感謝讚美上帝護理的大能与豐盛的供應。 本網誌內的所有資源純屬學習交流之用。


疫情中的敬拜(三)信心走過荒年:物資短缺與神的旨意Worship in Pandemic (3) FAITHTHROUGH THE LEAN YEARS: RESOURCE SHORTAGE AND THE WILL OF GOD

講員: 林慈信
China Horizon  中华展望facebook 417日上午10:13






 這是一個試驗我們信心的日子,『考驗人靈魂的時刻』。我們從來沒有同時經歷這麼多個危機:財經危機、經濟危機、失業危機、公共衛生危機、資源短缺危機、食物供應危機、環境危機 …… 最嚴重的是恐慌的危機。以前的生活,應該是一去不回了……至少有好幾年。











對某些讀者來說,我所提到的:上帝的普遍恩典、祂的咒詛、和祂救贖恩典之間的『張力』(tension) ,可能不是很容易拿捏。現在我把問題擴大,盡可能包括上帝的護理的各個層面。這樣讓我們看到一幅更廣闊的圖畫:今天上帝在世界是如何工作的?本文代表我在目前,在這時刻,所理解的『護理論』(doctrine of providence)。或說,我對護理論的應用的理解。求主用它建立你的信心,抓住上帝的主權;同時又有確據知道,全世界都在祂的手中。


上帝的護理 The Providence of God

 我們來看一個對護理簡短而優美的定義。『上帝的護理是什麼意思?就是上帝無所不能、無所不在的大能。上帝施展這個大能,好像人用雙手一樣,一直托住天地和其中萬物。因為上帝治理萬有,所以一草一木、或雨或旱、豐年荒年、飽足飢餓、健康疾病、富足貧窮都不是出於偶然,而是出於祂像父親一樣的手。』(《海德堡要理問答》,第27 問。)這是天父世界!


[1] 首先:『萬有』的意思就是:上帝的護理涵蓋宇宙萬物,這個世界上發生的一切事。這包括:整個宇宙;物質世界;動植物;人類各國的事情;每一個人的出生和整個人生;人生命的得失成敗;保護義人、懲罰惡人;供應上帝子民的缺乏;應允禱告。(參:伯克富,《系統神學》。)沒有什麼事物不在上帝的眷顧與治理之內。這當然包括病毒和飢荒等災難。

[2] 上帝所做的一切,祂的治理,都是根據祂永恆的旨意。一切所發生的事,完全根據上帝在永恆所預定的。從我們人類的邏輯來看,上帝所預定的旨意,和具體在世界發生的事之間,似乎有著一個隔閡,一個邏輯上的隔閡。是的,這是奧秘,是不可思議的!但是我們必須接受這是《聖經》所教導的真理:一切發生的事,都完全根據上帝所預定的永恆計劃。

[3] 上帝所預定的一切事都使用宇宙裡的『次因』(secondary causes)。這包括人的選擇,和自然界的各種因素。一只麻雀掉到地上有各種因素:風吹,或者麻雀的翅膀受傷了等。病毒透過人,透過空氣傳染。一般情況之下,上帝透過醫院照顧病人。這一切都由上帝計劃和指揮。因此,當事情發生時,上帝『在』那裡。上帝無所不在!(神學家稱之為『同時發生論』concurrence。)

[4] 一切事情發生,都事為了上帝的榮耀:至終的目標,就是宇宙萬物都服在基督的權柄之下(《以弗所書》1:9-10)。一件奇妙的事就是:上帝會施恩,使多人得救,進入上帝的國度。上帝的美意是讓世界各國的人不致沉淪,反得永生。在苦難和逆境中,上帝有祂慈愛的美意。

[5] 有些人不能接受上帝預定和掌管一切事物。我們希望這些朋友們想一想:若不是上帝掌管一切,那麼,這個宇宙就是一個雜亂無章的世界。一切都是偶然。真的是如此嗎?還有更好的選擇——《聖經》不是這樣形容世界的。

[6] 上帝的『護理』為基督徒帶來各樣的好處:安慰、確據、力量、人生的意義、生命的使命。上帝預定了一切事情,是要我們這些信祂的人,活得更精彩、更有動力、更自覺自發地服事祂,服事別人。

上帝今天在世界上不同方面的護理 The Providences of God in the World Today


 [1] 上帝在世界上施行祂的普遍恩典,保存世界,治理世界。正面來說,祂賜各樣美物給人類,包括陽光雨水;負面來說,在大多數的情況下,祂限制罪惡對人類所發揮的負面影響力。總的來說,上帝保存人類的性命。傳染病毒畢竟不是每年都發生。


[2] 上帝也不斷透過祂所創造的宇宙向人類顯示自己(《羅馬書》119-20)。因此,每一個人在心靈的深處知道上帝。自然界雖然被咒詛,卻仍然述說上帝的榮耀(《詩篇》191-4)。在絕大多數情況下,自然界的運作,除了為上帝榮耀以外,是為了人類的幸福。

 [3] 上帝向人類傾倒祂的忿怒,因為雖然每一個人都領受了上帝透過自然界的啟示(《羅馬書》119-20),但又都拒絕了這啟示(《羅馬書》118)。


 [4] 上帝把祂的『道德律』放在人心裡。祂造每一個人都有良心。因此,雖然很多人沒有聽過《聖經》或福音,但是,他們有一個是非之心。他們會行出上帝的律法所吩咐的事(《羅馬書》212-16)。我們的確看到人間的愛心和犧牲。成千的醫療服務人員,和其他志願者冒著生命的危險去幫助別人。各界人士挺身而出,出錢出力,幫助有需要的人。復活節期間,安德烈波切利(Andre Bocelli,意大利盲人男高音)獨自站在米蘭大教堂前面,唱《奇異恩典》,盡他所能安慰人類。


 [5] 上帝創造世界時,為人類設立了三個制度:婚姻家庭、政府、教會。上帝要人透過這些制度彼此建立,維持關係。我們要彼此立約,和諧共處,按照公義一同生活。我們要彼此幫助,為別人的好處著想。


 [6] 但是,普遍恩典和普遍啟示,道德律和人的良心不能救人,不能使人的罪得到赦免,不能使人與上帝和好。普遍啟示的目的,是叫人沒有藉口不信上帝(《羅馬書》118-20)。普遍恩典的目的,是維持人間社會的秩序。而良心的具體情況是:人一方面會為自己辯護,另一方面又會控告自己。他不確定,在上帝面前的地位是如何的(《羅馬書》214-16)。因此,在整個人類歷史中,上帝展示了祂的恩典,祂大能的救恩。


[7] 這就帶我們來到上帝的福音今天在世界中具體在做什麼。祂在呼籲,祂在邀請人來接受祂的獨生子——耶穌基督,罪人的救主。祂在呼籲人,無論男女老幼來回應福音這好消息,認罪悔改,信靠耶穌基督,以致罪得赦免。這個邀請是向全人類的,是真實的邀請,是上帝誠懇的邀請。上帝這麼地愛世人 ,讓一切信祂(耶穌基督)的,不致滅亡,反得永生(《約翰福音》316)。(這並不抹殺上帝預定一切事。福音的邀請和上帝的預定都是《聖經》所教導的。我們兩者都相信。)






[8] 另一件恐怖的事實是,福音傳到全世界,與此同時,有些人是不做回應的。他們的心是剛硬的。更恐怖的是,有時候上帝會使我們的心更加剛硬(《羅馬書》9-11章)。我們自己要為我們拒絕上帝負責任。但是,上帝有時候會任憑我們處於現狀,甚至使我們的心更剛硬。但願這不是你的情況!但願我們的心是柔軟的,上帝說話時,讓我們對祂有回應。

[9] 當福音傳出去時,一件奇妙的事會發生。上帝的話會抓住人的心靈和人的思維,聖靈會賜他們新生,一個新的生命。祂會潔淨人的心,住在他們的心裡(《約翰福音》3:3, 5, 8)。他們『從水,從靈』重生了。因著這個重生,人就自願地來到上帝面前,用上帝所賜給他們的信心,信靠耶穌基督,成為上帝的兒女(《約翰福音》1:12)。

 范泰爾說,歷史上有著一個『分別出來』的過程。在人類歷史中,上帝不斷呼召祂的子民,成為聚集在祂面前的會眾 (ecclesia),成為教會。

[10] 祂所呼召的子民,聖靈所重生的信徒,上帝不斷塑造、管教、改變,成為效法基督模樣的人。特別在一些歷史時刻,上帝呼召信徒們付出更重的代價來跟隨耶穌基督。這就是『萬事互相效力』的目的(《羅馬書》8:28-29)。教會歷史上不難找到逼迫的時期。世界歷史常有戰亂、飢荒、瘟疫。過去四十年到七十年,很多人沒有經歷到這些患難,這是上帝所賜的福氣。這段平安的日子是例外的。上帝如今要如何塑造我們?

上帝護理 (Providences) 的個案研究:《創世記》第12章的飢荒



11章結束到12章開始,上帝在挪亞的後裔中揀選了他拉一家。他們離開了吾珥,到了哈蘭。但是在吾珥的時候,上帝已經呼召亞伯蘭要進一步走下去(《使徒行傳》7:2, 3),要離開父家,到祂為亞伯蘭預備的地方。上帝給亞伯蘭幾方面的應許:


這是救贖歷史的一個重要起點。亞伯蘭大概還沒有意識到,上帝的旨意是要從他一人開始,揀選祂的子民,成就祂的普世 救贖計劃,一直到主耶穌基督的道成肉身。亞伯蘭用簡單的信心(上帝賜他的信心《以弗所書》2:8, 9)啟程了。到了兩個地方,他都築壇,求告耶和華的名。










 我們也可以研究約瑟時期的飢荒。上帝在約瑟生命中在做什麼?在雅各生命中又在做什麼?在約瑟的弟兄們心中呢?還有埃及的酒政,法老?上帝各方面的護理 (providences) 是多姿多彩的!


[1] 我們要儆醒。人生太短暫了。讓我們把每一天當做人生最後一天,這樣來生活。

[2] 讓我們設定一些目標:如何具體事奉上帝?如何具體離開自我中心的生活方式?年輕人考慮做準備和裝備,進一些具體幫助別人的職業,不要追求那些病毒飢荒一來首先關閉的行業,因為它們不是社會所必需的。

[3] 撥出時間在上帝面前安息、敬拜。我們不來到主的面前,怎能出去在人群裡面作他人的祝福 ?

[4] 不要忘記把最好的獻給主。要十一奉獻。在豐裕的日子,有些人遺忘了這方面的責任。在物資短缺時,這原則不改變——把最好的獻給主。

[5] 我們有什麼東西是不需要的?家裡的物品?空餘的愛好?生活習慣?當物資短缺時,很多東西就顯得奢侈。現在為什麼留著?

[6] 照顧我們所愛的人,照顧有需要的人。不論是教會裡面或教會以外(《加拉太書》6:10)。我永不厭倦那些終身服事別人的基督徒。默默耕耘,沒有人注意,是他們最自然做的事。

[7] 教會將來人數會減少。不論是因為不能大型聚會,或者是上帝的考驗,這就意味著教會裡能教導、能輔導、能帶領、能服事的人,相對於教會人數的比例會更高。你準備好餵養基督的羊嗎?還是繼續作靠別人餵養的會友?



Samuel Ling


Habakkuk 3:17-19
“Though the fig tree should not blossom, nor the fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will take joy in the God of my salvation. God, the Lord, is my strength; he makes my feet like the deer’s; he makes me tread on my high places.”

Romans 5:3-4
“Suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope.”

Galatians 6:10
“As we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.”


These are days that test our faith, “times that test men’s souls.”  We’ve probably never experienced so many crises all at once: financial, economic, employment, public health, shortage of resources, food supplies … and most importantly, a crisis of fear and panic.  Almost certainly, life will never be the same… at least for years to come.

What is God doing?  What is God saying?

During extraordinary historical moments like this, God is calling forth men and women who will step forth in unswerving faith in him, and obedience to him.  He is calling believers like Gideon’s troops, Joshua and Caleb, Daniel and his three friends, Joseph and Paul.  He is calling Hannah, Ruth, Mary, Lydia.  Many will turn back.  Jesus asks his disciples: “Will you turn back also?”

Until Christ returns, God is running this universe every day (and he will run the universe when and after the Second Coming of Christ, only in a more glorious way!).  The question is: will we follow the footsteps of Joshua and Caleb and the like?

Being isolated indoors, and facing prohibition against large gatherings, the church may never be the same again.

Shortages of medical supplies, and potential crisis in supply chains, may mean food shortages.  Experts have been warning about food shortage before Covid-19.
None of us have ever experienced Covid-19.  Many of us, middle class urban dwellers, have never experienced hunger, or any kind of shortage.  For those of us who have been living in relative comfort, we are a small minority in the world and throughout history.  Blessed minority, but a minority nevertheless.  The vast majority of mankind is not as fortunate as we are!

I remember when I was in elementary school, around 1961-1962, helping my father to go to the Kowloon City post office in Hong Kong, carrying 2 lb. tins of oil, sugar and flour to send to our relatives.  Our relatives in China were experiencing food shortages.  My father had two older brothers (my oldest uncle was a pastor) and a young sister; all of them had families.  He later told us he quietly put some milk powder into the flour to add nutritional value.  Recently, one of my uncles  told me that mother would send grandpa (her father) sausage and pork floss as well.  They still remember.

On the way to the post office (along Carpenter Road, outside the former Walled City), father would say to me, he felt like Joseph, who was preserved by God in other to take care of his family members at a time like that.

Whether the Coronavirus COVID-19 is a short-term or long-term disaster, other long-term issues around the globe remain unresolved: climate change, refugees in different parts of the world, injustice, and eventually, global food shortage.  If the Coronavirus is terminated within a year or so (may it be so, Lord!), we will return to these issues.  If the virus becomes a longer-term pandemic, we need to face several urgent issues at the same time.  No matter what happens, God is strengthening our faith and shaping us to be better stewards and servants.

In these two weeks, in view of the COVID-19 pandemic, I have attempted to address some of the foundational issues of our faith.  We studied Psalm 90 in relation to death and sickness; we looked at Habakkuk in relation to God’s curse and judgment.  See how God’s common grace is exhibited all over the world through acts of human kindness and sacrifice.  Of course, at the same time,  God is carrying out his will concerning the gospel and the church.

For some of my readers, the “tension” between common grace, God’s curse, and God’s redemptive grace which I have presented, may not be  something easy to grasp.  I will now expand this to include as many aspects of God’s providence as I can, to map out a broader picture of how God works in the world today.  This article represents the doctrine of providence as I understand it now, at this moment of time.  Perhaps I should say, this is my application of this doctrine, to the best of my ability, at this point.  I pray that it will strengthen your faith in the sovereignty of God, and your assurance that “he’s got the whole world in his hands.”

We will discuss the issue of food shortage in view of, and in reliance on God’s providence, his preservation of and rule over the entire world.


Let us begin with a short and beautiful definition of providence.  “What do you understand by the providence of God?  God’s providence is His almighty and ever present power, whereby, as with His hand, He still upholds heaven and earth and all creatures, and so governs them that leaf and blade, rain and drought, fruitful and barren years, food and drink, health and sickness, riches and poverty, indeed, all things, come not by change but by his fatherly hand.”  (Heidelberg Catechism, Question 27.)  This is my Father’s world!
Let me put it more concretely.

[1] God’s protection and rule covers “all things” in the world.  “All things” include: the universe as a whole; the physical world; animals and plants; the affairs of nations; the birth and life of every person, and their successes and failures; protecting the righteous; exposing and punishing the wicked; supplying the needs of God’s people; answering prayer.  (Louis Berkhof, Systematic Theology.)  Nothing, nothing at all falls outside the scope of God’s providence.  This, of course, includes disasters like viruses and famines.

[2] God rules over all things and does all things according to the counsel of his will.  This means that everything happens just as God had planned it in eternity.  For us humans, there seems to be a gap, logically, between God’s eternally predestined plan and what happens in the world.  This remains a mystery, it is unthinkable!  But we must accept that this is a truth which the Bible teaches: everything happens, just as God has planned it in eternity.

[3] God has predestined all things; when they actually happen, God does these things through secondary causes.  “Secondary causes” include human choices, and all kinds of natural causes.  For example: a sparrow falls to the ground.  Various causes have contributed to it: the wind blows, and perhaps the sparrow’s wings have been injured.  Viruses spread through the air, through humans.  God takes care of patients, most of the time, through hospitals.  All is planned by God, all is directed by God.  So, when the event happens, God is “there.”  God is everywhere!   (Theologians have given a name to this fact: “concurrence.”)

[4] Everything happens for the glory of God; the ultimate purpose is that everything comes under the lordship of Christ (Ephesians 1:9-10).  This includes the wonderful fact that men and women being saved and enter the kingdom of God.  God wills that people from all nations not perish, but have eternal life.  In suffering and in hardship, God is working out his gracious will.

[5] Some people cannot accept the fact that God has predestined all things, and that he is ruling over all things.  We invite these friends to consider: if God is not ruling over all things, then the alternative is: the whole universe is in chaos; everything happens by chance.  Is it really so?  There is a better option: the Bible does not describe our world this way.

[6] God’s providence brings all kinds of benefits to Christians: comfort, assurance of salvation, strength, meaning of life, and a sense of mission.  Indeed, God has planned all things in eternity: so that we may live more dynamically, with more momentum, that we may serve him and others in a more self-conscious and self-motivated way.


So, when things happen in the world, what exactly is God’s will?  How is he working?  We call these the “providences” of God.  Discussed several times in the past two weeks: God is giving mankind his common grace; he is working out his judgment against mankind and his curse on the earth; he is also bringing people to himself as Savior, and cleansing and disciplining his church.  Let us list some of these works of God in a more comprehensive and more systematic manner.

[1] God is preserving and ruling over the world through his common grace.  Positively, this means that he gives good gifts to mankind, like sunshine and the rain; negatively, this means that, for most of the time, he is restraining the power of sin and evil from exercising maximum influence on mankind. In general, God preserves human lives; it is rarely that a pandemic happens.

One way that common grace operates is through human talent in science and technology, including in medicine and the health sciences.  To the extent that advances in technology promotes the life and welfare of men, women and children, it reflects the image of God in mankind.  We thank God for that.

[2] God is also revealing himself to mankind through the things that he created (Romans 1:19-20), so that deep in the hearts of all men and women, they know God.  Even though nature is cursed, it still proclaims the glory of God (Psalm 19:1-4).  In addition to glorying God, nature also  operates for the welfare of mankind.

[3] Because all men and women, though they receive God’s revelation through the created world (Romans 1:19-20), reject this revelation, God’s wrath is poured out on them (Romans 1:18).

Our non-Christian friends are not only responsible to God for not receiving the gospel; they have also rejected his revelation which is happening every moment.  God is warning mankind, calling people to repent and trust in Jesus Christ today.  He is patient so that people may turn to him (Romans 2:4).

[4] God has given men his “moral law,” and created men and women with a conscience.  Therefore, even though people may not have heard of the Bible or the gospel, they have a sense of right and wrong.   They do things which the law of God prescribes (Romans 2:12-16).  We do see deeds of human kindness and sacrifice.  Hundreds of medical workers and other citizens do volunteer to risk their lives to help others.  People from all walks of life give what they can, and do what they can to help those in need.  Andre Bocelli sings “Amazing Grace” in front of the Milan Cathedral at Easter, alone, to do his part to comfort humanity.

Humans are different from animals.  We have a conscience. It is beautiful.  Praise be to the Creator.

[5] When God created the world, he established three institutions in and for mankind: marriage and the family; government; and the church.  God expects people to relate to one another through these three institutions.  We are to make covenants and agreements with each other and live in peace, and abide by norms of justice.  We are to help one another and seek our neighbor’s welfare.

When disaster strikes, we see how this sense of “covenantal living” is expressed in deeds of kindness and sacrifice.  Young people are called upon to isolate themselves, out of concern for the health of their elderly family members.  Parents do worry when their children, medical workers or other first line workers, work to serve those infected with the virus.  When loved ones die, family members agonize over the fact that they could not offer comfort and say “Goodbye” in person.  Churches mobilize for mercy ministries, to serve those in need.  Societies, whether officially through the government or voluntarily through the citizens, often come together in solidarity at a time of crisis.  We are a “federal” (covenant) community.  (Note: the root word for “federal” in Latin means “covenant.”)  Even though man’s sin and various evil forces work to tear us apart, God’s institutions hold us together.

[6] However, common grace and general revelation, the moral law and our consciences will not save us; these will not bring forgiveness of sin and peace with God.  General revelation’s purpose is to make men and women without excuse not to believe God (Romans 1:18-20).  The purpose of common grace is to provide some measure of order in human society.  The actual situation of conscience is that people alternatively defend or excuse themselves; they are not sure of their status before God (Romans 2:14-16).
So, in the midst of all human history, God unfolds the story of his gracious, powerful salvation that stretches from Adam to Christ, from the Old to the New Testament.  Today, this plan of salvation has been accomplished.  Jesus has died for his people, he has risen from the dead, and returned to heaven.  We await the final event: his return and judgment of the world.  Meanwhile, we are to listen to and receive the gospel, and share it among all nations.  In every moment, particularly in moments of crisis and shortage.

[7] This brings us to what God is doing today in the world with the gospel.  He is calling, he is inviting people to receive his Son Jesus Christ, savior of sinners.  He is urging men, women and children to respond to the gospel, repent, believe in Christ and receive forgiveness of their sins.  This offer is to all mankind; it is real; it is a sincere invitation from God.  God so loved the world … that all who believe may not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16).  (This does not contradict the fact that God has predestined everything.  Both are in the Bible; we believe both.)

Friend, have you responded to the gospel?  Have you received Jesus as your God, your Savior and lord of our life?  You can do it today.  Here is a prayer you can pray, today, right now.

A Prayer to Put Your Trust in Jesus Christ as Your Lord and Savior

Dear God.  For me to put my trust in you is very difficult.   I admit, it is difficult to believe. Please have mercy on me and give me faith.

God, I confess that I am a sinner, and have broken your laws.  I ask you now to forgive my sin; cleanse me and become Lord of my life.  I want to receive direction from your Word, so I can fear you, live for you, and face death with you.

Thank you, Lord, for giving all kinds of gifts to those who trust in you.  I believe, help me in my unbelief.  I pray in reliance upon the name of Jesus, the savior of sinners.  Amen.
(Note: “To pray in the name of Jesus” means to rely on him and all he has done.  “Amen” means, “I sincerely mean this.”)

[8] It is a terrible thing, but at the same time that the gospel goes forth, some people will not respond.  Their hearts have been hardened.  What is more terrible is that, sometimes God would further harden people’s hearts (Romans chapters 9-11).  We bear the responsibility for rejecting God.  But God will allow us to remain in our condition, and further harden us.  May it never happen to you and me.  May our hearts be soft and responsive as God speaks his Word.

[9] As the gospel goes forth, God’s Word does a wonderful thing: it gets hold of peoples’ hearts and minds, and the Holy Spirit gives them a new birth, a new life.  He cleanses their hearts and takes up residence in them (John 3:3, 5, 8).  They are “born again” of water and spirit.  Because of this new birth, people come to God, willingly; they put their God-given faith in Christ, and become his children (John 1:12).

Cornelius Van Til speaks of the process of “differentiation.”  God is separating his people from the world throughout history.  He is calling them out to be the assembly, ecclesia, the church.

[10] God’s people whom he has called, believers who were born again by the Holy Spirit, God continues to mold and shape them, transforms them into the image of Jesus Christ.  That is the purpose why “all things work together for good” for them (Romans 8:28-30).  It is not difficult to discover periods of persecution in church history; in world history, there have been wars, famines, plagues.  In the past forty to seventy years, many people were spared these hardships.  This is God’s blessing.  These years of peace have been exceptions.  How will God mold and shape us now?


Let us now look at a case study in material shortage: the famine recorded in Genesis chapter 12.   Let us see how the providences of God are at work.

Background: God’s Call; Man’s Obedience

We will begin with the background.

From Genesis chapter 4 through chapter 11, we read about the relationship between God and mankind after Adam sinned and mankind fell.  Man continued his arrogance, and bragged about his achievements; men even wanted to build a tower that reached heaven.  Yet God gave common grace, and allowed mankind to become urbanized and made some achievements in civilization.  God judged: he destroyed mankind through the flood – except preserving Noah and his family – and he confused men’s languages at Babel.  People scattered.  This confusion of languages will not be reversed until Pentecost (Acts chapter 2).

Toward the end of chapter 11 and at the beginning of chapter 12, God chose one man among all of Noah’s descendants: Terah.  He and his family left their homeland in Ur and arrived at Haran.  But while at Ur, God had called Abram to go further: to leave his father’s house to the land which he prepared for Abram (Acts 7:2, 3).  God gave him several promises:

He will bless Abram himself;
He will give him the land prepared for him;
His descendants will become a great nation;
All the nations in the world will be blessed through him.

This marks an important starting point in the history of redemption.  At this point, Abram probably had not realized that God was going to choose his people through him, and accomplish his worldwide redemptive plan, all the way to the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ.  But he went in simple faith – faith given to him by God (Ephesians 2:8, 9).  In two places he went, he erected altars and called upon the name of the Lord.
We see a very fine beginning: faith, obedience, worship.

Testing and Failure: Unbelief

Then reality struck.  Food was short; there was a famine in the land.  The Bible does not tell us whether God considered or consulted God.  God’s grace and purposes don’t change.  But in view of hunger, Abram chose a difficult, but seemingly unavoidable path: he had just arrived at a strange land, now he had to move to another strange land.  Abram’s human nature is just like ours; just like Elijah’s human nature (James 5:17).  But his faith was young.  It needs to mature.

The Bible tells us, he took his family and went down to Egypt.

All sin, at its root, is unbelief.  Abram’s faith was very weak.  He looked out for his self-interest, the protection of his own life.  He lied and told his wife Sarai to lie. Lying and deception, of course, led to disastrous consequences as far as Abram’s reputation before the Egyptians is concerned.  But all they initially saw was Sarai’s beauty.  Thus, Abram also put his wife in danger – moral danger.  And he put the Pharaoh of Egypt at moral risk as well.  Abraham’s growth in sanctification is at risk.

What was God doing?  He was protecting Abram.  He was protecting Sarai.  He was also working in Pharaoh’s conscience – through common grace, engraving moral law in his heart (Romans 2:14-16).  How Pharaoh found out about Sarai’s true identity, the Bible does not say – but we can be sure that God was working through the rumors of Egypt’s palace and the harem.  At the end of the day, Pharaoh confronted Abram and rebuked him.  Abram offered no reply in his own defense.  Pharaoh (perhaps out of pride as great king) did not demand that the abundant material gifts be returned.  Abram did not refuse these gifts of unquestionable gain; nor did he return them.  But God is merciful, and he was somehow working out his plan through this entire debacle.

The result was that Abram, this very young and fragile believer, was deported out of Egypt … and with great wealth!  (Genesis 13:1, 2)  His nephew Lot did not fare too poorly, either.  What underserved grace!  Abram returned to his previous location, and there called upon the name of the Lord (Genesis 13:3, 4).

What can unbelief and sin do to us?  It causes us to further sin, and leads others to sin as well. It makes us lose our reputation before the world.  It affects our profession of faith in front of others.  It makes us defenseless in face of rebuke.  It hardens our hearts.  Most importantly, it makes us lose sight of God’s call and his gracious purpose.  Whether in hunger or in abundance, fear and unbelief brings unimaginable consequences.

Abraham was God’s chosen, sanctified through testing.  At this point, he failed.  The good news is that Jesus Christ is God’s chosen Son, sanctified through testing.  He always came through victoriously.  Abraham’s example serves as our warning; Jesus is our Savior, he is our hope.


We can go on and study the famine in Joseph’s life.  What was God doing through this event to Joseph?  What was God doing in Jacob’s life?  What was God doing in the hearts of Joseph’s brothers?  Not to mention the cupbearer, Pharaoh and the Egyptians… God is working out his manifold providences!

How shall we then live?  If God is molding and shaping us, if God is separating his people unto himself from all mankind, how shall we wait upon him in his presence, and serve him in this world?

[1] We need to be sober.   Life is short.   Let us live as if every day is your last da

[2] Let us all set some concrete goals: how may we serve God practically?  Concretely, how may we leave behind a self-centered lifestyle?  Young people, consider careers that concretely help people.  Make plans, receive training.  Don’t consider those fields which, when viruses and famines come, will be among the first to close down – because they are not “essential” for society’s welfare.

[3] Take time for rest and worship.  If we don’t come into God’s presence, how can we go out into the hustle and bustle of humanity, and be a blessing to others?

[4] Don’t forget to give God our best, including our tithe.  In times of plenty some of us have neglected this obligation; in times of shortage, this principle does not change.  God deserves, he demands our best.
[5] What are the things that we don’t need?  Items we have at home; things we love, our lifestyles?  There are many things which, when famine comes, will become luxuries.  Why hold on to them now?

[6] Take care of our loved ones, take care of those in need, both inside the body of Christ and outside (Galatians 6:10).    I never get tired to giving testimony to those Christians who spend their entire lifetime serving others in need.  Quietly, without notice, as the most natural thing.

[7] Churches will become smaller in the future, whether due to the limitations on the size of gatherings, or because of God’s testing on our faith.  This means that, proportionally, each church will need a higher number of teachers, counselors, leaders and servants.  Are you prepared and equipped to feed Christ’s sheep?  Or will you remain as one of those who depend on other’s feeding?

Jesus says: “Do you love me more than these?  … Feed my sheep.”  Words from our risen Savior.

He is able.  Able to equip you.  He is calling.  “Who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”  (Esther 4:14)
