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接受我們的使命Embracing Our Mission

[每日靈修] 2/18/2019,  駱鴻銘編譯





馬太福音廿八18-20 耶穌進前來,對他們說:「天上地下所有的權柄都賜給我了。所以,你們要去,使萬民作我的門徒,奉父、子、聖靈的名給他們施洗。凡我所吩咐你們的,都教訓他們遵守,我就常與你們同在,直到世界的末了。」
路加福音九60 耶穌說:「任憑死人埋葬他們的死人,你只管去傳揚神國的道。」
約十八37 彼拉多就對他說:「這樣,你是王嗎?」耶穌回答說:「你說我是王。我為此而生,也為此來到世間,特為給真理作見證。凡屬真理的人就聽我的話。」

Embracing Our Mission

A church that cares not for truth is a community that rejects its very mission. The person who says, “I’m not interested in doctrine or theology,” is not “of the truth.” He or she has missed the voice of Jesus.

For the church to be the church, she must bow before her King and embrace the mission He has given to her. Yes, we desire a cultural reformation and a restoration of public morality. But that is secondary to and dependent on our mission to bear witness to the truth. Doctrine is important because its central concern is for an understanding of truth, without which there can be no godliness. It is the truth that sets us free, reforms our behavior, and defines us as disciples of Christ.

The world does not see or understand the city of God. It is a hidden city, a concealed kingdom. It is veiled by falsehood, by he who seeks to obscure the truth. The truth is that at this moment Jesus is the King of kings. This world is under His dominion. We are citizens in His realm. We must not negotiate or retreat from that affirmation. The kingdom of God comprises those people who believe what God says and obey when God commands.

Coram Deo
Are you part of God’s kingdom? Do you believe what God says and obey when He commands?

Passages for Further Study
Matthew 28:18–20
Luke 9:60