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6 Steps to Stop Your Controlling Behavior

作者Sunshyne 誠之譯自
“You’re so controlling!” Has that ever been said to you? It’s been said to me and it was true! Rather than own it at that time, I went with the classic blaming method and excuse-making. I also hid behind my “Type A” personality excuse.
Fast forward time, I can now see, my control was rooted in fear. Before I talk about how fear motivates control, let’s back up and talk about control.
Control is defined as the power to direct people’s behavior or the course of events.
The problem with controlling behavior is, it’s not part of God’s purpose for your life. When we engage in patterns outside of God’s purpose for us, joy and peace will leak out of our lives. This pattern is also very damaging to relationships. “I like being controlled”, said …No One. Ever. It causes intimacy and communication to head for the door. Nobody wants that.
操控的起點總是那麼微妙就是想要快速奏效。這是啥意思我來解釋一下。我們通常從感到有點焦慮開始所以我們只操控一件小事然後焦慮就得到了緩解。這種緩解是一種達到速效quick win的方法。它不會產生持久的結果,但它立刻就能奏效。
Control always starts out so subtly with quick wins. Huh? Let me explain. We usually start by feeling a little anxious, so we control just a small thing and the anxiety gets relieved. That relief is a quick win. It does not yield lasting results, but it is fast acting.
Let’s face it… We love quick wins, immediate gratification and anything fast-acting. The downside is we end up chasing quick wins and then we have a pattern. Next thing you know, “You’re so controlling!”
Ugh! Nobody wants to be that person. So what is motivating the control? …Fear!
· 害怕別人的看法
· 害怕被拋棄
· 害怕經歷情感上的痛苦
· 害怕失去掌控
· 害怕失敗
· 害怕失望
· 害怕、害怕、害怕……(順便說一句,這不是一個詳盡的清單)。
Fear of what others think
Fear of abandonment
Fear of experiencing emotional pain
Fear of loss of control
Fear of failure
Fear of disappointment
Fear, fear, fear  (this is not an exhaustive list, by the way)
Changing Patterns of Controlling Behavior
1. 覺察是關鍵。我們首先要知道這兩者的差異什麼是我們可以控制的什麼是無法操控的。
1. Awareness is key. We first have to know the difference between what is in our control and what is not.
釐清責任(circle of concern),見《改變生命改變心》,239
You are absolutely in control of your own thoughts, feelings and behaviors. You are not in control of other’s thoughts, feelings and behaviors. This does not mean you shouldn’t be concerned with other people’s thoughts, feelings and actions, but we are releasing the idea or attempts to control others or circumstances. We are choosing to entrust our concerns to God.
For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power, love and self-control. ~2 Timothy 1:7 ESV
2. 把你希望改變操控行為的願望形諸文字。認罪是大有能力的。它照亮黑暗,其權勢就被粉碎。與那些在信仰上經驗豐富的人交談,他們會鼓勵你並為你禱告,同時讓你負責任。
2. Put your desire for changing controlling behavior into words. Confession is powerful. It sheds light on darkness and it’s power is crushed. Talk with someone who is seasoned in their faith that will encourage and pray for you while keeping you accountable.
3. 寫日記以加深對“為什麼”的理解。當我們明白為什麼我們要操控別人或駕馭環境時,我們就能有效地解決問題的根源……恐懼!
3. Journal for deeper understanding of the “why’s”. When we understand why we are controlling others or circumstances, we can effectively address the root of the problem…fear!
It’s like pulling weeds. We can just mow them down so it all looks okay at the surface, but pulling them out at the root is more effective. The same goes for patterns of relating. If we try to do better outwardly only, we will grow weary. Instead, let’s get to the heart of the problem.
If you decide journaling is the way to go, then use this suggested formula:
· 發生了什麼事(辨認出你在操控的時刻)?
· 你當時的感覺/反應如何?
· 如果你不干預或企圖操控局面,你擔心會發生什麼事?
· 在不操控或不干預的情況下,你可以如何應對?
· 下一次你會採取什麼不同的做法?
What happened (identify a time you were controlling)?
How did you feel / respond?
What were you afraid would happen if you didn’t intervene or try to control the situation?
How could you have responded without controlling or intervening?
What will you do differently next time?
4. 認識上帝的主權和信實。當我們操控時,我們實際上是在說:“神不能/祂不願意以我的方式處理這件事,所以我要自己來”。祂掌管萬有。
4. Recognize God’s sovereignty and faithfulness. When we control, we’re actually saying, “God can’t/won’t handle this my way, so I will”. He is in control over all things.
“I know that You can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted”. ~Job 42:2(NIV)
5. 選擇在一切與你有關的事情上信靠上帝,而不是企圖操控結果。我記得多年前我參加過一次貝絲·摩爾的學習,她說的一句話讓我記憶猶新…… “操控是你不信任上帝的一個強烈證明”。這句話讓我痛徹心扉!它引發了我的共鳴。你更信賴誰……世界的創造者還是你自己?
5. Choose to trust in God with all the things that concern you rather than try to control the outcome. I remember a Beth Moore study I did years ago and something she said never left me… “Control is a screaming testament of your distrust in God”. Ouch! It resonated with me. Who do you trust more… The Creator of the world or yourself?
6. 放鬆你的欲望。當我發現自己走在操控行為的道路上時這意味著我正緊抓著我的欲望不放。我的恐懼就變成了事情並不會按照我想要的那種方式去進展。翻譯出來就是我那位擁有至高主權、值得信賴的上帝可能有一個不同的計劃。我的禱告就變成:求你為你的計劃預備我的心。
6. Hold your desires loosely. When I find myself headed down that path of controlling behavior, it means I’m holding my desires with a tight fist. My fear becomes – things aren’t going to go the way I want them to. Translated: My sovereign, trustworthy God might have a different plan than what I have planned. My prayer becomes – prepare my heart for Your plans.
Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. ~Proverbs 19:21 (NIV)
“Stop Controlling Behavior” Take Away
God’s purpose for His people does not include controlling others or circumstances. He’s got something better in mind… That you would trust Him and His plans for your life (gasp!).
First, we uncover the fear that’s driving the control. As we become increasingly aware of much-needed change, we recognize God is in control and trustworthy. So we hold our plans loosely. Time to practice new patterns!
These steps require more than knowing… It requires doing. New patterns take practice. The temptation to control will still pop up, but now you have a plan!
What area of your life needs to be moved from your grasp and into God’s hands?