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Creation and the Image of God in Mankind
作者:Green Baggins  譯者:誠之
God created the heavens and the earth in six literal days. God created the universe for His own glory. That was the reason, the goal, the end of creation. Humanity is the crown of creation. Only humanity is made in the image of God. However, the questions become this: "What is the image of God?" and "How do we speak of the image of God after the Fall?"
對於這個問題,主要有三個答案。第一個問題是羅馬天主教會的問題。他們說,上帝的形象完全是由選擇的能力組成,再加上一個超級附加的恩賜(所謂donum superadditum),通過這個恩賜,使亞當能夠超越自己肉體的一面,以順服上帝,並控制住肉體的情欲(concupiscence,這裏可以解讀為「任何有形質的東西anything physical」)。當亞當犯罪的時候,他只是失去了這個超級附加的禮物,但他沒有失去其餘的形象(譯按:意指人仍然是中立的,可以向善,也可以向惡)。
There are three main answers to that question. The first question is that of the Roman Catholic Church. They say that the image of God consisted entirely of the ability to choose, plus a superadded gift (the so-called donum superadditum) by which Adam was enabled to transcend his physical side in order to obey God, and keep the concupiscence (read here "anything physical") of the flesh under control. When Adam sinned, he only lost this super-added gift. He lost nothing of the rest of the image.
The second answer is the Lutheran answer. Luther argued that the image of God consisted entirely in moral excellence. Inasmuch as Adam obeyed God, he was in the image of God. Consequently, when Adam sinned, he entirely lost the image of God.
正如你可能猜到的,答案就在這兩個極端之間。改革宗對上帝的形象的看法是,人類被造時有道德的作用(moral agency;類似於羅馬天主教的看法)和道德的卓越(moral excellence,路德宗的看法)。墮落之後,前者得以保留,但後者則完全喪失。這試圖公正地對待那些似乎暗示我們仍有神的形象的經文(創九6,這是墮落後的),以及那些似乎暗示我們已經失去神的形象的經文(羅馬書一~三章)。我們沒有失去道德的作用,但我們完全失去了道德上的優秀。
As you can possibly guess, the answer lies in between these two extremes. The Reformed view of the image of God is that mankind was created with moral agency (similar to the RCC view) and moral excellence (the Lutheran view). After the Fall, the former was retained, but the latter was entirely lost. This seeks to do justice to passages that seem to suggest that we still have the image of God (Gen 9:6, which is post-fall), and passages which seem to suggest that we have lost the image of God (Romans 1-3). We have not lost moral agency, but we have entirely lost moral excellence.
When Jesus Christ came to redeem the image of God in mankind, He accomplished much more than that: He accomplished a new heavens and a new earth. They are in promise right now. But it has broken in upon us. 2 Corinthians 5:17 reads like this (my translation): "If anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation." That is, being in Christ is proof that there is a new creation of which we are a part.
When the resurrection happens, we will not all be in heaven in some kind of disembodied state forever plucking our harps. Heaven is a holding place for the disembodied souls of Christians. Rather, we will have new bodies (1 Cor 15), and will live on the new earth, with no barrier (like there currently is) between heaven and earth, with full communion between heaven and earth.
這讓人想起魯益士(C.S. Lewis)在《最後一戰》( The Last Battle)中所說的舊納尼亞/新納尼亞的對比。我相信,他已經準確地捕捉到了這一點。我們之所以喜歡這個世界,是因為它讓我們看到了未來真實世界的模樣。但未來的世界才是真實的世界。我們只是在影子之地(the Shadowlands),正在經過。
One is reminded of the old Narnia/new Narnia contrast that C.S. Lewis speaks of in The Last Battle. I believe that he has captured it precisely. The reason we like this world is because it gives us a glimpse of what the real future world will look like. But the future world is the real one. We are merely in the Shadowlands, passing through.