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作者Anna Smith  譯者駱鴻銘

I am one of those tragic figures who is both a perfectionist and a procrastinator. I am such a perfectionist that the very idea of failure terrifies me to the core of my being. I am so afraid of doing things wrong that I am afraid to start because I will probably not do it (whatever “it” is) perfectly and correctly.

So I have to wait around until the fear of failure-by-not-finishing-at-all becomes greater than the fear of failure-by-not-doing-it-perfectly. Once the scale tips the balance, I can then scramble to try to get it done in the little remaining time, my normal fear of imperfection having been overwhelmed by the terror of it not being completed by the deadline.

If this doesn’t sound like a healthy pattern to you, that’s good, because it isn’t. But let me tell you, it works. In high school, college, and graduate school, I became skilled at balancing those fears and I was a successful student, but often a miserable one.

被恐懼糾纏Haunted by Fear

Now that I am out of school, I have found that this strategy doesn’t work as well in normal life. My job and life have few deadlines, so the fear of not doing a task perfectly doesn’t have any counterbalance. Effectively, that means I spend most of my time with a to-do list that I never properly tackle, and so I am always haunted by things that should be done and aren’t, which is not a pleasant way to live.

The lack of deadline fear in my life is forcing me to look more closely at the fear that drives my perfectionism. It actually consists of many fears: fear that I will fail, fear that people will find me lacking and no longer love me, fear that I am not good enough for anything, and the strange fear that somehow failure will destroy me rather than be a learning experience or a hilarious story to tell my grandchildren.

These fears exist because I build my self-worth on my performance. If you can only love yourself (and believe that others will love you) as a straight-A student, then a B+ becomes an existential threat.

戰勝完美主義Defeating Perfectionism

In order to defeat my perfectionism, I need to let go of the whole project of establishing my own worthiness. I’ll never succeed. I make mistakes, I fail people, I hurt people. Busily engaging in my own pathetic attempt at perfection in limited areas doesn’t fix those things. These projects, which seem so terribly important, just distract me from the real issue.

真正的問題在於我是個罪人也有一位聖潔的上帝並且我不配從祂那裏獲得任何好事。我需要有人代替、代表我履行律法的要求,並且為我的失敗受審判。基督為我完成了這件事,並且已經藉著恩典,將祂的價值賜給我,而這意味著我的價值不再由我來決定。因著基督,我是美善的,我是安全的,而 B+(或更糟!)的成績無法給我這種真實的景況。The real issue is that I am a sinner and there is a holy God, and I do not deserve good things from him. I need someone to fulfill the demands of the law on my behalf and suffer the judgment for my failures. Christ has done this exact thing for me and extended his worthiness to me by grace, and it means that my worthiness is no longer up for me to determine. Because of Christ, I am good, I am safe, and no B+ (or worse!) can vouchsafe that reality.

我信這些是因為它們是真的然後這真理就釋放了我使我得自由。這真理使我不再迷戀於追求完美,卻實際上能讓我做好我的工作。這篇文章,或這份指定作業,或這篇博文,不是一個公民表決,決定我身為一個人的價值,而只是我的嘗試,要在上帝安置我的位置上忠心。我時不時會失敗,我也知道我注定會失敗,上帝更知道我會失敗,但是有什麼關係呢?船到橋頭自然直。我不再需要拖延,因為我在任何方向上已經不再被害怕所驅使;我不需要去平衡這些恐懼。I believe these things because they are true, and then the truth goes on to set me free. The truth frees me from my obsession with achieving perfection and actually allows me to do my jobs well. This paper, or this assignment, or this blog post, is not a referendum on my worth as a person. It’s just an attempt to be faithful where God has placed me. I will fail from time to time, and I know I’m going to fail, and God knows I’m going to fail, and everything will still be ok. I do not need to procrastinate because I am no longer driven by fears in any direction; so I don’t need to balance them.

總結來說放棄我的完美主義是百利而無一害的。但是這不是一件容易的事。萬一上帝對這整個恩典的工作不是認真的該怎麼辦?萬一只有表面上完美的人,可以承受上帝的國該怎麼辦?這就是信心、信靠、安息在上帝應許裏,可以發揮作用的時刻。Taken altogether, letting go of my perfectionism is all gain and no loss. But it is still a difficult thing to do. What if God didn’t really mean this whole grace business? What if only the superficially perfect inherit the kingdom? That’s where faith, and trust, and resting in the promises of God come in.

你們得救在於悔改和安息你們得力在於平靜和信靠賽卅15新譯本。有人信靠他們自己的成就(包括我!),有人信靠他們自己的表面(我也是,也經常如此!),我們卻靠主我們的上帝(正在努力當中!)。In repentance and rest is your salvation; in quietness and trust is your strength. Some trust in their achievements (including me!), and some trust in their own facades (me too, quite often!), but we (are working to) depend on the Lord our God.