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反映祂的形象Reflecting His Image

[每日靈修] 12/23/2018,  駱鴻銘編譯


菲利普休斯Philip Hughes「翻譯為『佩帶著戳記』the very stamp bearer的希臘詞是指一個烙印的字符或由模具或印章造成的印痕例如在硬幣上的印記而譯為「本性」的希臘詞則是指上帝的本質。這裏想要傳遞的主要觀念是精確的對應。這種對應不僅僅涉及聖子的本質與父的本質完全相同,而且更具體地涉及到聖子真實地、信實地代表聖父,或將父啟示出來。



約十四8 腓力對他說:「求主將父顯給我們看,我們就知足了。」
約十四9 耶穌對他說:「腓力,我與你們同在這樣長久,你還不認識我嗎?人看見了我,就是看見了父;你怎麼說『將父顯給我們看』呢?我在父裡面,父在我裡面,你不信嗎?我對你們所說的話,不是憑著自己說的,乃是住在我裡面的父做他自己的事。你們當信我,我在父裡面,父在我裡面;即或不信,也當因我所做的事信我。

Reflecting His Image

What can be said of Christ’s being the “express image of His person”? Are not we all created in the image of God and does not this reference merely speak of Jesus as the perfect man, the one in whom the image of God has not been besmirched or corrupted? I think the text means more than that.

Philip Hughes says this: “The Greek word translated ‘the very stamp bearer’ means an engraved character or the impress made by a die or a seal, as for example, on a coin; and the Greek word translated ‘nature’ denotes the very essence of God. The principal idea intended is that of exact correspondence. This correspondence involves not only an identity of the essence of the Son with that of the Father but more particularly a true and trustworthy revelation or representation of the Father by the Son.”

We remember the request made to Jesus by Philip when he said, “Lord, show us the Father, and it is sufficient for us” (John 14:8). We need to meditate upon the response of Jesus in John 14:9–11. He who would taste the fullness of the sweetness of Christ and perceive the total measure of His excellence must be willing to make the pursuit of the knowledge of Him the main and chief business of life. Such pursuits must not be hindered by sentimentality or reason.

Coram Deo
Pray this prayer: “Dear God, reveal to me the depth and riches of the nature of Your Son, Jesus.”

Passages for Further Study
John 14:9–11