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上帝的主權護理----和祂的媒介方法God’s Sovereign Providence – and His Means 

shane lems 编辑/Maria Marta

上帝有至高無上的主權祂藉著護理掌管一切會發生的事情。當萬事發生時,上帝並不感到驚訝,祂對未來也非茫然不知所措,因為萬事萬物都按照祂的計劃進行(詩卅三11,箴十九21,賽四十六10)。與此同時,祂使用媒介方法和器皿來實現祂的目的(參賽四十四28)。我很欣賞邁克何頓(Michael Horton)在《基督徒的信仰》(The Christian Faith)裏的說話:



[ 摘錄自《基督徒的信仰天路客的系統神學》The Christian Faith. A Systematic Theology for Pilgrims on the Way),P. 373-374, 邁克何頓Michael Horton/麥種編輯小組譯美國麥種傳道會2016]

God’s Sovereign Providence – and His Means (Horton)
by Reformed Reader

God is sovereign, and he is providentially in control of everything that comes to pass. He’s not surprised when things happen, nor is he unsure of the future, since all things happen according to his plan (Ps. 33.11, Prov. 19.21, Is. 46.10).  At the same time, he uses means and instruments to accomplish his purposes (cf. Is. 44.28).  I appreciate how Michael Horton said it in The Christian Faith:

“Ironically, many today who would not affirm a classic Christian notion of divine sovereignty in salvation nevertheless often speak as if God does all things in their daily lives directly, without any instrumental means or ‘secondary causes.’  If one attributes a remarkable recovery from an illness to the skill of the physicians, well-meaning Christians are sometimes inclined to reply, ‘Yes, but God was the one who healed her.’  In more extreme cases, some believers even excuse their laziness and lack of wisdom or preparation by appealing to God’s sovereignty.  ‘Just pray about it’; ‘If God wants it to happen, it will happen.'”

“To be sure, the truth of God’s providence is meant to assure believers that ultimately our times are in God’s hands, but God does not fulfill all of his purposes directly.  In fact, it is his ordinary course to employ means, whether human beings or weather patterns, social upheavals, animal migrations, various vocations, and a host of other factors over which he has control.  We are comforted by the truth that God works all things – even adversity – into his plan for our salvation.  God provides, but we are commanded to pray for our daily bread and to labor in our callings.”

Michael Horton, The Christian Faith, p. 361.

Shane Lems
Covenant Presbyterian Church (OPC)
Hammond, WI