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In Defense of the Descent: A Response to Contemporary Critics

作者Daniel R. Hyde 書評人David VanDrunen
《為降在陰間辯護——對當代批評家的回應》丹尼爾·海德著。Reformation Heritage Books出版2010。平裝本88頁。David VanDrunen加州西敏神學院教授OPC牧師書評。
In Defense of the Descent: A Response to Contemporary Critics, by Daniel R. Hyde. Published by Reformation Heritage Books, 2010. Paperback, 88 pages, list price $10.00. Reviewed by professor and OP minister David VanDrunen.
作為基督徒,我們要用口承認我們心裏首先相信的信念(羅十9-10)。當我們在《使徒信經》中讀到基督「降在陰間」(譯按:英文[He descended into hell]直譯為降在地獄)的時候,這個想法可能會讓我們駐足思考一下。我們真的相信這點嗎,如果相信,我們如何理解呢?如果把這些話從信條中刪除,事情會不會變得更容易一些?
As Christians, we are to confess with our mouths what we have first believed in our hearts (Rom. 10:9–10). That idea may give us pause when we recite in the Apostles' Creed, "He descended into hell." Do we really believe this, and if so, how do we understand it? Would things be simpler just to eliminate these words from the Creed? Reformed Christians may be especially confused, since the Westminster Larger Catechism and the Heidelberg Catechism interpret this clause in different ways. Daniel Hyde, a pastor in the United Reformed Churches, addresses such issues in this clear, concise, and helpful book. He argues that the debated clause not only belongs in the Creed, but also provides theologically rich, practical benefit to the church as she confesses it and teaches it.
Hyde begins by relating the objections of several contemporary Reformed authors to the use of this clause. He then provides some historical background on the development of the Apostles' Creed and the inclusion of the clause within it. In the lengthier third chapter,
海德首先介紹了當代幾位改革宗作者對使用這個條款的反對意見。然後,他提供了一些關於使徒信經的發展,以及將這個句子納入使徒信經的歷史背景。在篇幅較長的第三章中,海德描述了對降在陰間這個條款的六種主要解釋。前四種是非改革宗的看法。基督降在陰間:(1) 是為了繼續受苦;(2) 是為那些作為非信徒而死的人提供第二次機會;(3) 是為了向那些作為信徒而死的人宣佈祂的勝利;(4) 是為了向撒但宣佈祂的勝利。海德簡要地解釋了為什麼前兩種觀點明確地與聖經相悖。他更詳細地評論了第三和第四種觀點——通常分別由羅馬天主教徒和路德宗所主張(譯按:聖公會也持第三種看法)。在這裏,他納入了對以弗所書四章7-10節和彼得前書三章18-19節的有益討論,這兩段經文在這場辯論中經常被人引用。
Hyde describes six main interpretations of the descent clause. The first four are non-Reformed: that Christ went to hell (1) to continue suffering, (2) to offer a second chance to those who died as unbelievers, (3) to announce his victory to those who died as believers, and (4) to announce his victory to Satan. Hyde briefly explains why the first two views are explicitly contrary to Scripture. He critiques the third and fourth views—typically espoused by Roman Catholics and Lutherans, respectively—in more detail. Here he includes helpful discussion of Ephesians 4:7–10 and 1 Peter 3:18–19, two texts that are commonly cited in this debate.
在第三章的末尾,海德介紹了對這句話的最後兩種解釋,這兩種解釋在改革宗信徒中很常見。(5) 基督作為一個真正死了的人被埋葬了(見《威斯敏斯特大要理問答》,問答50),(6) 基督在一生中特別是在十字架上遭受了如同地獄般的苦楚(見《海德堡要理問答》,問答44)。第四章為這兩種觀點作了辯護。海德正確地認識到,它們是和諧的,事實上,它們抓住了改革宗關於基督降卑的教義更廣泛的兩個方面。本章包括對詩篇十六篇8-10節的注釋,這是這些辯論的另一個重要的歷史經文。(誠之按:改革宗信條解釋“降在陰間”是指基督在靈魂中背負有如地獄般極大的苦楚,詩116:3;撒上2:6。參Ursinus 烏爾西努 《海德堡要理問答注釋》,pp. 228-232。耶穌基督降在陰間,是指祂暫時服在死亡的權勢之下,代替義人承擔了死亡的苦楚,靈魂與肉身暫時分離。
At the end of the third chapter, Hyde introduces the final two interpretations of the clause, which are common among Reformed believers: (5) that Christ was buried as one who was truly dead (see Westminster Larger Catechism, 50), and (6) that Christ suffered the agony of hell during his whole life and especially on the cross (see Heidelberg Catechism, 44). The fourth chapter defends both of these views. Hyde rightly recognizes that they are harmonious and, in fact, capture two aspects of the broader Reformed doctrine of Christ's humiliation. This chapter includes exegesis of Psalm 16:8–10, another historically important text for these debates.
In Chapter 5, Hyde concludes by discussing the benefits of retaining "He descended into hell" in the Apostles' Creed and in our catechetical training. This clause links us with the historic, catholic Christian church that has confessed it for so many centuries. Its truth also bolsters our assurance in times of doubt, provides hope in our suffering, and grants us peace as we face death.
This book is highly recommended, not only for those who may have objections to the descent clause, but also for any who wish to gain a richer understanding and appreciation for it. It will also be useful for those catechizing children. Its short length and clear writing make it accessible to a wide audience.