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拿走了復活你就拆毀了基督教TakeAway the Resurrection and You Take Away Christianity

作者: R.C. Sproul   譯者: 改革宗翻譯社

這是人類歷史的分水嶺,在這裏,人類的愁苦化為輝煌。在這裏,初代教會傳講的福音信息(kerygma) 隨著一聲呼喊誕生:「祂復活了」。我們可以將這一事件視為一個象徵,一個可愛的關於希望的故事。我們可以將之降低為一種道德主義,作出一個傳道人如此總結的宣稱:「復活的意義在於我們可以用辯證的勇氣面對每一天的黎明。」



1. 我們所傳的是枉然。
2. 我們的信心也是枉然。
3. 我們是為神妄作見證的。
4. 我們仍在罪中。
5. 我們所愛的那些死去的人已經滅亡了。
6. 我們是眾人中最可憐的。

這六個後果尖銳地揭示了復活與基督教本質的內在關聯,耶穌的復活是基督信仰的必要條件(sine qua non), 拿走了復活你就拆毀了基督教。

This excerpt is from Who Is Jesus? by R.C. Sproul. Download all 28 Crucial Questions ebooks for free here. https://www.ligonier.org/blog/rc-sprouls-crucial-questions-ebooks-now-free/


Take Away the Resurrection and You Take Away Christianity
FROM R.C. Sproul

Here is the watershed of human history where the misery of the race is transformed into grandeur. Here the kerygma, the proclamation of the early church, was born with the cry “He is risen.” We can view this event as a symbol, a lovely tale of hope. We can reduce it to a moralism that declares, as one preacher put it, “The meaning of the Resurrection is that we can face the dawn of each new day with dialectical courage.”

The New Testament proclaims the Resurrection as sober historical fact. The early Christians were not interested in dialectical symbols but in concrete realities. Authentic Christianity stands or falls with the space/time event of Jesus’ resurrection. The term Christian suffers from the burden of a thousand qualifications and a myriad of diverse definitions. One dictionary defines a Christian as a person who is civilized. One can certainly be civilized without affirming the Resurrection, but one cannot then be a Christian in the biblical sense. The person who claims to be a Christian while denying the Resurrection speaks with a forked tongue. From such turn away.

The resurrection of Jesus is radical in the original sense of the word. It touches the radix, the “root” of the Christian faith. Without it Christianity becomes just another religion designed to titillate our moral senses with platitudes of human wisdom. The apostle Paul spelled out the clear and irrefutable consequences of a “resurrectionless” Christianity. If Christ is not raised, he reasoned, we are left with the following list of conclusions:

1.Our preaching is futile.
2.Our faith is in vain.
3.We have misrepresented God.
4.We are still in our sins.
5.Our loved ones who have died have perished.
6.If all we have is hope, we are of all men most to be pitied.

These six consequences sharply reveal the inner connection of the Resurrection to the substance of Christianity. The resurrection of Jesus is the sine qua non of the Christian faith. Take away the Resurrection and you take away Christianity.

This excerpt is from Who Is Jesus? by R.C. Sproul. Download all 28 Crucial Questions ebooks for free here.

並且上帝詛咒祂And God Cursed Him

講員: R.C. Sproul    譯者: Maria Marta

在下面簡短的剪輯片段中,史鮑爾 (R.C. Sproul) 牧師解釋在被釘十架的過程中,基督為我們受了咒詛。你可以按此鏈接觀看完整信息。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lgwpd0SKpmc&feature=youtu.be

多瑪斯·阿奎那Thomas Aquinas曾被問到: 「多瑪斯, 你認為耶穌在世的全部時間都在享受見主榮面beatific vision?」多瑪斯回答: 「我不知道但我肯定我們的主能看見我們的罪使我們不能看見的事。」緊記八福中「必得見神」的應許是對誰承諾的。是對清心的人。親愛的弟兄姐妹,你看不見上帝,非因你的視神經出了問題。妨礙我們看見上帝的是我們的心,我們的不潔。但耶穌並沒有不潔,多瑪斯說祂的心是潔凈的,很明顯,祂體驗過天父的榮美,就在我的罪加在祂身上的那一刻,潔凈的那一位就不再潔凈。所以上帝咒詛祂。


And God Cursed Him

In this brief clip, R.C. Sproul explains that in the crucifixion, Christ became a curse for us. You can watch the whole message here.


Thomas Aquinas once was asked, “Thomas, do you think that Jesus enjoyed the beatific vision through his whole life?” Thomas said, “I don’t know, but I’m sure that our Lord was able to see things that our sin keeps us from seeing.” Remember that the promise of the vision of God in the Beatitudes is a promise made to whom? To the pure of heart. Beloved, the reason why you can’t see God with your eyes is not because you have a problem with your optic nerve. What prevents us from seeing God is our heart, our impurity. But Jesus had no impurity, and Thomas said He was pure in heart, so obviously he had some experience of the beauty of the Father until that moment that my sin was placed upon him and the one who was pure was pure no more. And God cursed Him.

It was as if there was a cry from heaven—excuse my language, but I can be no more accurate than to say—it was as if Jesus heard the words “God Damn You.” Because that’s what it meant to be cursed, to be damned, to be under the anatomy of a Father. As I said, I don’t understand that, but I know that it’s true. And I know that every person in this room and every person outside in this hotel and on the street and across the world who has not been covered by the righteousness of Christ right this minute draws every breath under the curse of God. If you believe that, you will stop adding to the gospel and start preaching it with clarity and with boldness because, dear friends, it is the only hope we have and it is hope enough.