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Five Different Versions of “Two Kingdoms”

作者:Gregory Baus   誠之譯自:

1.  「兩個國度」的一種說法(其中一個版本)是從撒旦的國度和上帝國度的角度來看的。
1. One version of "two kingdoms" views it in terms of the kingdom of Satan and the kingdom of God.
This is also the sense in which Augustine spoke of the city of God and the city of earth (or sometimes others say the city of man). It is a distinction between salvation and damnation; good and evil; faith and love toward God in Christ vs. unbelief, apostasy, and idolatry.
2. 兩個國度的另一種說法(雖然不否認第一種說法)是指上帝的兩個國度。一個是「內在的」和「看不見的/屬靈的」,另一個是「外在的」和「可見的/物質的」。
2. Another version of two kingdoms (while not denying the first) is in terms of two kingdoms of God. One is "internal" and "invisible/spiritual", the other is "external" and "visible/material".
The first applies to God's "immediate" reign/rule over the consciences of believers; the reign of Christ in the hearts of believers. The other applies to "mediated" rule through delegated human authorities in church government and civil government.
This has been held by establishmentarians (theocrats or 'state church' advocates like Luther, Calvin, and most of the early Reformers), but isn't necessarily tied to that.
3. 上帝的兩個國度的另一種說法是指制度化教會和公民政府中的兩個外在/「中介」(external/”mediated”)國度。
3. Yet another version of two kingdoms of God is in terms of the two external/"mediated" kingdoms in the institutional church and civil government.
In the church, Christ is the only head/king, and rules through His Word, ministered by church officers. In the civil government, earthly kings or magistrates rule by the (physical) sword.
This can also be held by those who also hold (1. and/or 2.), with or without establishmentarianism.
4. 還有另一種說法的兩個國度,有時與上述任何觀點結合或重疊,是一個「普遍恩典」(common grace)的國度和一個「特殊恩典」(special grace)的國度。
4. And yet another version of two kingdoms, sometimes held in combination or overlap with any of the above views, is a kingdom of "common grace" and a kingdom of "special grace".
There are several different versions of this view, but in general, common grace is understood to involve that dimension or those areas of life that are common to believers and unbelievers, while special grace is understood to involve salvation and that dimension or those areas of life that are related to believers.
5. 最後,另一種說法的兩個國度,是現在作為恩典國度的上帝的救贖國度(或特殊恩典國度),以及未來尚未(或即將)完滿的榮耀國度(在新天新地)。
5. And finally, another version of two kingdoms, are the salvific (or special grace) kingdom of God now presently inaugurated as the kingdom of Grace and the future not yet (or yet to be) consummated kingdom of Glory (in the new heavens and earth).
This language is used, for example, in the Westminster Shorter Catechism, and is also compatible with the above views.
作者:Gregory Baus
@ neocalvinism; old school Confessional Presbyterian and Dooyeweerdian freelance philosopher