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作者: 史鮑爾 (R.C. Sproul)  譯者: 姚錦榮
摘自《神學入門》《Essential Truths of the Christian Faithp.191 , 更新傳道會出版













1.  我們有責任殷勤地找出自己得救的確據。
2. 得救的確據可幫助我們得以成聖。
3. 論到得救的確據,我們可能會遇見以下四種情況:
1 未得救的人知道自己未曾得救。
2 已得救的人不確定自己已經得救。
3 已得救的人知道自己已經得救。
4 未得救的人以為自己是得救的。
4. 錯誤的得救確據主要是源自錯誤的得救教義。
5. 我們必須審察內心,並看看自己有無信心的果子,才能確知自己有真正的得救確據。
6.  得救全然肯定的確據,來自神的話語和聖靈的見證。



Can anyone know for sure that he is saved? For someone to declare that he is certain of his salvation may seem to be an act of unspeakable arrogance. Yet the Bible calls us to make our salvation a matter of certainty. Peter commands, “Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure” (2 Peter 1:10).

It is our duty to seek assurance of our salvation with diligence. This is not done out of idle curiosity about the state of our soul, but to enhance our
growth in sanctification. Christians who remain uncertain about the state of their salvation are subject to all sorts of questions that paralyze their walk with Christ. They stumble in doubt and are vulnerable to the assaults of Satan. So we must seek to be assured of our salvation. There are four possible positions with respect to one’s assurance of salvation.

Position One: There are people who are unsaved and know that they are unsaved. These people are aware of the enmity they have in their hearts toward God and clearly want nothing to do with Christ as their Savior. They are bold to proclaim that they do not need Christ. Such people are often openly hostile to the gospel.

Position Two: There are people who are saved but do not know they are saved. These people are actually in a state of grace but are uncertain of it. Perhaps they are wrestling with sin in their lives and doubt their own salvation because of a troubled conscience. In this group are those who have not yet made certain that they are among the elect.

Position Three: There are people who are saved and know that they are saved. This is the group who are certain of their election and calling. They have a clear and sound understanding of what salvation requires and know they have met the requirements. They have believed the testimony of the Holy Spirit when He witnessed to their spirits that they are the children of God (Romans 8:16).

Position Four: There are people who are not saved but confidently believe that they are saved. These people have assurance of salvation without salvation. Their assurance is a false assurance.

Because it is possible to have a false assurance of salvation, how do we know if we are in group three or group four? To answer that we must look more closely at group four and ask how it is possible to have a false sense of assurance.

The easiest way to have a false assurance of salvation is to have a false doctrine of salvation. For example, if a person holds to a universalist view of salvation they may reason as follows:

Every person is saved. I am a person. Therefore, I am saved.
Because their doctrine is faulty, their assurance has no firm basis.
Another way that people falsely assure themselves of salvation is by believing that they will get to heaven by trying to live a good life. Those who think they are living a good enough life to satisfy the demands of a holy God are only deluding themselves into thinking they are saved.

But what if a person has a sound doctrine of salvation? Is it still possible to have false assurance? We must answer yes. A person might think he has saving faith but not really possess it. The test for authentic assurance is twofold. On the one hand, we must examine our own hearts to see if we have true faith in Christ. We must see whether or not we have any genuine love for the biblical Christ. For we know such love for Him would be impossible without regeneration.

Second, we must examine the fruit of our faith. We do not need perfect fruit to have assurance, but there must be some evidence of the fruit of obedience for our profession of faith to be credible. If no fruit is present, then no faith is present. Where saving faith is found, fruit of that faith is also found.

Finally, we seek our assurance from the Word of God through which the Holy Spirit bears witness to our spirit that we are His children.

1. It is our duty to diligently pursue assurance of salvation.
 2. Assurance of salvation enhances our sanctification.
 3. There are four possible groups or positions regarding assurance: (a) Those who are unsaved and know they are unsaved (b) Those who are saved but don’t have assurance that they are saved (c) Those who are saved and know they are saved (d) Those who are unsaved but believe they are saved
4. False assurance is primarily based on a false doctrine of salvation.
5. To gain authentic assurance we must search our own hearts and examine the fruit of our faith.
6. Full assurance comes from the Word of God coupled with the testimony of the Holy Spirit.

Biblical passages for reflection:
Matthew 7:21-23 John 3:1-21
Romans 8:15-17 2 Corinthians 1:12 1 John 2:3-6 1 John 5:13