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成為見證人Becoming a Witness

[每日靈修10/20/2018, 駱鴻銘編譯


關於當代基督徒的術語,令我感到不安的一件事是對「見證」這個詞的不精確使用。人們常常把「傳福音」(evangelism )和「作見證」(witnessing )這兩個術語互換地使用,就好像它們是同義詞一樣,但其實不是。




林前三6 我栽種了,亞波羅澆灌了,惟有神叫他生長。
徒一8 但聖靈降臨在你們身上,你們就必得著能力,並要在耶路撒冷、猶太全地,和撒瑪利亞,直到地極,作我的見證。」
路廿四48 你們就是這些事的見證。

Becoming a Witness

The more the laity is involved in ministry, the more they want to deepen their understanding of the Word of God. The more they deepen their understanding of the Word of God, the more they want to put that understanding to work in ministry.

One thing that disturbs me about contemporary Christian jargon is the inexact use of the word witness. Too often people use the terms evangelism and witnessing interchangeably, as if they were synonyms. They are not.

All evangelism is witness, but not all witness is evangelism. Evangelism is a specific type of witnessing. Not everyone is called to be a pastor or teacher. Not everyone is called to administration or specialized ministries of mercy. Not everyone is called to be an evangelist (though we are all called to verbalize our faith). We are all called to be witnesses to Christ, to make His invisible kingdom visible. We witness by doing the ministry of Christ. We witness by being the church, the people of God.

Some of us can plant. Some of us can water. When we plant and water, God will bring an increase.

Coram Deo
How are you actively fulfilling your divine mandate to be a witness for Christ?

Passages for Further Study
1 Corinthians 3:6
Acts 1:8
Luke 24:48