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活在神的國度中Living in God’s Kingdom

[每日靈修] 2/24/2019, 駱鴻銘編譯




如果要有效地執行對世界的使命,神聖行動的臨時集結區(staging zone)必須是安全的。


尼四6 這樣,我們修造城牆,城牆就都連絡,高至一半,因為百姓專心做工。
尼六15 以祿月二十五日,城牆修完了,共修了五十二天。 我們一切仇敵、四圍的外邦人聽見了便懼怕,愁眉不展;因為見這工作完成是出乎我們的神。
羅十二18 若是能行,總要盡力與眾人和睦。

Living in God’s Kingdom

The people of God are always pilgrims. We are always living in exile if we are living in the kingdom of God. We may respectfully serve the magistrates of this world. We may obey their proper commands. Nehemiah honored the king and prayed for him. He was diligent to give civil obedience where possible without compromising the commands of God. He sought, as the apostle Paul did, to live at peace with all men.

There are always pagans like Sanballat the Horonite or Demetrius of Ephesus who seek the destruction of the work of God. Neither Paul nor Nehemiah responded to such pagans with hatred, but neither did they enter into unholy alliances with them.

Neither did Nehemiah lead a monastic retreat into the wilderness. Jerusalem was not a monastery, but a city set on a hill. The task of rebuilding the Holy City was not one of world withdrawal. Nehemiah understood that the home base of our mission is still the church.

The staging zone for the divine operation must be sound if the mission to the world is to be effective.

Coram Deo
What is your specific, God-given role in reaching the world with the gospel of the kingdom?

Passages for Further Study
Nehemiah 4:6
Nehemiah 6:15–16