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渴望團契相交Longingfor Fellowship

[每日靈修] 11/19/2018,  駱鴻銘編譯






詩一〇七9 因祂使心裡渴慕的人得以知足,使心裡飢餓的人得飽美物。
詩一一九174 耶和華啊,我切慕你的救恩!你的律法也是我所喜愛的。
詩一一六2 祂既向我側耳,我一生要求告祂。

Longing for Fellowship
We speak of God as the immortal, invisible, all-wise God. This string of attributes gives some comfort and no small amount of dismay.

That God is immortal makes me glad. It means simply that He cannot and therefore will never die. I need not worry that He will ever wear out or be replaced. His throne is established forever. He reigns eternally in His omnipotence. That is good news for a perishing humanity.

I rejoice also that He is all-wise. This sets Him apart from every man. It was Aristotle who taught that in the brain of every wise man could be found the corner of the fool. There is no foolish corner in the mind of God. I find solace in the certain truth that the One who rules the affairs of the universe is not given to blunders or lapses into incompetency. I rejoice in God’s wisdom and in His everlasting power.

It is His persistent invisibility that saddens me. It is difficult for sensual creatures to enjoy fellowship with One who cannot be seen, heard, tasted, touched, or smelled. God remains beyond my senses. How then, can I ever relate to Him with intimacy? My heart longs for fellowship with Him. I long to hear His voice as the sound of many waters and to catch one glimpse of His refulgent glory.

Coram Deo
Does your heart beat with a passion to hear the voice of God? Would you sell every possession to be able to walk in a garden alone with Jesus?

Passages for Further Study
Psalm 107:9
Psalm 119:174
Psalm 116:2

