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約翰福音三章16節与人選擇上帝的能力John3:16 and Man’s Ability to Choose God

作者: R.C. Sproul  譯者:  Maria Marta


這節著名的經文對「關於墮落之人有能力選擇基督」有何教導呢?答案很簡單:沒有。非改革宗人士所用的論據是,經文教導世上所有的人都有能力接受或拒絕基督。然而,仔細查看經文就會發現,它並沒有作出此類教導。聖經的教導是,凡信基督的人都會得救。凡作了A (相信)的,就會得B (永生)。經文沒有,決沒有說誰會相信。它並沒有提及墮落之人與生俱來的道德能力。改革宗人士和非改革宗人士都衷心同意所有相信的人都會得救。但是在對誰有能力相信的問題上存在嚴重分歧。

有些人可能回答: 「好吧。雖然經文沒有明確教導墮落之人未被重生之前就有能力選擇基督,但它確實暗示了這一點。」我甚至不願意承認這節經文有這樣的暗示。然而,即使它暗示了,也不會對辯論產生任何影響。為什麼不會呢?我們的釋經的原則是,從聖經推斷出來的暗示必須始終服從於聖經的明確教導。我們絕對、絕對、絕對不能逆轉,將聖經的明確教導置於聖經可能有的暗示之下。改革宗和非改革宗思想家共用這一原則。


墮落的人是屬肉體的。屬肉體的人不能做任何討上帝喜悅的事。保羅說︰「因為以肉體為念就是與神為仇,既不服從 神的律法,也的確不能夠服從; 屬肉體的人不能得神的喜悅。」(羅八7-8;《聖經新譯本》)

那麼,我們問:「誰是『屬肉體』的人呢?」 保羅接著說︰「如果神的靈住在你們心裡,你們就不屬肉體,乃屬聖靈了。人若沒有基督的靈,就不是屬基督的。」(羅八9  這裏的關鍵字是「如果」。屬肉體的人與非屬肉體的人的分別是有聖靈內住。非重生的人沒有一個有聖靈內住。屬肉體的人是未重生的人。除非他們重生在先,即,從聖靈而生,否則他們就不能遵守上帝的律法,也就不能討上帝的喜悅。



本文摘錄自史鮑爾 (R.C. Sproul)博士所著的《蒙上帝揀選》Chosen by God一書。
This excerpt is taken from Chosen by God by R.C. Sproul.



It is ironic that in the same chapter, indeed in the same context, in which our Lord teaches the utter necessity of rebirth to even see the kingdom, let alone choose it, non-Reformed views find one of their main proof texts to argue that fallen man retains a small island of ability to choose Christ. It is John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

What does this famous verse teach about fallen man’s ability to choose Christ? The answer, simply, is nothing. The argument used by non-Reformed people is that the text teaches that everybody in the world has it in their power to accept or reject Christ. A careful look at the text reveals, however, that it teaches nothing of the kind. What the text teaches is that everyone who believes in Christ will be saved. Whoever does A (believes) will receive B (everlasting life). The text says nothing, absolutely nothing, about who will ever believe. It says nothing about fallen man’s natural moral ability. Reformed people and non-Reformed people both heartily agree that all who believe will be saved. They heartily disagree about who has the ability to believe.

Some may reply, “All right. The text does not explicitly teach that fallen men have the ability to choose Christ without being reborn first, but it certainly implies that.” I am not willing to grant that the text even implies such a thing. However, even if it did it would make no difference in the debate. Why not? Our rule of interpreting Scripture is that implications drawn from the Scripture must always be subordinate to the explicit teaching of Scripture. We must never, never, never reverse this to subordinate the explicit teaching of Scripture to possible implications drawn from Scripture. This rule is shared by both Reformed and non-Reformed thinkers.

If John 3:16 implied a universal natural human ability of fallen men to choose Christ, then that implication would be wiped out by Jesus’ explicit teaching to the contrary. We have already shown that Jesus explicitly and unambiguously taught that no man has the ability to come to him without God doing something to give him that ability, namely drawing him. 暗示擦掉

Fallen man is flesh. In the flesh he can do nothing to please God. Paul declares, “The fleshly mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be. So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God” (Rom. 8:7, 8).

We ask, then, “Who are those who are ‘in the flesh’?” Paul goes on to declare: “But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you” (Rom. 8:9). The crucial word here is if. What distinguishes those who are in the flesh from those who are not is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. No one who is not reborn is indwelt by God the Holy Spirit. People who are in the flesh have not been reborn. Unless they are first reborn, born of the Holy Spirit, they cannot be subject to the law of God. They cannot please God.

God commands us to believe in Christ. He is pleased by those who choose Christ. If unregenerate people could choose Christ, then they could be subject to at least one of God’s commands and they could at least do something that is pleasing to God. If that is so, then the apostle has erred here in insisting that those who are in the flesh can neither be subject to God nor please him.

We conclude that fallen man is still free to choose what he desires, but because his desires are only wicked he lacks the moral ability to come to Christ. As long as he remains in the flesh, unregenerate, he will never choose Christ. He cannot choose Christ precisely because he cannot act against his own will. He has no desire for Christ. He cannot choose what he does not desire. His fall is great. It is so great that only the effectual grace of God working in his heart can bring him to faith.