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等候上帝的城Awaiting the City of God

[每日靈修] 2/16/2019,  駱鴻銘編譯

福音派基督徒熱愛美國。有些人認為她是創造一個基督教國家最後的希望。但她並不是一個基督教國家,而是徹頭徹尾的異教國度。如果她還沒有成為新的「邪惡帝國」,也很有可能成為一個。《五月花號公約》(The Mayflower Compact)是博物館的收藏品,是已經被遺忘的時代遺物。「我們信靠上帝」如今已成謊言。

是的,我們必須始終為社會改革(social reform)而努力(譯按:例如靈恩派基督徒所大力宣揚的『轉化七大山頭』運動)。是的,在馬丁路德金所謂的「走出聖殿、走向世界」的意義上,我們必定是「瀆神的」。我們並不鄙視我們出生的國家。但我們要把盼望寄託在哪裏呢?國家並不是上帝。國家不是應許之地。總統不是我們的君王。國會不是我們的救主。我們的幸福永遠不會在「人的城」中找到。聯邦政府並不擁有至高主權。無論是哪個時代、哪一代人,我們都生活在巴比倫河畔(譯按。參:詩一三七)。我們必須清楚地明白這一點。我們必須學會如何在一個陌生的異教土地上唱耶和華的歌。



林前十五50 弟兄們,我告訴你們說,血肉之體不能承受神的國,必朽壞的不能承受不朽壞的。
約三5 耶穌說:「我實實在在的告訴你,人若不是從水和聖靈生的,就不能進神的國。
彼後一11 這樣,必叫你們豐豐富富的得以進入我們主救主耶穌基督永遠的國。

Awaiting the City of God

Evangelical Christians love America. Some see in her the last hope of creating a Christian nation. But it is not a Christian nation. It is pagan to the core. It is in danger of becoming, if it is not already, the new “Evil Empire.” The Mayflower Compact is a museum piece, a relic of a forgotten era. “In God We Trust” is now a lie.

Yes, we must always work for social reform. Yes, we must be “profane” in Martin Luther’s sense of going out of the temple and into the world. We do not despise the country of our birth. But in what do we invest our hope? The state is not God. The nation is not the Promised Land. The president is not our King. The Congress is not our Savior. Our welfare can never be found in the city of man. The federal government is not sovereign. We live—in every age and in every generation—by the rivers of Babylon. We need to understand that clearly. We must learn how to sing the Lord’s song in a strange and foreign land.

America will fall. The United States will inevitably disintegrate. The Stars and Stripes will bleed. The White House will turn to rubble. That is certain. We stand like Augustine before the sea. We pray that God will spare our nation. If He chooses not to, we ask for the grace to accept its demise. In either case, we look to Him who is our King and to heaven, which is our home. We await the city of God, the heavenly Jerusalem, whose builder and maker is God.

Coram Deo
Are you looking to your King and to your eternal destiny, despite the circumstances around you? Keep your focus on the heavenly Jerusalem, whose builder and maker is God.

Passages for Further Study
1 Corinthians 15:50
John 3:5
2 Peter 1:11