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見證他的榮耀Witnessing His Glory

[每日靈修] 12/24/2018,  駱鴻銘編譯

雅各書有一個不同尋常的句子將「榮耀」這個詞與耶穌的名字聯繫起來「我的弟兄們你們既然對我們榮耀的主耶穌基督有信心就不應該憑外貌待人。」(二1;新譯本)。在這節經文中,「榮耀的主」(Lord of glory)這幾個詞有其他的翻譯方法。有些人翻譯為「我們滿有榮光的主」(Our glorious Lord)。還有另一種可能的翻譯:「耶穌基督,祂就是榮耀」(Jesus Christ, who is the glory)。

華腓德(B. B. Warfield)在他的著作《榮耀之主》(The Lord of Glory)中說,耶穌是上帝的榮耀,是「舍金納」(shekinah)。根據舊約,舍金納是無形上帝的可見顯現。舍金納是雲裏的一朵發光的雲彩或明亮的光輝,顯明上帝的直接存在。因為耶穌為被認定與舍金納等同,也就是被認定為與上帝自己同在等同。在耶穌身上,我們看見上帝威嚴的充分顯現。



約一14 道成了肉身,住在我們中間,充充滿滿的有恩典有真理。我們也見過他的榮光,正是父獨生子的榮光。
(Jas 2:1) 我的弟兄們,你們信奉我們榮耀的主耶穌基督,便不可按著外貌待人。
詩一〇四31 願耶和華的榮耀存到永遠!願耶和華喜悅自己所造的!
詩一三八5 他們要歌頌耶和華的作為,因耶和華大有榮耀。

Witnessing His Glory

The book of James has an unusual sentence construction that links the word glory with the name of Jesus: “My brethren, do not hold the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with partiality” (James 2:1). In this verse the words “Lord of glory” have alternate renditions. Some translations read, “Our glorious Lord.” Still another possible translation reads, “Jesus Christ, who is the glory.”

B. B. Warfield, in his book The Lord of Glory, says,  that Jesus was the glory of God, the shekinah. According to the Old Testament, the shekinah was the visible manifestation of the invisible God. The shekinah was a radiant cloud or brilliant light within a cloud that signaled the immediate presence of God. For Jesus to be identified with the shekinah was to be equated with the presence of God Himself. In Jesus we see the full manifestation of the majesty of God.

That the New Testament writers ascribed glory to Jesus was a clear indication of their confession of His full deity. Glory, in the sense it is used with reference to Jesus, is a divine attribute. It is the glory of God that He refuses to share with any man.

Coram Deo
The angels sang “Glory to God” at Christ’s birth. The heavenly elders give glory to God around His throne. Why don’t you follow their example and give God glory today in every circumstance of your life?

Passages for Further Study
John 1:14
Psalm 104:31
Psalm 138:5