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約的祝福Covenant Blessings

譯者/校對者:Maria Marta/誠之  

「你們遵行我的律例謹守我的誡命遵照奉行我就按時給你們降下雨露使地生出土産田野的樹木也結果實。」(利廿六34;新譯本) -----利未記廿六1-13


儘管滿足盟約的條件,最終帶給我們永恒的生命-----唯獨藉著信心,把耶稣基督,盟約的完美遵守者的功績歸算給我們-----也有地上的祝福賜給遵守盟約,預期來世生命的人(譯按:約八56)。 這在摩西之約底下尤爲明顯,這是先知事工的基礎盟約。事實上,先知對古代以色列人宣布的祝福,是應許給那些遵行摩西之約的人的祝福。在利未記二十六章113節,和申命記第二十八章114節都很清楚地啓示了這些祝福。



古代以色列人不應該把遵守上帝的盟約作爲賺取救恩的一種手段。因此,對舊約的人而言,忠心並不意味著完美的順服,對罪人來說,這是不可能做得到的。他們努力地去遵守盟約,失敗時悔改,他們期待彌賽亞,藉著祂對法律的完美遵行,爲他們贏得救恩(創三1415;利十八5 申十八15)。一般來說,當他們遵守上帝的律法時,他們享受預嘗新天新地的永恒生命。

活在上帝的面光中(Coram Deo
延伸閱讀: 申四1;賽五十五章;太十九2630 羅五1221

Covenant Blessings

“If you walk in my statutes and observe my commandments and do them, then I will give you your rains in their season, and the land shall yield its increase, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit” (vv. 3–4).

- Leviticus 26:1-13
God’s covenants clearly have conditions, as we have seen over the past few days. The question before us now, however, is what happens when these conditions are met and what happens when they are not met? The answer is that meeting the conditions perfectly leads to eternal life, and, in the final analysis, we can only do this by trusting in Christ Jesus alone, who alone has kept the covenant perfectly (2 Cor. 5:21).

Although meeting the covenant conditions leads ultimately to eternal life—via the faith-alone imputation of the merit of Christ, the perfect covenant-keeper—there are also earthly blessings for keeping covenant that anticipate the life of the world to come. This is particularly evident under the Mosaic covenant, which was the foundational covenant for the prophets’ ministry. In fact, the blessings that the prophets announced to ancient Israel were the blessings promised to those who kept the Mosaic law. These blessings are revealed most clearly in Leviticus 26:1–13 and Deuteronomy 28:1–14.

The two lists differ slightly, but the teaching of both texts is the same. God promised the Israelites that if they were to keep the covenant, they would experience food harvests so great that they would be unable to gather everything in before it was time to sow the seed once more (Lev. 26:3–5). Faithful Israel would enjoy peace, victory over her enemies, and fruitfulness in the womb (vv. 6–10). The blessings build to the crescendo of the greatest covenant benefit of all—the presence of God Himself with His people (vv. 11–13).

When the prophets announced blessings to Israelites who persevered in covenant obedience or returned to the Lord after grossly breaking His law, they promised the very blessings we have just listed. Jeremiah 23:1–4, for example, promises the faithful remnant of Israel that it will experience great fruitfulness. Ezekiel 36:22–32 looks forward to the Spirit of God dwelling within the hearts of His children.

Ancient Israel was not to look at keeping God’s covenant as a means to earn their salvation. Thus, for the old covenant people, faithfulness did not mean perfect obedience, which is impossible for sinners. They were to strive to obey, repent when they failed, and look for the Messiah to earn salvation for them by His following the law perfectly (Gen. 3:14–15; Lev. 18:5; Deut. 18:15). But as they conformed, generally speaking, to God’s law, they enjoyed a foretaste of eternal life in the new heaven and earth.

Coram Deo
The book of Job and other portions of Scripture warn us about making a strict one-to-one correlation between the blessings or trials we receive and our obedience to God. Nevertheless, we can expect the Lord to show His favor to us when we keep His covenant and seek to obey His Word. We do this not to earn our redemption but to thank Him for saving us from our sin. Are you striving to obey the Lord and receive His blessing?

Passages for Further Study
Deuteronomy 4:1
Isaiah 55
Matthew 19:26–30
Romans 5:12–21