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神學問答38:什麽是宗教改革神學?Whatis Reformation Theology?


 「宗教改革神學」(Reformation Theology)是用來指稱16世紀抗議宗的改教家,包括馬丁路德,墨蘭頓,慈運理,加爾文等人所共同認信的神學教義的一個語詞。雖然這些改教家中,在某些領域的信仰有很大的差別,他們仍然堅定地團結在一起,在一些非常基礎性的教義上,對抗羅馬天主教的教導。他們都相信,要管理所有信徒的信仰與實踐,唯獨聖經是足夠的,而聖經教導稱義唯獨靠恩典,因著信,且唯獨在耶穌基督裏。同樣,他們強調一個健全的盟約,或聖約神學(見問答31),而且他們主張人的意志是完全受罪所捆綁的,只有聖靈重生的恩典,才能賜給人信心,帶來稱義。

要理解使這些改教家團結在一起的基礎性真理,最好的途徑大概是通過閱讀16-17世紀所寫的各種信經和信仰告白。「三項聯合信條」(three forms of unity),包括《海德堡要理問答》,《比利時信條》,和《多特信經》,為第一代改教家提供了也許是最清楚的共同信仰的解釋。同樣,「威斯敏斯德標準」(Westminster Standards),包括《威斯敏斯德信仰告白》,《小要理問答》,《大要理問答》,是17世紀作品的裏程碑,將宗教改革的教義編纂成法典。

What is Reformation Theology?

“Reformation Theology” is a term designating the theological doctrines and convictions held in common by the great sixteenth century Protestant reformers, including Martin Luther, Philip Melancthon, Uldrich Zwingli, John Calvin, and others. Although some of these reformers had widely varying beliefs in certain areas, they were nevertheless firmly united against the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church in some very foundational doctrines. They all believed that the scriptures alone were sufficient to govern all believers in matters of faith and practice, and that the scriptures taught that justification was by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ. Likewise, they stressed a robust federal, or covenant theology (see questions 31 ff. above), and they held that man's will is wholly bound in sin, and that only the regenerating grace of the Holy Spirit could give the faith that results in justification.

Perhaps the best way to understand the foundational truths that united these different reformers is to read through the various creeds and confessions that were composed in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The “three forms of unity,” consisting of the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession of Faith, and the Canons of Dort, provide perhaps the clearest explanation of the common faith of the first reformers. Also, the Westminster Standards, including the Westminster Confession of Faith and the shorter and longer catechisms, were a landmark seventeenth century work codifying the doctrines of the Reformation.

Related Reading for Further Study
Introduction to the Reformed Faith by John Frame (.pdf)
A Brief and Untechnical Statement of the Reformed Faith by B.B. Warfield
The Reformed Faith by Loraine Boettner
What is the Reformed Faith? by Dr. Michael S. Horton
Reformed Theology by James Montgomery Boice
Three Pillars of the Reformed Faith by Jason A. Van Bemmel

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