輯的書中;像創世記的編輯者,很明顯是很有才華的人,更不可能這麼作。因此把這兩個記錄放在一起是有神學和文學上的理由的。I want to begin today looking with you at the exegetical basis of the Covenant of Works.  And that means of course, concentrating closely on Genesis 1 and 2.  There is a sense in which Genesis 1:1 through Genesis 2: 3 serves as a preface for the covenantal formulation of Genesis 2:4 – Genesis 2:17 or 24, however you want to divide it.  Liberals used to make much about these supposedly two alternative and contradictory creational accounts.  I trust that all of us understand that nobody could possibly be so bad an editor, to accidentally, unwittingly put two creational accounts which were in fact alternative and contradictory side by side and leave them in the book that he had edited.  And certainly no one as talented as the person who edited Genesis clearly is. So understand that there is a theological, as well as a literary agenda, for placing these two accounts side by side.

如同你所看到的所謂的第一個創世記載從創一1到創二3明顯的是把人放在上帝原始創造秩序的脈絡下。然後從創二4開始,是把焦點放在上帝與人的關係本質上。事實上,在創一1~二3所介紹的主題,在創二4被重新討論,加以放大。因此這兩個記載有非常明顯的文學和神學上的關聯。它們被安放在這裡,並不會對我們造成傷害。從神學角度來說,他們不是以一種不負責任的方式被放在這裡的;它們在邏輯上和神學上是互為根基的。And as you see the first so-called account of creation from Genesis 1:1 running to Genesis 2:3, it is clear that the focus is to put man in context in God’s original created order.  And then beginning in Genesis 2:4 there will be significantly more concentration on the nature of the relationship between God and man.  In fact, themes that are introduced in Genesis 1:1 – 2:3 will be taken up again in Genesis 2:4 and following and amplified.  So there is every sign of literary and theological connection between these two accounts.  They are not placed here in a haphazard way.  They are not placed here in an irresponsible way theologically.  They logically and theologically build on one another.

當我們看創世記載本身很明顯這個記載的高潮是在第六天。這不是因為第六天是創造日的最後一天,而是因為在第六天,上帝宣告人要按上帝的形象被造。我們從24節起,讀到了第六天的記載,應該足以讓你們感受到這裡使用的語言的文學氣氛。注意上帝在24節強調的,「地要生出活物來,各從其類」。這是強調生物要按照它們的種類、屬、物種而產生後代。它強調牲畜、昆蟲、野獸會被產生出來,怎麼產生呢?各從其類。會從與牠們最初被造時相似的物種而產生。在25節又強調一次:「於是上帝造出野獸,各從其類;牲畜,各從其類;地上一切昆蟲,各從其類。上帝看著是好的。」因此上帝原始的創造是好的但祂是按照種類來創造的。Now having said that as we look at the creation account itself, it is very apparent that the culmination of this account is in the sixth day.  And that is not just because the sixth day is the last of the creative days.  It is because in that day, the announcement of the creation of man in the image of God is made and we read enough of that sixth day account beginning in verse 24 to give you the literary feel for the language that has already been used.  Notice what God stresses in verse 24, “let the earth bring forth creatures after their kind.”  So it is stressed that creatures after their kind, after their genus, after their species are from henceforth and forever going to be brought forth.  It is stressed that cattle and creeping things and beasts all will be produced. How?  After their kind.  In the likeness of the genus in which they were originally created and then it is stressed again in verse 25: God made the beasts of the earth after their kind.  The cattle after their kind.  Everything that creeps on the ground after its kind and God saw that it was good.  And so His original creation is good but He is making things according to their kind.

接著是26一個里程碑的宣告宣告什麼呢「上帝說我們要照著我們的形像、按著我們的樣式造人」。你馬上會看到野獸是按照牠們的種類被造,而人是按照上帝的形象被造的。如此,正如一位牧師所說,「我們可以用敬畏的心說,當地上的動物是按照牠們的種類被造時,人卻是按照上帝的種屬被造的」。好,這種說法是很嚇人的,我們不是要強調另一位牧師所說,「從神學上來說,我們是小神」,但是我們要認識到這裡所說的是什麼意思。人與動物屬於完全不同的等級,你馬上就會看到聖經的人類學和世俗演化論的人類學之間,根本的、而且是無法化解的衝突。他們說,我們也是動物界的一員,和動物基本上沒有什麼兩樣。我們只是高度進化的動物而已。聖經絲毫不留情面地直接駁斥了這種看法:「不,人類和動物不是同一種物種。他們是上帝獨特的創造,是為了承載祂的形象而被造的」。我們從24-26節就可以看出人和動物界有著巨大的鴻溝,這個差距是耶和華以祂的話,將它放置在那裡的,人被放在一個被高舉的地位。在此之前所敘述的,都是為了向人類闡釋他在宇宙中的地位。當我們一起看這段經文,從26節以下,我要說清楚,「人是按照上帝形象被造」是什麼意思。然後我們會稍微詳細地解釋人與上帝之間的關係,其本質是什麼。當我們看這段經文時,會深入討論,不過要等到我們看創二4,和後面的經文時才會展開。And then there comes this monumental announcement in verse 26, and that announcement is what? Then God said, let us make man in Our image and you see immediately the contrast between the beasts being made after their kind and man being made after God’s image.  And so we can remember, some of us, who heard Nigel Cameron preach back in the spring at First Presbyterian Church, tremblingly he said, “We may say reverently that whereas the beasts of the earth are made after their kind, man is of the genus of God.”  Now, that is a shocking way of putting it and we don’t want to stress that in some sort of a Kenneth Hagan way—we are “little gods” theologically—but recognize what is being said about man here.  Man is of an altogether different order and you see immediately a fundamental and unresolvable clash between a biblical anthropology and a secular evolutionary anthropology which says we are of the same basic stuff as the animal world.  We are simply a more highly evolved animal.  And in bold and in direct refutation and confrontation with that kind of view, the Bible says “No, human beings are not of the same kind, or species or genus as the animal creation.  They are a unique creation of God, uniquely created by Him to bear His image.”  And so you can see even looking at verses 24 and 25 and 26, this chasm that is being put between man and the animal creation by the Lord in His Word, and the exalted position.  So everything has been building to this moment to explain to man the place that he has in the universe.  And so as we look at this passage together, especially from verse 26 on down, I want to make clear what it means for man to be made in the image of God.  And then we will move on to explain a little bit in detail about the nature of the relationship that man has with God.  We will get into a little of that as we look at this passage, but it will be expanded when we look at Genesis 2:4 and following. 

The Creation Ordinances

創造的律例creation ordinance是什麼意思呢意思是當上帝原先創造這個世界時編織到上帝所造萬物裡面的一種模式。(重覆)倘若你讀過約翰慕理的《行為的原則》,慕理提出了七個創造律例。也許最常聽到的是三個律例。我在乎的不是數量而是希望大家能領會創造律例的這個觀念。What is meant by a creation ordinance?  By a creation ordinance, we mean a pattern of responsibility woven into the very fabric of the creation by God as He originally made it.  A pattern of responsibility woven into the very fabric of creation as He originally created it.  If you have read John Murray’s Principles of Conduct, Murray comes up with seven creation ordinances.  Perhaps most frequently we hear of three creation ordinances.  I am not so concerned about the numbering as I am of us grasping the concepts of these creation ordinances.

1. 第一個創造律例是繁殖的律例。創世記一28:「要生養眾多,遍滿地面」。這是在創世記第一章給的第一個創造律例。當然,這和婚姻是直接有關的,等我們到二章23-24節時會看到。很顯然,這個律例對成全後面的工作和統治的使命來說是最基本的。亞當和夏娃是兩個獨立的人,無論他們在尚未墮落時有多大能力,也無法駕馭整個地球。他們必須能夠生養後代,才能制服、指揮上帝所建立的世界。這個律例在創世記第一、二章說明得很清楚,也必須要在彼此承諾的約定,即婚姻中才能表達出來。因此這是一個義務、也是祝福(重覆)。你能想像上帝臨到亞當,然後亞當回答說,「這是我必須要作的嗎?」「是的,這是個義務和祝福。要生養眾多。」你會看到,這是對亞當要有一個家庭的祝福。亞當在他必須要做的工作上,需要兒女來協助。因此,它是作為一個家庭的祝福,是要給他全家的,也是履行工作和統治使命所必須的。1. The first creation ordinance that we see there is the ordinance of procreation.   Genesis 1:28.  The ordinance of procreation.   Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.”  This is the first of the creation ordinances given in Genesis 1 and, of course, it is related directly to marriage as we will see when we finally get over to Genesis 2:23-24.  And it is obviously essential for the fulfillment of the later mandates of labor and dominion.  Adam and Eve as two isolated individuals, no matter how powerful in their capacities as unfallen human beings, can’t subdue the whole of this globe.  There has got to be procreation in order to harness and order the world as God has established it.  And this ordinance, it is made clear in Genesis 1 and 2, was to be expressed only within the bonds of mutual commitment, that is, marriage.  So this is an obligation and a blessing.  It is an obligation and a blessing. Can you imagine God coming to Adam, and Adam responding, “Do I have to?”  “Yes.  It is an obligation and a blessing.  Be fruitful and multiply.” And there again you see it is a blessing to Adam as a family.  Adam needs sons and daughters to help him in the work that he has to do.  And so it serves as a familial blessing for his family as a whole, as well as something essential to the fulfillment of the mandates for labor and dominion.

2. 第二個律例是工作的律例。「遍滿地面,征服、治理這地」。注意這個律例有兩部分:工作的使命,和治理的祝福。他必須要工作,但是上帝設定了被造的萬物,讓次等的生物會懼怕人,尊敬人的地位和權威,而這個統治的使命必然會表現在工作或勞動中,因此,工作是好的。工作是原始創造秩序的一部分。當我們到天上,我們不是躺在舒服的床上或為此而去的。在天上我們會有工作要做,我們原先被造就是要如此。但是不會有折磨,不會有沮喪,不會疲累,而是會有充分發揮我們才能的工作。人的治理會表現在兩方面從經文可以看到首先是制服大地再來是治理動物。2. The second ordinance that we see, we also see in verse 1:28, and that is the ordinance of labor.  The ordinance of labor.  Fill the earth and subdue it and rule.  Now notice the two parts of this ordinance.  The mandate is to work.  The blessing is that God has given man rule.  He is mandated to work, but God has set up the creation so that the lower creation fears man, respects his position of authority, and this dominion mandate expresses itself necessarily in work or labor and thus, work is good.  Work is part of the original created order.  When we go to heaven, we are not going to heaven either on flowery beds of ease or for flowery beds of ease.  There will be work in heaven.  That is what we were originally created for.  There will be no toil.   There will be no frustration.  There will be no tiredness.  But there will be fulfilling work.  The dominion of man was to be expressed in two spheres.  You see it in this passage, first in the subduing of the earth and second in the ruling over the animals.

這個工作的律例甚至也隱含在創二1-3的安息日律例當中因為安息日的律例是做什麼的呢為工作定出界限。它是要告訴人,你不能老是在工作。但是它也暗示在其他六天工作的義務。因此,人的義務是什麼呢?繁殖、工作。他要把上帝君尊的統治表現出來。在工作中會有什麼祝福呢?不只是工作上的滿足,也在上帝賜予他的統治,讓他治理上帝所造的世界。And let me go on to say that this labor ordinance was implicit even in the Sabbath ordinance of Genesis 2:1-3, because what does the Sabbath ordinance do?  It puts a limit on labor.  It says to man, you can’t work all the time.  But it implies the obligation of work on the other six days.  So, what are man’s obligations?  Procreation.  Labor.  He is to express dominion.  How is blessing entailed in his labor?  Not only in the satisfaction of that labor, but also in the dominion that God has given him, the rule that God has given him over his creation.

3. 然後是安息日的律例。我們在創二3看到這點「上帝賜福給第七日定為聖日」。第七日的記號是上帝特殊創造工作的完成。祂的工作在第六日完成了,創造之工已經成就了。這不是說祂今天完全沒有活動。祂繼續施行護理之工,保存、統管祂所造的萬物,但是這個字,「完成」(finished)這個字,摩西也用在出埃及記四十章33節,會幕完工了,還有代下七11,聖殿造成了,以及耶穌在約翰福音十九章33節,救贖完成了。同樣的觀念同樣的用詞。3. Then, the ordinance of the Sabbath.  We see this in Genesis 2:3: “God blessed the Sabbath and sanctified it.”  This seventh day is marked by the completion of God’s special created work; His labor was finished in the first six days.  The work of creation as such is done.  That doesn’t mean that He is inactive.  He continues to work in providence in preserving and governing His creation, but the same word, finished, is used here as it is used of Moses finishing the tabernacle in Exodus 40:23, and of Solomon finishing the temple in II Chronicles 7:11, and of Jesus finishing the redemption in John 19:33.  The same concept used here—same term.

另外要注意到歇了的工是指創造的工作。上帝所完成的創造之工,聖經用這些字給印上了印記:「祂歇了」。這裡是暗示祂停止了特殊創造的活動。如同我們說過的,這不是說上帝今天不再活動了,祂繼續滋養宇宙萬物,可以從以下看到。Notice also that these labors which are rested from are the creational labors.  Gods finished work of creation is sealed with these words, He rested.”  And what is being implied is cessation from that special creational activity.  As we said, that doesn’t mean that God is inactive; He continues to nurture, and that is seen from the following.

首先,我們可以從主耶穌對安息日的建設性用法裡看出端倪。法利賽人的安息日大致上只是負面的安息日,內容是停止某些活動,而主耶穌的安息日是一個正面積極的安息日,除了敬拜以外,還充滿了憐憫和必要的行動。例如,見約翰福音五章15-17節:耶穌就對他們說:「我父做事直到如今,我也作事。」因此祂是表明上帝從創造的工作歇止了但是不代表上帝在安息日完全不活動。這只是說明上帝活動的焦點已經轉變了。First, we see it from our Lords constructive use of the Sabbath.  The Pharisees’ Sabbath was by and large merely a negative Sabbath entailing cessation from certain activities, whereas the Lord’s Sabbath was actively a Sabbath of deeds of mercy and necessity in addition to worship.  For an example, see John 5:15-17: “The man went away, and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had made him well. And for this reason the Jews were persecuting Jesus, because He was doing these things on the Sabbath.  But He answered them, ‘My Father is working until now, and I Myself am working.’”  So he indicates that God’s cessation from the creational activity doesn’t mean that God is utterly inactive on the Sabbath.  It just means that the focus of that activity has changed.

其次,耶穌保存了安息日的創造模式。這個創造模式是什麼呢,就是安息日同時是有福的,也是聖潔的。它是個祝福,也是要被分別為聖的,同時有這兩方面。再次說,這裡我們看到,安息日的創造律例如何同時是義務也是祝福。原始的安息日同時是祝福和義務。注意耶穌在馬可福音二章27-28所說的話:「安息日是為人設立的,人不是為安息日設立的。所以人子也是安息日的主。」Second, Jesus preservation of the creational pattern of the Sabbath.  And what is that creational pattern, that the Sabbath is both blessed and holy.  It is both a blessing and something to be set apart.  Both of those aspects.  And once again, here we are seeing how the creation ordinance of the Sabbath is both an obligation and a blessing.  The original Sabbath was both a blessing and an obligation.  Notice Jesus’ words of it, about it in Mark 2:27-28.  “And He was saying to them, "The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.”

注意這裡所強調的上帝把安息日賜給人是作為祝福。人不是為安息日而被造的安息日是為了人的緣故被設立的是為了他的好處。這是上帝給人的祝福。安息日的另外一方面是什麼呢?所以,人子也是安息日的主。這是主日。我們在那天對主有一個義務,要以敬拜、憐憫和必要的行動來遵行祂的道路,正如祂守安息日一樣。所以我們在耶穌在馬可福音二章對安息日的解釋中,看到這個祝福和守日、祝福和義務、祝福和責任的模式。Notice what is being stressed there: that man was given the Sabbath as a blessing.  Man wasn’t created for the sake of the Sabbath.  The Sabbath was created for the sake of man.  It was for his good.  It was a blessing of God to him.  And what is the other side of it?  So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.  It is the Lord’s day.  We have an obligation to the Lord that day to follow in His way with worship, deeds of mercy and necessity, just as He observed that day.  So we see that pattern of blessing and hallowing, of blessing and obligation, of blessing in responsibility upheld in Jesus’ explanation of the Sabbath in Mark 2.

最後,我們在創世記看到,又在希伯來書第三章看到的,上帝的安息日是給人的禮物。(重覆)上帝不需要休息,這是耶穌在馬可福音第二章所說的重點。上帝不需要休息。祂歇息是因為你需要休息。因此祂的歇息對祂來說不是必要的。你才需要休息,而祂是出於愛你才歇息的。祂是為你的緣故才歇息的,這是希伯來書三章7節~四章11節所說的。對信徒來說,安息日不只是祝福,也是未來安息的應許。因此安息日是一個為了獲得養分,為了屬靈生命、為了敬拜和服事的日子。Then, finally, as we saw from Genesis and as we see again in Hebrews 3, God’s Sabbath was a gift to man.  God’s Sabbath was a gift to man.  God didn’t need that rest.  That is Jesus’ whole point in Mark 2.  God didn’t need the rest.  He rested because you needed the rest.  So His very resting was not a necessity for Him.  It was something that you needed that He did out of His love for you.  So He rested for your sakes, and we learn in Hebrews 3:7-4:11 that, for believers, the Sabbath is not only a blessing, but it is a promise of a rest to come. So the Sabbath is a day for nurturing, for spiritual life, for worship and service.

創世記二章3節,我們學習到安息日被上帝分別為聖是因為祂歇了創世之工:「上帝賜福給第七日,定為聖日;因為在這日,上帝歇了祂一切創造的工,就安息了。」  因為祂的歇息(為我們的好處而作的),上帝同時賜福給安息日,也將它分別為聖。賜福的意思是祂讓那些藉著安息、敬拜、服事而將安息日分別為聖的人,可以藉著安息日得著祝福。祂將它分別為聖的意思是分別出來尊它為聖奉獻出來供作聖潔的用處。In the third verse of Genesis 2, we learn that the Sabbath is set apart and specially favored by God because of His rest from creation.  “Then God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.”  Because of His resting, which He did for our benefit, God both favored and hallowed the Sabbath.  He blessed it and He made it holy.  He blessed it in the sense that He made it an effectual means of blessing to those who sanctify it by rest, worship and service.  And He sanctified it, in the sense of making it holy or hallowed, whatever term you want to use, by consecrating it and setting it apart for a holy use.

4. The fourth ordinance that we will look at is the ordinance of marriage.  We not only have the ordinance of procreation, the ordinance of labor, the ordinance of Sabbath, but there is also the ordinance of marriage.  And the ordinance of marriage is seen in Genesis 2:24-25.  And let’s think about that for a few minutes.  It is made clear in Genesis 2:18 that man had social needs even in paradise.  Man had social needs even in paradise.  He has relational needs, human relational needs, even in paradise.  Genesis 2:18 says, “Then the LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him."

4. 我們要看的第四個創造律例是婚姻的律例。 我們不只是有繁衍的律例、工作的律例、安息日的律例,也有婚姻的律例。婚姻的律例記錄在創二24-25。讓我們花幾分鐘來思考。創世記二18說得很清楚,即使人在樂園中也有社交的需求。即使是在樂園裡,他也有關係上的需要,人類關係的需要。創世記二18節說:「那人獨居不好,我要為他造一個配偶幫助他」。

So even with everything pronounced good, God announces that “it is not good for man to be alone.”  This is the first thing that has been described in God’s creation as not good.  It is the only thing that has been described in God’s creation that is not good.  It is not good for man to be alone.  So, solitary fellowship with God even in paradise is not God’s plan for us.  By the way, you see in that verse the seed for the doctrine of the church as well.  Solitary fellowship with God is not God’s plan.  We need one another and such a plan that invites believers into individual experiences with the Lord apart from mutual relations and obligations with the body of believers ignores this basic creational human need for companionship.

Secondly, as God calls Adam to name the animals in Genesis 2:19-20, God makes Adam more aware for his need for this companionship.  As we have said before, the naming of those animals demonstrates that man is the monarch of all he surveys under God, but it also reminds Adam that there is no one out there for him, like him.  He needs a helper suitable to him, a perfect fit, a support, and an honored mutual companion.  Genesis 2:21-23 record God’s provision for this need, and man’s grateful acknowledgment of that provision to God.  God creates a companion for Adam because there was none for him before.  Woman is made for him.  Eve is made to be Adam’s crown and glory and man stands in need of her.  It is perhaps significant that Adam was asleep when she was created and so he can take no credit for her creation, for her provision, for nature.  He contributed nothing to her, except the stuff which God had already given to him.

And then in Genesis 2:23-24, God in his special creative providence establishes the very foundations of marriage.  And here we see the creation ordinance of marriage.  “For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”  Now both Moses and Christ then, see this provision of Eve for Adam as the very foundation of marriage.  Jesus makes that clear in Mark 10:6-9 where He goes right back to this passage when the issue of divorce is brought up by the Pharisees and He basically says to them, “You can’t even begin to talk about divorce until you understand marriage first.”  And where does he take them?  Right back to Genesis 2.  And I think that is important for us to remember because before we are able to reassert marriage in our culture, we need to understand what it is.  It is grounded in this creational ordinance.

And then of course in verse 25, Moses reminds us that there was no sin in this original order or relationship, and therefore, there was no shame.  They were naked, and they were not ashamed.  No sin, no shame, no barriers to relationships with one another.  No barriers with relationship to God.  That need for covering was a result of the Fall.  And so this is the fourth of the ordinances.  And again, the blessing of this relationship is obvious.  It is an ordinance, it is a mandate, but it is a blessing.  And so we see woven into Genesis 1, though the word is not mentioned, we see a binding relationship with attendant blessings and obligations.  And the blessings are set forth even as the obligations are being set out in Genesis 1:26-31.

The Covenant Established

Now with that as the background, with that as the preface, we see the establishment of this covenant relationship in Genesis 2:4-25.     First in verses 4-14, I would like you to see the blessing of the Covenant of Works set forth, the blessings of the Covenant of Works.  God’s original covenant with man was filled with privileges.  And Moses gives you a sampling of those privileges.  First in verses 4-6, he gives you a brief reminder of what the world was like before the creation was completed in the sixth days.  He gives you a synopsis of what the primordial world was like, what the form, what the shape, what the visage of the world was like before God’s completion of it.  Why does he do that?  Because he wants man to appreciate that the form of the world which he experienced in the paradise of Eden is not how the world was before God completed His six days.  It is this enormous, undeserved gift that God has given to man.  Even this paradisiacal surrounding that he has provided with Adam is a gift of God to him.  And God wants Adam to know what the world was like before He finished working on it.  It would be like taking him into a garden and saying, “Now Adam, I want you to understand this garden was not always like this.  Two years ago, it was a bed full of weeds, but this is what I have done.  And of course it is even more radical than that.  There was nothing here, and then there was a something here that was disorganized, and now, I, the Divine Creator, have organized it and filled it and blessed it and made it fruitful and I have given it to you.” So the first thing that we see in these verses is that the paradise of Eden was God’s gift to Adam.  It was one of the blessings that God gave to Adam at the very outset of the relationship.

7-9節,摩西在思想他的起源時,繼續默想著亞當的原始環境。注意這些字眼:「耶和華上帝用地上的塵土造人,將生氣吹在他鼻孔裡,他就成了有靈的活人,名叫亞當。耶和華上帝在東方的伊甸立了一個園子,把所造的人安置在那裡。耶和華上帝使各樣的樹從地裡長出來,可以悅人的眼目,其上的果子好作食物。園子當中又有生命樹和分別善惡的樹。」 因此,人是從地造出來的。上帝把自己的氣息吹到人裡面,使他成為有靈的活人,不會朽壞的人。祂造了一座花園,給人食物。在園中安置了兩棵樹。其中一棵是一個聖禮。我們等一下會談到這點。另一棵樹是一個考驗。因此,再說一次,上帝從塵土造了我們,賜福給我們。
In verses 7-9, Moses continues to meditate on the original environment of Adam as he thinks about his origin.  Notice those words, “Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being.  The Lord God planted a garden toward the east in Eden and there He placed the man whom He formed.  Out of the ground, the Lord God caused to grow every tree that is pleasing to the sight and good for food.  The tree of life in the midst of the garden, the tree of knowledge of good and evil.”  So man is formed out of the ground.  God breathes into him his own breath and makes him a living soul and immortal being.  He plants a garden.  He provides man for food.  He places two trees in that garden which are distinct from all the other trees.  One of these trees is a sacrament.  We’ll talk about it in a moment.  The other tree is a test.  So again, God, having created us from the dirt, blesses us with goodness.

Then in verses 10-14, we are reminded again of the blessing of this original relationship.  Man’s original environment is said to be perfect.  We have the description of the rivers that flowed out of Eden to water it.  We have a description of the natural resources of that land and what we have is a picture of man’s original environment as extraordinarily rich in resources, water, gold, precious stones.  So in the first verses of Genesis 2, especially from verse 4 down to verse 14, what we see are the blessings of this original relationship set forth.

接著,我們在15-17節看到這個盟約關係的責任。「耶和華上帝將那人安置在伊甸園,使他修理,看守。耶和華上帝吩咐他說:『園中各樣樹上的果子,你可以隨意吃,只是分別善惡樹上的果子,你不可吃,因為你吃的日子必定死!』」 因此我要你們看到在樂園裡,上帝與亞當建立了一個特殊的關係。至少有三方面可以看出來:(1) 上帝形象的祝福(創一26-31);(2) 安息日的預備(創二1-3);(3) 原始創造中的祝福(創二4-14)。在這幾方面,上帝都顯明祂的俯就,祂的良善,在祂與亞當建立關係中所顯明的降卑與祝福。
Then, as we continue on from verse 15 down to verse 17, we see the responsibilities of this covenant relationship.  “Then the Lord God took the man and put him into the Garden of Eden, to cultivate it and keep it.  The Lord God commanded the man saying, ‘From any tree of the Garden you may eat freely, but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it, you shall surely die.’”  So I want you to see here that in paradise, God has entered into a special relationship with Adam.  We see this in at least three ways.  We see it in the blessing of God’s image in Genesis 1:26-31, we see it in the provision of the creation Sabbath, in Genesis 2:1-3, and we see it in the blessings of the original creation given to Adam in Genesis 2:4-14.  So in each of those ways, God is showing us the kind of condescension, the kind of good and blessed condescension that He is engaged in as He enters into this relationship with Adam.

Now this relationship, of course, is undeserved in the strict sense.  And there is nothing about Adam that requires God to do this.  But notice also there is no demerit in Adam either.  There is no demerit that needs to be overcome in him.  He is created.  He is good.  He is righteous.  Just because he is created, doesn’t mean that he deserves these blessings.  God gives them to him anyway.

As we said last week, we distinguished that kind of activity of God from grace, simply because sin is not present here.  Later when he shows this kind of goodness in condescension, it will be grace-based.  Why?  Because sin is present and grace is for the purpose of overcoming sin.  There is no demerit, there is no sin here to overcome.  What God is doing is not merited.  Adam has not merited this.  We use the phrase Covenant of Works, not to say that man earned these blessings, but to express the fact that this original relationship had no provision for the continuation of God’s blessings if disobedience occurred.  So it was a covenant contingent upon Adam continuing in his obligations.  And here in Genesis 2:15-17, the specific aspect of his obligation, that is, of not eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, is brought into sharp focus.

Now that is not the only thing that Adam has to do in this relationship.  We have already seen four things that he is responsible to do.  He is responsible for procreation.  He is responsible for labor.  He is responsible to hallow the Lord’s day and he is responsible to procreate in the context of marriage.  So those things are already established as obligations.  But the negative test and obligation of this original relationship we see here in Genesis 2:17-18.  Look at the nature of this relationship.  

Let’s break it down for a few moments.  We have already said first of all that there are ordinances in this relationship.  There are positive ordinances.  Procreation, labor, Sabbath, and marriage.  So there are obligations in the relationship.  There are also prohibitions in the relationship.  We might put it this way: there are positive obligations—there are things that he is supposed to do, and there are negative obligations—there are things that he is not supposed to do.  Specifically, he is prohibited from eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  The Lord says, “From the tree of knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat.”  So you have ordinances.  Positive ordinances.  Negative ordinances.  And you have a consequence spelled out.  There is a penalty given: In the day that you eat of it, you shall surely die.  So what do we have here?  Well, we have a relationship divinely established between God and Adam.  So we have a bond.  We have life and death consequences in the penalty.  So we have a bond in blood.  And let me also say that we have blessings implied in this relationship, not only in the ordinances, but also in the presence of the tree of life, because that tree of life reappears where?  Not only in Ezekiel, but in Revelation.  And where is it?  It is in the presence of God and the company of the redeemed.  And so it is a hint of what is in store for Adam, if he is faithful in the keeping of the obligations.  

最後,我們有這些盟約的要求,即上帝以主權所設立的諭令和禁令。因此,我們有盟約的各種元素,無論你是否要把它定義為上帝以主權所設立的一個血盟,或定義為伴隨著祝福與責任的具有約束力的關係。盟約關係的各種元素都是存在的,只差沒有出現這個字。好,慕理對這點很不安,因此他不願意用「行為之約」這個詞,不願意用創造之約這個詞,他只願意說這是「亞當時期的施行」(adamic administration)。我們在後面還會再談這點。不過,讓我和你們分享一些我的猜測,看你們是否明白。倘若約這個字對這個論證這麼重要,為什麼沒有出現呢?尤其我們從羅馬書第五章看到的。好,我們可以思考一下。倘若盟約是古代近東文化的習俗,是在古代近東社會裡發展出來的,作為表達具有約束力的義務和應許的方法,有沒有可能,摩西不想把某個文化習俗中特定的用語,在它還沒有出現在人類文化之前,讀入到這個文化裡?有沒有可能,到挪亞之約的時期,盟約的語言和觀念在古代近東已經為人所知,但是在此之前,這個觀念還沒有長足的發展,以至於摩西,正因為他想要忠於歷史的記載,所以他刻意不用盟約的用語,即使這個詞的觀念從神學上來說,是完全適合用來描述當時的狀況的?在創世記第一到五章沒有出現這個字,是否可以說明,這只是當摩西在重述人生命的篇章時,他對歷史細節非常嚴格、具體而謹慎的見證而已?這只有到我們上了天堂才能問他,因為最終我們無法回答這個問題。但是我認為,倘若我們把盟約看作是古代近東很常見的人類習俗,是很有趣的。我們知道在主前第三、四千禧年時,那是非常普遍的。倘若我們把它視為上帝刻意選擇用來說明祂與祂百姓之間關係本質的一種人類習俗,很合理的推理就是,摩西在這個習俗在人類文化尚未發展出來之前的原始秩序中,會克制自己不使用這個用語。因為當上帝一旦開始使用這個習俗,事情就會發生改變,因為它不像任何人類的協議或關係。但是這個觀念很明顯是存在的,所有的元素都在那裡了。
And finally, we have these stipulations, these ordinances and prohibitions sovereignly administered by God.  And so we have all the elements of a covenant, whether you want to define it as a bond in blood sovereignly administered, or whether you want to define it as a binding relationship with attendant blessings and responsibilities.  All the elements of a covenant are there.  But the word isn’t found.  Now this made John Murray very nervous, and so he didn’t want to talk about a Covenant of  Works.  He didn’t want to talk about Covenant of Creation.  He wanted to talk about this as the Adamic Administration.  I am going to come back and talk about those kind of reservations at a later point.  But let me just share with you a little bit of speculation and see if you can follow this.  Why would the term covenant not be found here, if it is so important structurally to this argument, especially as seen in Paul in Romans 5?  Well, think about it for a moment.  If a covenant was a Near Eastern cultural convention, something that grew up in a Near Eastern society as a way of expressing binding obligations and promises, could it be that Moses was being careful not to read back the specific terminology of a cultural convention prior to its appearance in human culture?  Could it be that by the time of Noahic covenants, the language, the concept of that were well known in human culture in the Near East, but that prior to that, the concept had not fully or adequately developed and that Moses, precisely because he wants to be so faithful to the historical accounts that he is giving, refrains from using the language of covenant although it is entirely appropriate as a concept theologically to the situation?  Could it be that the fact that we don’t have the word there in Genesis 1-5 is simply a testimony to Moses’ strict and particular and careful attention to historical detail in his recounting of the original chapters of the life of man?  We will have to ask him when we get to heaven, because ultimately we can’t give an answer to that question.  But I think it may be interesting if we view the covenant as a human convention that was common in the ancient Near East.  We know it was common in the third and in the second millennium BC in the Near East.  If we view that as a human convention which God divinely chose to illustrate the nature of His relationship to His people, it makes sense that Moses would have refrained from using the terminology in the original order before that convention had been developed in human culture.  Because the minute that God takes up the convention, things about it change, because it is not like any other human agreement or relationship.  But the concept is clearly there.   The elements are all there.  

Why is this Covenant Important?

What is the significance of all this?  Well, let me see if I can summarize this for you for a few minutes.  As we look at Genesis 1 and 2 in this original covenant relationship, what is significant for us theologically about that original relationship in the Covenant of Works?  Well, let me throw out about six things to you here.  First, Genesis 1 and 2 give us in no uncertain terms a clear picture of the Creator/creature distinction.  We know from Babylonian mythology that creation was often pictured as god birthing the world into being, so that the world was considered to be somehow part of god.  This was sort of a Pantheistic notion.  God is in the world.  The world is in god.  They are all connected.  And you can’t read Genesis 1 and come away thinking that Moses has a hint of that kind of thinking in the back of his mind, because first there is God, and then later there is this world.  And then as Moses explains how the world comes into being, what does he say?  God speaks it into being.  It is created literally by divine fiat.  He decrees it into being.  So there can be no idea of this world somehow being part of Him and of Him being somehow part of this world.  This is a direct assault on all Pantheistic views of God: all views that say that the world is god and god is the world, god is in those trees, or god is in the grass.

Now the beautiful thing about that is it demythologizes the creation.  There is a reason why the rise of modern science occurred under the reign of the Protestant understanding of the Creator/creature distinction.  You can’t go down the street and experiment on a tree that might be God, or a demon for that matter.  But a creation which God has brought into being, and over which not only He is sovereign, but man is sovereign, can be studied and harnessed and so the creation is demythologized so that it can be studied.  We can learn better how it works, so that we can enhance certain aspects of productivity in creation.

Man’s exercise of dominion over the earth is another implication of this Creator-creature distinction.  Again, if I am scared that there might be a demon spirit that is locally controlling an oak tree outside, I am probably going to cut a wide path around the oak tree.  But when I understand properly that God is in dominion over His creation, then I recognize that there is nothing, there is absolutely nothing that is out from under His providential control.  You have to love that beautiful story about the Celtic missionary who winds up in the land of the Franks, and the Franks tell him, “See that oak over there?” “Yep.”  “That is the oak of Thor.”  “That oak?”  “That is the oak of the god Thor.  That one right over there.  That is Thor’s oak.”  “Anybody got an ax?”  And he heads right over to it and he chops it down.  What is he doing?  He is saying, “I don’t care what god you say is in charge of that oak.  My God owns that oak.  And I will cut it down if I want to.”  But the point was to show the sovereignty of God over His creation.  Creation is not invested with spirits that are out of control of the living God.  God is sovereign.  He is distinct from that creation. By the way, that doesn’t mean that man is reckless with his treatment of creation.  So often you have heard the charges, “Oh, Christianity, it encourages horrible ecological practices.  It encourages people to exploit the environment.”  Oh no.  You see, we are not the owners, we are just the stewards, we are just working in the vineyard.  One day, the Master’s coming back and we are going to have give account for how we used His creation.  And so in the very essence of the Christian view of creation there is a rationale for appropriate environmental and ecological concern, because this isn’t our house.  It is His.  He has given it to us as stewards, and so we had better use it wisely and well.  So there is not exploitation implied in dominion.  Because why?  We are not our own master.  We are accountable to Him.  By the way, if you have not read Schaeffer on this, Schaeffer will give you lots of ammunition in precisely this area.  This is again a nice point of contact with our postmodern culture where you can engage some people to think, because there a many people who say, “Oh it is a traditional western, white Anglo-Saxon male patriarchal system that is responsible for all the ecological and environmental problems in the world today.”  And you can say, “Well let’s talk about that a little bit.  Let me explain to you the Christian philosophy of creation.”  

2. 在創世記第一、二章的原始盟約,還有第二件事要告訴我們。它強調上帝對宇宙或普世的眷顧(重覆)。如同我們先前提過的,這點在挪亞之約裡重新加以強調過,我們以後會再查考。重要的是我們要了解,上帝關心整個創造秩序,不只是人,這是在創世記第一、二章表達的,這會保護我們避免濫用特殊恩典的教義。讓我試著解釋。作為福音派信徒,我們也許相信上帝救贖的恩典只會給那些以信心來接待祂的人。但是作為改革宗的福音派信徒,我們還要加上說,上帝的恩典只會給那些上帝所揀選並呼召的人。但是無論怎麼說,假如你是個福音派人士,你的觀點就是特殊恩典的觀點。你不相信所有的人都會得救。你相信只有信主耶穌基督的人會得救。那麼,是什麼會保護你免於走向極端,否認上帝不關心沒有得贖的被造物,以及無法救贖的被造呢?聖經裡有許多事情會保護你。其中一件是在創世記第一、二章裡,我們清楚看到上帝關心祂所造的萬物。這個普世的意涵,會平衡我們特殊恩典的教義,肯定上帝對人類更廣的關懷。這是怎麼看出來的呢?這些創造諭令對非信徒來說,和對信徒來說,都同樣重要。我們應該努力讓非信徒實踐這些創造諭令。這對他們和社會來說都是祝福,在許多情況下也是接受福音的管道。因此創造諭令不只是給基督徒的。創造諭令是給所有的人的。
2. There is a second thing that this original covenant in the structure of Genesis 1 and 2 gives us.  It emphasizes the cosmic or universalistic concerns of God.  It emphasizes the cosmic or universalistic concerns of God.  Now as we have already mentioned before, that is reemphasized in the covenant with Noah and we will look at that later.  It is important that we understand that God is concerned with the whole created order, and not just man, as expressed in Genesis 1 and 2, and this protects us from misusing our particularistic doctrine of grace.  Let me try and exegete that.  As evangelical believers, we may believe that God’s saving grace is visited only upon those who embrace Him by faith.  Now we may say additionally, as Reformed evangelical believers, that it is visited only upon those whom God has chosen, who are called.  But whatever way, if you’re an evangelical, you have a particularistic view of grace.  You don’t believe that everyone is being saved.  You believe that only those who trust on the Lord Jesus Christ are being redeemed.  What protects you from going to the extreme and denying God’s concern for non-redeemed creation, and for non-redeemable creation?  Well, there are a lot of things in the Bible that protect you from that.  One of the things that protect you from that is the fact that in Genesis 1 and 2 we see clearly that God is concerned for the totality of His creation.  And the universalistic implications of Genesis 1 and 2 counterbalance our particularistic doctrine of grace by affirming God’s broader concerns for humanity.  How is that seen?  These creation ordinances are just as important for unbelievers as they are for believers.  And we ought to work to see unbelievers putting these creation ordinances into practice.  It will be a blessing to them and to society and it will in many cases be a gateway to the Gospel.  So the creation ordinances are not just for Christians.  Creation ordinances, they are for everybody.  

3. 第三,原始的盟約表達出上帝與尚未墮落、在墮落之前的人的關係,而這個關係不是憑靠恩典的。我們先前提過這點。我的意思是什麼呢?我的意思不是說我們在原始的創造中配得到上帝所賜給我們的一切。重點不在這裡。我的意思不是我們在原始的創造中,賺得了上帝所賜給我們的一切。不過,我的意思的確是因為,當上帝起初創造我們時,我們並不是與祂疏遠的,這個原始的關係是自然的,不需要一個中保。我的意思是,除非兩造之間有衝突,才需要中間人。有疏離,有衝突,才需要中保。
3. Third, this original covenant expresses a relationship between God and unfallen, pre-fallen man, which is not by grace.  We mentioned this earlier.  What do I mean by that?  I don’t mean that we deserved all the things that God gave us in the original creation.  That is not the point.  I don’t mean that we earned all the things that God gave us in the original creation.  I do mean, however, that because we were not estranged from God as He originally created us, that this original relationship was natural and without a mediator.  I mean, you only need a mediator if there is a fight.  You only need a mediator if there is estrangement.  You only need a mediator if two sides are at odds.

Now why is that significant?  It is going to be very important for you to understand that this is the point at which Karl Barth’s critique of Covenant Theology fails most dramatically.  And unfortunately many evangelicals have picked up on some of Barth’s ideas at this point and have imported them unwittingly into their own Covenant Theology, so I am quite keen for you to understand how Barth errs here.  Barth wants to argue that all, all of God’s dealings with man are by grace, and that all of God’s dealings with man are through Christ, and that Christ’s mediation is therefore not a post-fall office or function.  It is an eternal function that occurs prior to the fall in human experience.  You hear what Barth is saying there?  He is saying that from the very beginning God had to relate to man by grace and through Christ.  And he basically says that the reason was because of the finiteness of man.  And unfortunately you see here a category confusion between finiteness and sin.  Now we are going to talk about this in the next point.  But I want to introduce it here.  

Basically (and Professor Barth would be bouncing off the ceiling if I said this in his presence, and he would deny it up and down, but I think I could prove it to you if you gave me enough time), Barth says that man’s fundamental problem in relating to God is not sin, it is that he is man.  And in my opinion, and in the historic opinion of the church for two thousand years, that is not the Bible’s view of man’s basic problem in relationship to God.  Notice that God has no problem interacting and interrelating to Adam in an unmediated way in the Garden.  Adam understands Him.  God talks to him.  They walk together in the Garden in the cool of the day.  There are stipulations, obligations, relationships, blessings, and no hint of a problem of God entering into a relationship with Adam.  But Barth wants to say that it is our very creatureliness that separates us from God.

Now let me say one other thing to be very careful of.  Calvin dabbles with this idea.  He dabbles with the idea that we always need a mediator, not just because we are sinful, but because we are so vastly inferior to God in our finiteness.  And he would appeal to passages like Isaiah 6 and the angels, the beings that surround the throne are doing what?  Veiling themselves as they cry, “Holy, holy, holy.”  Now, were they sinful?  No.  But they still had to veil themselves in the presence of God.  And he will sort of take that and run with that.  But Calvin doesn’t use this concept like Barth will use it.  Now Barth will go back and he will read all of his theology into Calvin, but he is miles away from what Calvin was trying to do with this point.  But I want you to understand that this is a key part of Barth’s critique of Covenant Theology.  He does not like the idea of a Covenant of Works and a Covenant of Grace, or a Covenant of Nature and a Covenant of Grace, because he wants grace to be the only way that God relates to man.

Barth’s major error with this is that it underemphasizes sin.  You see, Genesis 3 is where Moses is going when he writes Genesis 1 and 2.  He wants you to understand that things then were not like they are now.  And things are like they are now because of what happens in Genesis 3, and therefore the very nature of the way that God relates to us has to be different.  And I do not think that there is any way that you can do justice to the significance of Genesis 3 and man’s original sin if you say that there has always simply been one Covenant of Grace from the very beginning, and there is not a Covenant of Works and a Covenant of Grace.

What we are beginning here is an argument for what is called a bicovenantal structure as opposed to a monocovenantal structure of creation and redemption.  The bicovenantal structure of creation and redemption says there is a Covenant of Works and a Covenant of Grace, or a Covenant of Nature, and a Covenant of Grace.  The Covenant of Nature is prior to sin and therefore it does not have to be mediated and God does not have to provide a mediator or propitiation in order to enter into relationship with man.  Whereas, after the fall of man, a mediator is provided out of the graciousness of God, sin is satisfied, and the covenant is fulfilled by Christ in order that we may experience the blessings of the covenant.  So you have the Covenant of Works and the Covenant of Grace, but what Barth ends up with is an eternal Covenant of Grace.

順帶一提,這也是Herman Hoeksema的看法,其他許多極端加爾文主義者也是這麼認為。因此,巴特和某些極端加爾文主義者之間有連貫性。事實上,在某種意義上,巴特是最後的極端加爾文主義,我會稱他是個極端墮落後揀選論者。倘若你想要和我一起討論,我可以解釋我在這裡所說的是什麼意思。但是這個單一盟約觀是說,只有一個永恆的恩典之約,甚至在墮落之前就存在了。但是這個看法必然會貶低罪的重要性,並且把人的有限性當成是問題,而不是把罪當作主要的問題。
And by the way, this is the same thing that Herman Hoeksema comes up with, and it is the same thing that many other types of hyper-Calvinists have come up with.  So there is continuity between Barth and certain hyper-Calvinists.  In fact, there is a sense in which Barth is the ultimate hyper-Calvinist.  In fact, I would call Bart a hypersuperlapsarian.  And if you want to get into that with me someday, I can explain what I am talking about there.  But this monocovenantal view that says that there has been this eternal Covenant of Grace and that it was in place even before the fall, cannot help but downplay sin and see finiteness as our problem, not sin.

4. 這帶領我們到這個原始關係的重要性的第四點。若我們仔細研究創世記第以、二、三章,我們可以認識到有限性(finiteness)和罪的差別。例如,亞當的有限性其中一個層面是,他需要有人類的同伴,這是創二18所說的,上帝說那人獨居不好。但是注意到,亞當並不會因此受責怪。上帝沒有說,你獨居不好,因此在沒有中保的情形下,我無法和你建立關係。不。創世記二章18節不是這樣的。在創世記二章1-3節,因為人的有限,需要休息,因此上帝為他預備了安息日。他不是為安息日造的,安息日是為他造的。為什麼?因為他是有限的。但是這不是用來反對他的。不,不。這是個祝福。他是上帝造的,沒有墮落,他是無罪的。但是他的體質需要安息日的安息。他也需要配偶。因此,罪和有限不是同一回事。
4. So, that moves us on to the fourth significance of this original relationship that we have been describing.  By a close study of Genesis 1, 2 and 3, we are enabled to recognize the difference between finiteness and sin.  For instance, one aspect of Adam’s finiteness was his need for human companionship expressed in Genesis 2:18, when God says it is not good for man to be alone.  But notice that Adam is not held culpable for that.  And God doesn’t say, it is not good for you to be alone, therefore I can have nothing to do with you without a mediator.  No.  That is not what happens in Genesis 2:18.  Man is recognized to need rest because of his finiteness in Genesis 2:1-3 and so a Sabbath is made for him.  He is not made for the Sabbath, but a Sabbath is made for him.  Why? Because he is finite.  But is that held against him?  No.  No.  It is a blessing.  He is divinely created, unfallen, he is sinless.  But his constitution needs a Sabbath rest.  And it needs a woman.  And so sin and finiteness are not the same thing.

讓我換一個說法。有時候你會聽到這樣的一句話:「人非聖賢,孰能無過」(To err is human, to forgive, divine)。我明白當人們說這句話時是什麼意思。但是我要說的重點是,人並非一定會犯錯,犯錯是因為人的墮落。犯錯是在墮落之中。當我們犯錯時,並不是標準的人。「錯誤」是一個被濫用的詞。當我們犯罪時,我們不是標準的人,我們是標準地在墮落之中。倘若犯罪是人性的本質,這不只是的上帝原始的的創造產生真正的難題,也讓我懷疑天堂會是什麼樣子。犯罪並不會讓我更有人性,它只會讓我失去人性。上帝原先造我們的時候並不是這樣的。而說「人基本的問題在於他是有限的,而上帝是無限的,這是無法跨越的鴻溝,我們甚至無法設想祂,因為祂太偉大、太無限了,而我們是如此有限」,是錯過了創世記第三章整個的重點。巴特神學一再把有限性和有罪混為一談。再說一遍,我認為我可以證明這個事實。巴特的問題不在於罪,而在於人。他基本上是說,「你知道你的問題是什麼嗎?你的問題是你不是上帝。你的問題在於你不是無限的。」這不是聖經說的,我們所擁有的問題。亞當是有限的。上帝沒有因此嘲笑他。問題出在亞當悖逆上帝。罪是問題的根源,悖逆才是問題所在,而不是人的有限。我們在榮耀中仍然是有限的。
Let me put this in another way.  Sometimes you hear this phrase said: “To err is human, to forgive, divine.”  I know what they are getting at when they say that.  But the point I want to bring across is that to err is not human, to err is fallen.  To err is fallen.  We are not being quintessentially human when we make mistakes.  Mistakes is an overused word.  We are not being quintessentially human when we sin, we are being quintessentially fallen.  If sin is of the essence of humanness, not only does that raise real problems for God’s original creation, but it makes me wonder what heaven is going to be like.  Sin does not make me more human.  It makes me less human.  It is not how God originally created me.  And to say, “Man’s basic problem resides in the fact that he is finite and God is infinite and this chasm cannot be crossed, we cannot even conceive Him because he is so majestic, so infinite and we are so finite,” is to miss the whole point of Genesis 3.  And Barthian theology over and over confuses finiteness and sin.  Again, I think I could argue the case.  Barth’s problem was not with sin; it was with man.  He basically says, “You know what your problem is?  Your problem is that you’re not God.  Your problem is that you are not infinite.”  And that is not the problem the Bible says that we have.  Adam was finite.  God did not mock him for that.  The problem was that Adam rebelled.  Sin is the problem.  Rebellion is the problem.  Not finiteness.  We are going to be finite in glory.

5. 第五,原始的盟約說得很清楚,物質不是邪惡的。原始的盟約明白地說,物質不是邪惡的。上帝創造了世界,稱它是好的。物質和事物不是邪惡的。人如何使用才是問題。因此,倘若你對原始的創造有正確的觀念,救恩就不應當被視為脫離物質,或逃離身體,進入純粹的靈體,這是從第一世紀以來諾斯底主義的教導。不,救恩從聖經的觀念來看,牽涉到整個的人,身體、靈魂,因為身體被造時是好的。很重要的是,如今坐在宇宙寶座上的是升天的主耶穌基督的人性肉身,祂永遠是完全的神,完全的人。地上的塵土坐在榮耀的寶座上。
5.  Fifthly, this original covenant makes it clear that matter is not evil.  This original covenant makes it clear that matter is not evil.  God created the world and God called it good.  Matter and things are not evil.  People’s use of them is.  So, if you have proper understanding of the original creation, salvation is not viewed as an escape from matter, or an escape from the body into a pure spirit, as you get in all the manifestations of Gnostic teachings from the first century until today.  No, salvation in the biblical sense will involve the whole man, body, and soul, because that body was created good.  Now it is very significant that right now on the throne of the universe, human flesh sits, in the ascended Lord Jesus Christ who is forever fully God and fully man.  The dust of the earth sits on the throne of glory.  

6. 第六,也是最後,當我們研究這個原始的盟約,我們看到人是按照上帝的形象被造的,即使是在墮落之後,仍然持有這個形象,無論它被罪抹除到什麼程度。因此對人的尊重,就是對那些按照上帝的形象被造的,就是確定的;所有的人在上帝面前都有平等的地位,都有相同的責任,都是上帝所創造的世界的管家。因此,種族主義、性別歧視,在基督教世界觀裡是不存在的;而人權也只有在一個基督教世界觀裡才能存在,因為一個物質主義的進化論者,只能從無理性的行為來論證。這就是為什麼達爾文主義成為十九世紀英格蘭最主要哲學的原因。因為適者生存不是典型的反古典主義的論證,而是一個標準的論證,這個論證說:「我能證明我為什麼比你優越;我進化得比你快。因此,我有權利照我的意志來對待你。」因此,一個物質主義的進化論達爾文主義者,只能從純粹無理智的意志的行動來為基本人權、人性基本尊嚴來辯護。人權,或任何權利,只能被包含在盟約祝福與義務的範疇內,人權是盟約關係的祝福。順帶一提,它們不是無限的,也無法不斷複製。它們是特定的,有限的,但是它們是存在的。今天只有基督徒能給出足夠的論證。
6. Sixthly, and finally, as we study this original covenant, we see that man is created in the image of God and, even after the fall, continues to bear that image, no matter how effaced it is by sin.  And thus respect for human beings, as those who are created in the image of God, is established; the equal status and responsibility of all men before God as His stewards of creation is established.  Racism and sexism is therefore banished under a Christian worldview, but only under a Christian worldview, since a materialist evolutionist can only argue for human rights by a sheer act of irrationality.  There is a reason why Darwinism became a dominant philosophy in nineteenth century England.  Because survival of the fittest, far from being a quintessentially anticlassicist argument, is a quintessential class argument which says, “I can give you a reason why I am superior to you; I out evolved you.  And therefore I have the right to do with you what I will.”  So a materialist evolutionist Darwinist can only argue for basic human rights and human dignity by a sheer irrational act of the will.  Only a Christian can provide an adequate foundation for appropriate view of human rights.  You notice that human rights, or rights at all, are really contained under the category of the covenant in that realm of blessings and obligations.  And rights fall under the blessing of the covenant relationship.  They are not infinite, by the way, and they cannot be forever multiplied.  They are specific and limited, but they are there.  And we are the only ones who can give an adequate argument for that today.

Now we will stop right there and we will come back and look at a few more implications of the Creation, the Covenant, the Covenant of Works, with regard to this whole issue of science and theology, because there is no question that for the last 150 years the major assault on Christianity has come from secular scientism which puts itself forward as a replacement worldview to historic Christianity and says that historic Christianity is irrational and is untenable in a scientific world, and therefore it must be rejected.  And I want to make one or two more comments about that and then we will continue on. Let’s pray.