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作者: 史鮑爾 (R.C. Sproul)     譯者: 姚錦榮
摘自《神學入門》《Essential Truths of the Christian Faith223, 更新傳道會出版


安息日乃「第七」之意,這也正是為甚麼有些人堅持必須在星期六守安息日,而認為守星期日是不合律法的。但是歷代教會都以守星期日為安息日,因星期日是基督復活的日子,新約聖經稱之為「主日」 ;以主曰為安息曰-----七曰中的一曰-----其實並沒有破壞原來安息日的原則。自創 世以來,每週守安息日是永久的定例,同時也被使徒遵守。

至於怎樣才是正確的守法,向來是一個備受爭論的神學問題。多數人同意,在安息日應該停息所有必須處理的商務和勞務。安息日也是集體崇拜,和專心研讀神話語的時候。這一 日也該是信徒為基督的復活,和盼望有一天將在天上享受真安息而歡樂的曰子。

一般的爭論是關於娛樂和行善方面。有人認為享受世俗的娛樂有違守安息日的原則,但是也有人認為,娛樂是休息和恢復精神的重要部分。聖經並沒有明文鼓吹或禁止在安息日娛樂,雖然以賽亞書五十八章13節說 不隨自己的私意,可能有禁止的暗示。

有關行善的辯論便較為緩和。很多人認為,耶穌在安息日事奉的例子,就是暗示基督徒在安息日應該熱心行善,例如探望病人等。但也有人認為,耶穌的榜樣只說明在安息日行善是容許的,但也不是非做不可白勺(這些善行不限於在安息日施行則是明顯的) °

1 .安息日是在創世時設立的,至今仍然有效
2 . 安息有「第七」之意,是指七日中的一日。
3 . 初期教會在主日守安息日,將安息日從星期六改為星期曰(一週的第一日)
4 .安息日應該停止平時的勞動 (必須的勞動除外),與聖徒聚會,集體崇拜。
5 .關於是否應在安息日娛樂和行善有不同的看法。

2 : 1-3;出20 : 8-11;賽58 13-1 4;太 12 1-14 ;徒20 : 7;林前16 1-2;啟110


The sanctity of the Sabbath was instituted at Creation. After His creative work of six days, God rested on the seventh day and hallowed it. By hallowing it, God set the seventh day apart. He consecrated it as holy. Proper observance of the Sabbath was one of the Ten Commandments given at Mount Sinai. It is important to remember that its institution was an integral part of the creation covenant. In the Old Testament, violation of the Sabbath was a capital offense.
The word Sabbath means “seventh.” That is why some insist that Saturday is the only proper day to celebrate the Sabbath, and that it is illegitimate to observe it on Sunday. However, historic Christianity has always observed Sunday as the Sabbath because in the New Testament it is “the Lord’s day,” the day of Christ’s resurrection. The principle of Sabbath, one in seven, remains intact. The weekly Sabbath has been in perpetual effect since Creation and was observed by the apostles.

Questions of proper Sabbath observance continue to be debated among theologians. Most agree that the Sabbath includes a mandate to rest from all but necessary commerce or labor. The Sabbath is also a time for corporate worship and special attention to the study of God’s Word. It is a special time of rejoicing in Christ’s resurrection and in the hope of our Sabbath rest in heaven.

Disagreement centers on the role of recreation and works of mercy. Some regard recreation as a worldly violation of the Sabbath, while others insist it is an important part of rest and refreshment. The Bible nowhere explicitly promotes or prohibits recreation on the Sabbath, though the meaning of pleasure in Isaiah 58:13 may suggest that it is prohibited.

A less strident debate focuses on the issue of works of mercy. Many appeal to Jesus’ example of special ministry on the Sabbath Day as an implicit command for Christians to be actively engaged in works of mercy on the Sabbath, such as visiting the sick. Others contend that Jesus’ example proves that it is lawful and good to be so engaged, but that what is allowed is not necessarily required. (That such works of mercy are not limited to the Sabbath is clear.)

1. The Sabbath was instituted at Creation and is still in force.
2. Sabbath means “seventh.” It refers to a cycle of one day in seven.
3. The early church celebrated the Sabbath on the Lord’s Day, moving the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday (the first day of the week).
4. The Sabbath requires cessation from regular labor (except necessary labor) and the assembly of saints in corporate worship.
5. There is disagreement over the propriety of recreation and the necessity of works of mercy on the Sabbath.

Biblical passages for reflection:

Genesis 2:1-3 Exodus 20:8-11 Isaiah 58:13-14 Acts 20:7 1 Corinthians 16:1-2 Revelation 1:10