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挪亞之約The Noahic Covenant

譯者/校對者:Maria Marta/誠之  



亞當和夏娃有義務遵守行爲之約,  如此便爲自己和自己的後裔賺得永恒的生命(創二15-17)。然而在伊甸園裏,我們先祖第一對父母不但沒有通過測驗,而且在考驗中失敗了,因爲他們相信蛇所說的謊言:吃了分別善惡樹上的果子後,他們會像上帝一樣能知道善惡(創世記第三章)。此時,上帝完全有權摧毀亞當和夏娃,從頭開始整個創造計劃。但是祂沒有這樣做。我們的造物主不但沒有取消行爲之約,反而恩慈地設立另一個盟約,作爲與離開自己的罪的百姓(包括男女)打交道的框架。這盟約稱爲恩典之約,這恩約是上帝爲拯救亞當的墮落兒女而賜予的盟約恩典,透過彌賽亞來成全:祂代表我們遵守行爲之約,並且徹底擊敗蛇(創二15;羅五16-17)。歷史是實現恩典之約的故事。




活在上帝的面光中(Coram Deo
上帝與挪亞所立的約爲祂的特殊恩典(拯救我們)的施行提供了一個舞台,但這盟約也是祂賜給所有人的普通恩典的果實。任何人都從自然規律the regularity of nature中得到好處因爲它促使人類社會繁榮昌盛。我們不配得到這些好處,在傳福音給其他人的時侯, 我們應該讓他們注意已經顯明的普遍恩典,不但要叫他們不要把上帝的恩典視為理所當然,而且要叫他們相信福音,悔改回轉,以致得救。

延伸閱讀:賽五十四9-10;羅八18-21 ;彼後二4-10 a;啓二十一1

The Noahic Covenant

“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease” (8:22).

- Genesis 8:20-9:17
Adam and Eve were bound to keep the covenant of works and thus merit eternal life for themselves and all their descendants (Gen. 2:15-17). However, our first parents did not pass their test in Eden but failed their probation when they believed the serpent’s lie that they could make themselves like God by eating of the forbidden tree (Gen. 3). At this point, the Lord would have been entirely within His rights to destroy Adam and Eve and start the whole project of creation over from scratch. Yet He did not do that. Without setting aside the covenant of works, our Creator mercifully made another covenant that would serve as a framework for His dealings with men and women who turn from their sin. This is the covenant of grace, which provides for the redemption of Adam’s fallen children through the Messiah who keeps the covenant of works on our behalf and crushes the serpent (v. 15; Rom. 5:16-17). History is the story of the outworking of the covenant of grace.

God’s covenant of grace was not revealed all at once in the garden of Eden, but rather unfolded in a series of covenants with Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and Jesus. Today we are looking at the first sub-covenant to fall under the umbrella of the covenant of grace: the Noahic covenant. The Lord established this covenant in the context of a creation that had become increasingly rebellious and corrupt after the fall (Gen. 4:1-6:7). Humanity’s wickedness was so great that God destroyed nearly every living thing in existence at the time.

After Adam and Eve’s exile from Eden, Genesis 4:1-6:7 describes a creation that becomes increasingly corrupt as sin multiplies on the earth. Wickedness of all sorts was prevalent, prompting God to destroy creation with a flood. The only creatures to survive the flood were Noah’s family and representatives of every animal that inhabited the earth (6:8-8:19). By this we see that the Lord saved a remnant, not all that He had made, and we should keep that in mind when we reflect upon the scope of God’s saving work. He will not save everyone. Universalism is a false doctrine.

In the covenant with Noah, the Lord promised never again to destroy all life with a flood (8:20-9:17). He also pledges to sustain the seasonal cycle, and thus the general stability of nature. In this predictable order, people will flourish, and an arena will exist for Him to enter history via the incarnation of Christ and save His people (John 1:14).

Coram Deo
God’s covenant with Noah provides an arena for His special grace to operate for the sake of our salvation, but this covenant is also the fruit of His common grace for all people. Everyone benefits from the regularity of nature, for it allows human society to flourish. We do not deserve this, and in preaching the gospel to others we should call their attention to the grace God has shown even while calling them not to presume upon His grace, but to repent that they would be saved.

Passages for Further Study
Isaiah 54:9-10
Romans 8:18-21
2 Peter 2:4-10a
Revelation 21:1