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重新發現律法Rediscovering the Law

[每日靈修] 12/4/2018,  駱鴻銘編譯







代下卅五3 又對那歸耶和華為聖、教訓以色列人的利未人說:「你們將聖約櫃安放在以色列王大衛兒子所羅門建造的殿裡,不必再用肩扛抬。現在要事奉耶和華你們的神,服事他的民以色列。
代下卅四3 他作王第八年,尚且年幼,就尋求他祖大衛的神。到了十二年才潔淨猶大和耶路撒冷,除掉邱壇、木偶、雕刻的像,和鑄造的像。
(Psa 119:92) 我若不是喜愛你的律法,早就在苦難中滅絕了!

Rediscovering the Law

Israel’s reformation came via a rediscovery of the law, which created a brief awakening to the bankruptcy of a corrupt nation. As a young man, King Josiah began the process of reformation with a spiritual purge, a cleansing of pagan elements from the religious life of the nation.

A few years later, Hilkiah found the book of the law of the Lord given by Moses. A scribe brought the book to King Josiah and read it to him. The result was dramatic: “Now it happened, when the king heard the words of the Book of the Law, that he tore his clothes” (2 Kings 22:11).

Josiah was awakened to the greatness of the wrath of God. He realized that God had been pouring out that wrath on the nation of Israel. He further understood that this divine judgment on the nation was a direct result of sin.

The most apparent immediate change in the national reform of Israel was seen in the restoration of true worship, a worship purged of idolatry and rooted in a sound understanding of the character of God and of His law.

We need a new discovery of the law of God and the Word of God in our land. Yes, it needs to be rediscovered in the public square—but even more importantly it must be rediscovered in the house of God.

Coram Deo
Renew your personal commitment to the Word of God. Start today!

Passages for Further Study
2 Chronicles 35:3
2 Chronicles 34:3
Psalm 119:92