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尋求敬拜的改革Seeking a Reformation ofWorship

[每日靈修] 1/7/2018,  駱鴻銘編譯





(Psa 119:171) 願我的嘴發出讚美的話,因為你將律例教訓我。
(Psa 108:1) 神啊,我心堅定;我口(原文作榮耀)要唱詩歌頌!
(Rev 4:11) 我們的主,我們的神,你是配得榮耀、尊貴、權柄的;因為你創造了萬物,並且萬物是因你的旨意被創造而有的。

Seeking a Reformation of Worship

When Israel’s prophets denounced the corruption of Israelite worship, they sought reform, not revolution. Though they vehemently criticized liturgicalism, they never attacked the liturgy. Though they railed against externalism and formalism, they never sought to remove the externals and forms God had instituted.

For the forms of worship to communicate the content they are designed to convey, there must be constant instruction so that people understand their meaning. The sacraments are not naked symbols. They must be clothed with the Word. Word and sacrament must go together. Sacrament without Word inevitably yields formalism. Word without sacrament inevitably yields a sterility of worship.

We need a reformation of worship, a new discovery of the meaning of classical forms. I cannot be casual about worshiping God. God stripped of transcendence is no God at all. There is such a thing as the Holy. The Holy is sacred. It is uncommon. It is other. It is transcendent. It is not always user-friendly. But it is relevant. It provokes adoration, which is the essence of godly worship.

Coram Deo
Think about the sacraments and liturgy of the church you attend. Are they truly meaningful to you or have they become mere forms of ritual?

Passages for Further Study
Psalm 119:171
Psalm 108:1
Revelation 4:11