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基督------幫助我克服壞習慣的生活教練Christ – My Life Coach Helping Me Overcome My Bad Habits?

摘錄者Shane Lems/Maria

下面是魏利蒙William Willimon 对邁克何頓Michael Horton所著的解剖美国教会的新书《沒有基督的基督教-美國教會的另類福音》Christless ChristianityThe Alternative Gospel of the American的评价

「本書揭露我們今天的神學毛病的根源何在並且指出當我們看重自己過於看重神之時我們便走錯方向。作者在書中攻擊當代教會苦悶俗套的現狀。何頓以一種讓人震驚,令人無法逃避的坦誠對我們的問題做出診斷。他稱之為治療為本、功利主義的自然神論(therapeutic, utilitarian Deism),並且被點名道姓、死死按住,並被神賜予我們最精良的武器——耶穌基督的福音——所擊潰。據作者推測,福音派基督教被揭露為那毫無生氣,妥協文化的自由主義運動旗下的最新成員。在閱讀的過程中我也受到了審察。 蕭律柏(Robert Schuller);或譯羅伯特·舒勒)那索然無味的教會論充滿了我們,而我的證道比起約爾·歐斯汀(Joel Osteen)的講道,我的講章只是略微少些愚蠢和妥協罷了。我有罪,我有罪,我有罪!」(8頁)







Christ – My Life Coach Helping Me Overcome My Bad Habits? Oct
by Reformed Reader

Here’s what Willimon says about Horton’s new book which diagnoses the Amerincan church, Christless Christianity: The Alternative Gospel of the American Church (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2008): “Here the roots of our current theological malaise are exposed and we see the wrong turns we took when we began taking ourselves more seriously than God.  Michael Horton diagnoses our trouble in stunning, unavoidable character.  Therapeutic, utilitarian deism is named, nailed, and defeated with the best weapon God has given us – the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Presumptively evangelical Christianity is exposed as the latest recruit to the cause of insipid, culturally compromised liberalism.  I am judged in the process.  Robert Schuller’s vapid ecclesiology is us all over.  My sermons are only slightly less silly and compromised than Joel Osteen’s.  Mea culpa.  Mea culpa.  Mea Culpa” (p. 10)

Here are a few blurbs from the book:
“My concern is that we are getting dangerously close to the place in everyday American church life where the Bible is mined for ‘relevant’ quotes but is largely irrelevant on its own terms; God is used as a personal resource rather than known, worshiped, and trusted; Jesus Christ is a coach with a good game plan for our victory rather than a Savior who has already achieved it for us; salvation is more a matter of having our best life now than being saved from God’s judgment by God himself; and the Holy Spirit is an electrical outlet we can plug into for the power we need to be all that we can be” (p. 19).
“It is not heresy as much as silliness that is killing us softly.  God is not denied but trivialized – used for our life programs rather than received, worshiped, and enjoyed” (p. 24).

“While God wants to give us everlasting life, we settle for trivial satisfaction of superficial needs that are to a large extent created within us by the culture of marketing” (p. 34).
This is hard hitting stuff, and much needed hard hits.  Read this book and take the blows; it will help purge you of the dross and drivel of self-love and positive thinking that has taken the American church captive.

One more note: this is the perfect book to give your elders and pastors after you get a copy for yourself.
shane lems
sunnyside wa