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作者: 史鮑爾 (R.C. Sproul) 譯者: 姚錦榮
摘自《神學入門》《Essential Truths of the Christian FaithP84 ,更新傳道會出版http://www.crmnj.org/


最能彰顯基督榮耀的,是在祂登山變像的那一刻。「變像」的希臘文是motamorphoomai,  英文的變形(metamorphosis) 一詞即由此而來,表示形象的改變,例如,毛蟲化成蝴蝶就是。「變像」一詞的英文是transfiguration,  其字首trans-, 即「越過」之意。變像即指越過一個界限或屏障,由於自然進入超自然,由人的境界進入神的境界;越過了維度的界限而進入神的領域。




1. 基督的崇耀在登山變像時顯現了出來。
2. 基督的登山變像是形象的轉變,越過自然境界,進入超自然的境界。
3. 基督的榮耀不單反映出神的榮耀,並且就是神自己的榮耀。



We tend to think of glory as something achieved by extraordinary athletic victories, business achievements, or personal fame. In the Bible, however, it has to do with the radiant shining forth of the transcendent majesty of God. At crucial moments the splendor of Jesus’ deity burst through the cloak of His humanity.

The glory of Christ perhaps never became more evident than at His transfiguration. The Greek word for transfiguration is metamorphoomai, from which we get the word metamorphosis. It denotes a change in form as, for example, the transformation that occurs when a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. The prefix trans- means literally “across.” In the transfiguration a limit or barrier is crossed. We might call it a crossing of  the line between the natural and the supernatural, between the human and the divine. It crosses a boundary of dimensions into the realm of God.

At the Transfiguration a brilliant light shone from Jesus. This light was the visible manifestation that the barrier had indeed been crossed. There are some similarities between this manifestation of glory and the shining face of Moses when he returned from Mount Sinai with the Ten Commandments. The differences, however, are significant. Moses’ face shone with reflected glory. Christ did not merely reflect the brightness of divine glory, but His glory is the brightness of divine glory. In this respect, His glory clearly transcends the reflected glory on the face of Moses.

Christ, then, did not reflect light but was the source of light. The Transfiguration was akin to what the Christian will experience in the New Jerusalem. In Revelation 21:23, John explains that the heavenly city will have no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it. God’s glory will illumine it. The Lamb will be its light. John writes, “They shall see His face, and His name shall be on their foreheads. There shall be no night there: They need no lamp nor light of the sun, for the Lord God gives them light” (Revelation 22:4-5).
That the glory of Christ shone forth at the Transfiguration should not surprise us. The surprise is that He willingly veiled His glory for the sake of His children.


1. The glory of Christ was revealed at His transfiguration.
2. The transfiguration of Christ was a change in form, a crossing of the
natural into the supernatural.
3. Christ’s glory is not merely a reflection of God’s glory but the very
glory of God Himself.

Biblical passages for reflection:
Matthew 17:1-9
Mark 13:24-27
Hebrews 1:1-3
Revelation 22:4-5
