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把信仰帶到職場Taking Your Faith to theMarketplace

[每日靈修10/19/2018, 駱鴻銘編譯


查爾斯•寇森(Charles Colson;譯按:美國尼克森總統時期的白宮幕僚,因水門案被判刑兩年)從白宮進了監獄。當他從監獄獲釋時,並沒有被離開他的事工。確實,從他的經驗生出了一個奉基督的名去服事監獄囚犯事工的願景,這個事工如今已經接觸到全美數以萬計的人,向他們傳福音。

一個平信徒韋恩•阿爾德森(Wayne Alderson;譯按:曾擔任一家軋鋼廠的主計長,平息了一場巨大的勞資糾紛)將自己的信仰投入到勞資關係的暴力舞台上。他把這個事工帶到全美,服事企業的公司董事會、礦工、在工會大廳的人。

這份清單也包括了許多涉及到平信徒的事工。沒有平信徒,教會就不會征服古代世界。改教家明白,要實現真正的改革,必須教育、培訓、動員平信徒。馬丁•路德(Martin Luther)在大學請了休假,以便將聖經翻譯成德語——好叫每個信徒都可以親自讀聖經。



徒八14 從這日起,耶路撒冷的教會大遭逼迫,除了使徒以外,門徒都分散在猶太和撒瑪利亞各處。有虔誠的人把司提反埋葬了,為他捶胸大哭。 掃羅卻殘害教會,進各人的家,拉著男女下在監裡。 那些分散的人往各處去傳道。

Taking Your Faith to the Marketplace

I have seen extraordinary examples of laypeople who have taken their faith to the marketplace in the form of ministry.

Charles Colson went from the White House to prison. When he was released from prison, he was not released from ministry. Indeed, from his experience grew a vision to minister to prison inmates in the name of Christ, a ministry that now reaches tens of thousands of people in virtually every country.

Wayne Alderson, a layman, put his faith to work in the violent arena of labor-management relations. He has taken that ministry around this nation ministering to people in corporate boardrooms, coal mines, and labor union halls.

The list could easily include a multitude of ministries that involve the laity. Without the laity, the church would not have conquered the ancient world. The Reformers understood that for real reformation to happen, the laity had to be educated, trained, and mobilized. Martin Luther took a leave of absence from the university in order to translate the Bible into German—so that every believer could personally read the Scriptures.

John Calvin’s Institutes was originally penned as an instruction manual for the laity. Many of the works of Jonathan Edwards were originally composed for the benefit of his congregation, many of whom were known to be studying their Greek New Testaments while they were plowing their fields.

Coram Deo
Reflect on some ways you can take Christ into the marketplace of your occupation or profession.

Passages for Further Study
Acts 8:1–4