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受难节:在血中的生命GoodFriday: Life in the Blood

作者:Eric Costa   译者:骆鸿铭

The life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it for you on the altar to make atonement for your souls, for it is the blood that makes atonement by the life. [Leviticus 17:11]

每年的复活节是为了纪念耶稣基督的死而复活。虽然有很多人论证耶稣基督复活的历史性,但是却很少人论证祂的死的历史性。西方社会基本上接受耶稣基督这个人的确存在的过,所以对于祂的死并没有太大的争议(人不是都要死的吗?这是常态嘛!复活才是“神迹”,是需要怀疑的!)。然而,关于耶稣基督的死,争议的焦点并不在祂是否曾经死亡,而是其死亡真正的意义到底是什么。复活节(被定为每年春分后的第一个星期日)前两天的周五,被西方人称为“Good Friday”(受难节)。这个受难节到底为什么“好”?它只是纪念人类的一个榜样,为了一个崇高的理想而死,还是有其它更不平凡的意义呢?
Today is the Day of the Cross. I've never heard anyone contest the historicity of the death of Jesus on a cross—the historicity of his resurrection, yes, but not his death. The crucial question is not whether it happened. Rather, it is whether his death had any unique significance. Is Good Friday simply a memorial day for the loss of another good man? Or does it mean something more?


The original application of Leviticus 17:11 was in ancient Israel, with regard to animal sacrifices. People sinned, and, in order to be received by a Holy God, they had to make atonement for their sins. So they slaughtered dumb animals like bulls and goats as substitutes for themselves so they could survive God's presence.

Now, there's a problem with this. And it's not the kind of problem where you feel like you should call the Audobon Society because they practiced cruelty to animals. People cause infinite offense against their All-Glorious Creator. We owe him everything—humble thanksgiving, complete obedience, and joyous praise. Yet we withhold everything that is due him. Instead of offering our lives to him, we wrestle our lives away from him.

You tell me: How are dumb animals any kind of substitute for people like us?

Ancient Hebrews had to be aware of this obvious problem. Hebrews 10:4 says that "it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins." Why? The atonement must at least equal the offense. The offering given must at least match the offering withheld. And we, the greatest of God's creation, made in God's very image, have withheld every part of our lives from God. Giving the life of an animal in our place just doesn't cut it.

So this practice was insufficient to atone for people. At best, it was symbolic of real atonement. Which begs the question, then: Is there a real atonement for the sins of the people of God?

All the Scriptures point to the answer being a resounding, Yes!! This is where we find the answer to the crucial question, Did the death of Jesus Christ have any unique significance? Absolutely… And not just because he died, but because he really and truly lived. What do I mean by this?

"The blood makes atonement by the life." The life in the blood makes atonement—not just the ending of the life. Atonement is making up for life wasted, life withheld from God. You don't do that simply by killing, as if death were a substitute for life. You do it by pouring out life perfectly lived as an offering to God, by pouring out that life to the very last drop.

Jesus Christ poured out such life at the cross. He offered to God in our place a life of humble thanksgiving, complete obedience, and joyous praise. He poured out his faithful, good, abundant, eternal life to the very last drop.

“在献祭最高的概念中,死亡是没有地位的。如果人没有犯罪堕落,他仍然有义务献上他自己,以及他所拥有的一切给神,给这位他的生存、动作、存留都需要依靠的神。生命,而非死亡,才是赎罪最根本的意义,才能真正地遮掩罪。”(William Milligan
In the highest conception of offering, death has no place. Had man never fallen it would still have been his duty to offer himself together with all he possessed to the God in whom he lived, and moved, and had his being.... Life, not death, is the essence of atonement, is that by which sin is covered. [William Milligan]

So, yes, the death of Jesus Christ had (and still has) tremendous significance. It was the offering of ultimate life in the place of the ruined lives of the people of God. And if you believe that, you are not only forgiven for your lack of thanksgiving, obedience and praise, but now you can become truly thankful, obedient and worshipful. The atonement not only makes up for your sins, it wins you away from sin as you appreciate the glory and grace of the God who gave the life of his beloved Son for your life.

Whats So Good about GoodFriday?
 作者Justin Holcomb   譯者駱鴻銘