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效法最高的榜樣Emulating the Supreme Model

[每日靈修] 2/2/2019,  駱鴻銘編譯


與此同時,我們認識到奧古斯丁與吉姆•瓊斯(Jim Jones;譯按:美國二十世紀中葉的宗教異端領袖)之間存在著巨大的鴻溝。像奧古斯丁和路德這樣的人,為教會提供了如此重要的神學見解,以至於他們的名字代表著關鍵的思想。教會歷史中很少有人值得這樣的認可。像「ian」,「ist」或「ite」(可以翻譯為「……派」、「……者」)這些後綴(例如,「calvinist」,譯作「加爾文主義者」)對於識別真理是有價值的,但是在應用到個性、性格時,則幾乎沒有正面的價值,反而是非常負面的。我們知道奧古斯丁、路德、加爾文都沒有為我們釘死在十字架上。


帖後三9 這並不是因我們沒有權柄,乃是要給你們作榜樣,叫你們效法我們。
林前十11 他們遭遇這些事,都要作為鑑戒;並且寫在經上,正是警戒我們這末世的人。
帖前一7 甚至你們作了馬其頓和亞該亞所有信主之人的榜樣。

Emulating the Supreme Model

God has given great men and women to the church. The biblical giants serve as valuable models—despite their imperfections. Were we to elevate Paul, Abraham, or David above Christ, we would be guilty of idolatry. The same would be true if we exalted Martin Luther, John Calvin, Thomas Aquinas, and others above Christ. We respect these saints, but only insofar as they are faithful to Christ and point beyond themselves to Christ. This was certainly the style of the apostle Paul, who labored tirelessly for the cause of Christ. We love and honor him for that labor. Likewise, we honor the giants of church history. But even the theological “giants” are sub-apostolic, never speaking or writing with an authority equal to an apostle.

At the same time, we recognize that a vast gulf separates Augustine from Jim Jones. People like Augustine and Luther have contributed theological insights of such magnitude that their names are representative of key thoughts. Few in church history are worthy of such recognition. The suffixes “ian,” “ist,” or “ite,” (e.g., “Calvinist”) are valuable to identify truth but have little positive and much negative value when applied to personalities. We know that Augustine, Luther, and Calvin were not crucified for us.

Coram Deo
Thank God for role models who have influenced your life; then thank Him for the Supreme Model who died for you.

Passages for Further Study
2 Thessalonians 3:9
1 Corinthians 10:11
1 Thessalonians 1:7