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探索遠程目的Probing the Remote Purpose

[每日靈修] 1/23/2019,  駱鴻銘編譯





申廿九29 「隱秘的事是屬耶和華我們神的;惟有明顯的事是永遠屬我們和我們子孫的,好叫我們遵行這律法上的一切話。」
腓二13 因為你們立志行事都是神在你們心裡運行,為要成就他的美意。
弗一45 就如神從創立世界以前,在基督裡揀選了我們,使我們在他面前成為聖潔,無有瑕疵;又因愛我們,就按著自己意旨所喜悅的,預定我們藉著耶穌基督得兒子的名分,

Probing the Remote Purpose

“Why did God allow it to happen?” This question seeks to probe the remote or ultimate purpose. The question assumes something crucial to our understanding of God. It assumes that God could have prevented the thing that happened. If we deny this verity, we deny the very character of God. If God could not have prevented it, He would no longer be God. By asking why, we also assume something else that is vital. We assume there is an answer to the question. We assume that God had a reason or a purpose for the thing that occurred.

The question remains—“Was God’s reason or purpose a good one?” To ask the question is to answer it—if we know anything about God. We err in our reason. We establish futile goals. We rush off on fools’ errands. We pursue sinful ends. Let us not project the same kind of vicious intentionality of God.

The only purpose or intention God ever has is altogether good. When the Bible speaks of the sovereign exercise of the pleasure of His will, there is no hint of arbitrariness or wicked intent. The pleasure of His will is always the good pleasure of His will. His pleasure is always good, His will is always good, and His intentions are always good.

Coram Deo
What past or present circumstances in your life have caused you to ask “Why?” Ask God to show you how His good intentions are reflected in these situations.

Passages for Further Study
Deuteronomy 29:29
Philippians 2:13
Ephesians 1:4-5