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探索上帝律法的界限Exploring the Boundaries ofGod’s Law


威斯敏斯特要理問答將罪定義為「凡不遵守或違背上帝律法的,都是罪。」(WSC 14)我們在此注意到,罪的定義既是消極的也是積極的。消極方面由「不遵守」一詞來表示。它指的是道德表現的缺失或失敗。用流行的術語來說,它被稱為疏忽的罪(sin of omission)。當我們不遵守上帝命令我們去做的事時,就會發生疏忽的罪。

要理問答對罪的定義的積極方面是指公然的,實際跨越上帝律法界限的罪。這是明知故犯的罪(sin of commission)。




雅四17 人若知道行善,卻不去行,這就是他的罪了。
詩五一13 (大衛與拔示巴同室以後,先知拿單來見他;他作這詩,交與伶長。)神啊,求你按你的慈愛憐恤我!按你豐盛的慈悲塗抹我的過犯! 求你將我的罪孽洗除淨盡,並潔除我的罪! 因為,我知道我的過犯;我的罪常在我面前。

Exploring the Boundaries of God’s Law

The Westminster Catechism defines sin as “any want of conformity to or transgression of the law of God.” We notice here that sin is defined both in negative and positive terms. The negative aspect is indicated by the words “want of conformity.” It points to a lack or failure in moral performance. In popular terms it is called a sin of omission. A sin of omission occurs when we fail to do what God commands us to do.

The positive aspect of the catechetical definition of sin refers to overt, actual stepping over the boundaries of God’s law. It is a sin of commission.

Sometimes God expresses His laws in negative terms (do not …) and sometimes in positive terms (do …). The Ten Commandments contain both forms (do not steal; honor your father and mother).

Both sins of omission and sins of commission are real sins. They incur real guilt. When we do what God forbids, we are guilty of a sin of commission; when we fail to do what God commands, we are guilty of a sin of omission. In both cases the law of God is violated.

Coram Deo
Prayerfully examine your life for sins of omission or commission.

Passages for Further Study
James 4:17
Psalm 51:1–3