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我們 [不] 能做得到!We Can[not] Do It!

摘錄者Shane Lems/Maria Marta

如果你手頭還沒有這本書你應該盡早去買一本。我在此摘錄兩段,  以饗讀者。這本書是《沒有基督的基督教-美國教會的另類福音》Christless ChristianityThe Alternative Gospel of the American,邁克何頓(Michael Horton)著/浩熙、夏蔚譯,美國麥種傳道會出版。



We Can[not] Do It!
 by Reformed Reader

  If you haven’t grabbed this book yet, you should do it sooner than later.  Here are a few blurbs from two different sections (Michael Horton, Christless Christianity [Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2008]).

“We Americans are not well-known in the world as people who know how to blush.  On the contrary, we are a very self-confident people.  The last thing we want is to be told that we cannot do anything to save ourselves from the most serious problem that we have ever or will ever encounter – that we are entirely at God’s mercy.  Apart from a miracle, religious success in this atmosphere will always go to those who can effectively appeal to this can-do spirit and push as far to the background as possible anything that might throw our swaggering self off-balance.  When looking for ultimate answers, we turn within ourselves, trusting our own experience rather than looking outside ourselves to God’s external word” (p. 65).

Later on, Horton writes, “If the message the church proclaims makes sense without conversion, if it does not offend even lifelong believers from time to time so that they too need to die more to themselves and live more to Christ, then it is not the gospel.  When Christ is talked about, a lot of things can happen, none of which necessarily have any lasting impact. When Christ is proclaimed in his saving office, the church becomes a theater of death and resurrection” (p. 141).

shane lems
sunnyside wa