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面對歷史的危機Facing a Crisis of History

[每日靈修] 1/26/2019駱鴻銘編譯







路十二4953 「我來要把火丟在地上,倘若已經著起來,不也是我所願意的嗎? 我有當受的洗還沒有成就,我是何等的迫切呢? 你們以為我來,是叫地上太平嗎?我告訴你們,不是,乃是叫人分爭。 從今以後,一家五個人將要分爭:三個人和兩個人相爭,兩個人和三個人相爭; 父親和兒子相爭,兒子和父親相爭;母親和女兒相爭,女兒和母親相爭;婆婆和媳婦相爭,媳婦和婆婆相爭。」

Facing a Crisis of History

In Luke 12:49–57, Jesus told His disciples that He had not come to bring peace, but division. He told them that He was bringing a baptism of fire to the earth, warning the crowd to flee the wrath to come.

This was the great moment of crisis in history. It was a time of urgency that swept the earth with the appearance of Jesus. Jesus’ coming to this planet in the fullness of time was a time of division, judgment, and separation.

It was a time of personal choosing, when eternal destinies were at stake. Everyone who encountered Jesus had to make a choice, to stand with Him or against Him. Thus, since the time of Jesus’ first appearance, the world has been gripped in a kind of crisis that will continue until the last great crisis, the last judgment.

How do men encounter Jesus today, thus facing their own crisis of history? Jesus is in heaven, but men and women encounter Him through His people, the church. The church is His body and His herald. The fiery baptism Jesus came to bring fell in one sense at Pentecost to ignite the tongues of His people so that they might bring the crisis of decision to all men.

Knowing these things should make us urgent in our proclamation of His name and make us insistent that the generation of our day be exposed to the Lord of lords.

Coram Deo
What are you doing to proclaim His name to this generation? Pray about the role God would have you fill.

Passages for Further Study
Luke 12:49-53