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The Warrant for Typological Interpretation of Scripture

作者Fred G. Zaspel  誠之譯自
Typology is that study of Scripture which understands certain Old Testament events, persons, and institutions as historical and yet symbolic anticipations — or previews, prefigurements — of realities later realized in the New Testament. There are better and more specific definitions, of course, but this gets the point across simply enough. Typology is, then, a subset of our understanding of the relationship of the Old and New Testaments. We all recognize that on some level, at least, the Old Testament is characterized by promise and fulfillment, and the New Testament, by contrast, is characterized by fulfillment. One way in which this promise and hope was emphasized before the coming of Christ was through these various pictures or “types.”
毫無疑問,有一些解經家對聖經的處理是錯誤的——我們該怎麼說呢?「過度想像」?「不負責任」? 我個人最偏愛的一個錯誤解經例子是一位著名的(而且通常是有幫助的)解經家的聲明,他說在會幕的後牆上,位於中心的木板代表著永恆的安穩!在對這種「不受控制」的方法作出反應時,有些人懷疑整個解經事業是否被誤導了,這是可以理解的。
Without doubt there have been some (mis)interpreters who have been — how shall we say it?  “overly-imaginative”? “irresponsible”? — in their handling of Scripture. My personal favorite is the well-known (and often otherwise helpful) commentator’s declaration that the center board on the back wall of the Tabernacle represents eternal security! Understandably, some wonder, in reaction to this kind of “uncontrolled” approach, if the entire enterprise is mis-guided.
And so our question here, simply, is What is the warrant for this hermeneutic (typological interpretation)? I hope to pursue further questions in a later post, but here our quest is foundational: what is our biblical / exegetical warrant? The following four lines of approach may be helpful.
首先在新約聖經作者的詞彙中似乎可以找到一些依據。這一點至少需要兩方面的證據。首先有一些專用語。這裏存在一些爭論但似乎很難忽視羅馬書五章14亞當中的tupos、希伯來書九章24帳幕中的antitupos和希伯來書九章9帳幕中的parabole的意義。在每一個例子中,受聖靈默示的作者似乎都在以象徵、預示的方式(symbolic-prefiguring way)處理舊約聖經,並據此稱呼這種理解。也許比這個術語更有意義的是一種簡單的觀察,即某些舊約聖經事件在新約聖經中被說成是「應驗了」(fulfilled),例如,以色列從埃及上來(何十一1/太二15)和拉結的眼淚(耶卅一15/太二16-18)。這些事件後來被說成是「應驗了」(與馬太福音對這個詞的用法一致),這就預設了有某種先知預言或預測的意圖。簡而言之,我們的觀點是,新約聖經作者有時會使用各種術語,這些術語至少表明了某種預表論釋經法。
First, it seems there is some grounding in the vocabulary of the New Testament authors. This point entails at least two lines of evidence. First, there are technical designations. There is some debate here, but it seems rather difficult to overlook the significance of tupos in Romans 5:14 (Adam), antitupos in Hebrews 9:24 (tabernacle), and parabole in Hebrews 9:9 (tabernacle). In each of these instances the inspired author seems to be handling the Old Testament in a symbolic-prefiguring way and designating this understanding accordingly. Perhaps more significant than this terminology is the simple observation that certain Old Testament events are said in the New Testament to be “fulfilled” — Israel’s ascent from Egypt (Hos. 11:1 / Mt. 2:15) and Rachel’s tears (Jer. 31:15 / Mt. 2:16-18), for example. That these events are later said to be “fulfilled” (in keeping with Matthew’s use of this term) presupposes a prophetic or predictive intent of some kind. Our point here, briefly, is simply that the New Testament writers on occasion employ various kinds of terminology that identifies at least some kind of typological hermeneutic.
Our warrant for typological interpretation rests also on the authority of Jesus, who frequently identified himself with some Old Testament event that foreshadowed him in some way. For example, he identified himself with Jacob’s ladder (Jn. 1:51), the Temple (Jn. 2:19), Moses’ brass serpent (Jn. 3:14-15), the manna in the wilderness (Jn. 6:30-35), and so on. There is much more to learn about the nature and identity of types and about Jesus’ interpretation of Scripture, of course, but this is sufficient already to demonstrate that Jesus himself provides warrant for some kind of typological hermeneutic.
The apostles, in turn, followed in step. For example, the fact that the soldiers did not break the legs of Jesus is understood by the apostle John as “fulfillment” of the Passover lamb symbolism (Jn. 19:36; cf. Ex.12:46 and Num. 9:12). Paul likewise speaks of Jesus’ death as the death of the Passover lamb (1 Cor. 5:7), and elsewhere he speaks of our Lord as another Adam (Rom 5:14). Hebrews speaks of him as the better Moses, the better priest, the better sacrifice, and the new Melchizedek. And so on it goes. Quite obviously, the inspired writers of the New Testament practices some kind of typological interpretation.
在我們進一步討論之前,我們應該停下來問問,使徒們究竟是從哪裏學會以這種方式來閱讀聖經的?當然,我們必須認為他們是從耶穌那裏學到的(參看路廿四27, 44以下)。
Before we go further we should pause to ask, Where did the apostles learn to read the Scripture in this way? Of course, we have to think they learned it from Jesus (cf. Lk.24:27, 44ff).
But perhaps there is more to the answer than just that. After all, where did Jesus learn to read the Scriptures like this?
Our fourth line of evidence, providing warrant for typological interpretation, is, simply, the Old Testament itself. I will not draw this out at length here, but it is important to see that this way of reading the Old Testament was not entirely new with the apostles or even with Jesus. There are typological structures and patterns already evident in the Old Testament itself.
A few examples will illustrate my point. The garden of Eden is sometimes referred to as prospective of the new creation, paradise (Is. 11:6-9). Noah seems to be presented as a “new” Adam, hopefully to succeed where Adam failed (Gen. 9:1-2, 7; cf. 1:26-28; 2:15-17). Of course he failed, which leaves open the prospect for yet another Adam. Could it be Abraham? And when he fails, is there another Adam to come who will succeed? The exodus is frequently held out as prospective of another and greater deliverance to come (Is.11:15-16; 43:16-21; 48:20-21; 51:9-11; 52:11-12; Jer.16:14-15). Joshua is presented in some ways as a new Moses. So when Joshua dies, is there hope for yet another Moses (Dt. 18:15ff)? Israel’s Tabernacle and Solomon’s Temple seem to be anticipated by and patterned after the garden of Eden and yet prospective of a greater realization of God’s presence with his people (Ezek. 40-48). The Sabbath and Israel’s “rest” in the land were prospective of a greater “rest” to come (Ps. 95:18). Individuals such as Moses (Dt. 18:15ff), Melchizedek (Ps. 110), and David (Ps. 89; Is. 11:1; etc.) all anticipate a greater Prophet, Priest, and King to come. And so on. All these are prefigurements or symbolic anticipations within the narrative of the Old Testament itself, and they go a long way toward providing a hermeneutical structure for later interpreters.
I should mention one further factor in this connection, a larger consideration that sheds light on the typological interpretation of the Old Testament, and that is the overshadowing context of covenant and promise that dominates the Old Testament. God had made important promises (e.g., Gen. 3:15), most famously to Abraham (Gen. 12:1-3) and David (2 Sam. 7), which relentlessly rivet our attention on Christ. Seen within this context, the Old Testament’s symbolic anticipations are given much more light indeed.
The point, simply, is that throughout the Old Testament, the note of anticipation is “built in” to the narrative of various persons, events, and institutions. For the Old Testament writers, history is revelation — revelation about the future.
And so for Jesus and the New Testament writers, this hermeneutical structure was already in place. Yes, they were more detailed, and they pointed out further specific “fulfillments” that are not explicitly seen as predictive in the Old Testament. And we have yet to give precise definition of a legitimate “type” or identify the various factors that are necessary to a responsible typology that will keep our often overly-zealous imaginations in check. But we can see already that the patterns and structures embedded in the Old Testament itself provide a context in which Jesus’ and the apostles’ handling of Scripture was shown to be convincing. This, they insisted, is the way we must read Scripture.
作者Fred G. Zaspel(阿姆斯特丹自由大學博士)是賓夕法尼亞州弗蘭科尼亞的改革宗浸信會的牧師之一。他也是《書籍概覽》網站的執行編輯和南方浸信會神學院的神學兼職教授。他的著作包括《華腓德的神學》和《華腓德論基督徒生活》等。