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信心與忠誠Linking Faith and Loyalty

[每日靈修] 2/19/2019,  駱鴻銘編譯



有一次在飛機上,我坐在舊金山49人隊的企業家和老闆愛德華•德巴托洛(Edward DeBartol)身邊。我問他,在員工和球員中最看重的是什麼。他毫不猶豫地回答:「忠誠!」從表面上看,這可以被解釋為領導者想要被「唯命是從的人」,或一群逢迎拍馬者包圍的願望。但「唯命是從」並不是真正的忠誠。他們更多是受到自我保護所驅使,而不是受忠誠的驅使。



箴十12 恨能挑啟爭端;愛能遮掩一切過錯。
彼前四8 最要緊的是彼此切實相愛,因為愛能遮掩許多的罪。
箴廿七6 朋友加的傷痕出於忠誠;仇敵連連親嘴卻是多餘。
箴十七17 朋友乃時常親愛,弟兄為患難而生。
箴十八24 濫交朋友的,自取敗壞;但有一朋友比弟兄更親密。

Linking Faith and Loyalty

Loyalty is a virtue that is linked to the biblical concept of faith. We tend to restrict or limit our understanding of faith to an act of believing, a kind of intellectual assent to the truth of a proposition. We know, however, that saving faith includes more than assent; it includes personal trust.

When we probe the depths of this trust, we discover that it is multifaceted. It is within the nature of trust that we see the link between faith and loyalty. Together, faith and loyalty yield fidelity. In our language, loyalty and fidelity serve as virtual synonyms.

Once, on an airplane, I sat beside Edward DeBartolo, the entrepreneur and owner of the San Francisco 49ers. I asked him what he valued the most in his employees and players. He answered without hesitation: “Loyalty!” On the surface, this may have been interpreted as the desire of a leader to be surrounded by “yes men” or a band of sycophants. But “yes men” are not really loyal. They are driven more by self-preservation than fidelity.

A faithful friend does not exhibit a blind loyalty that refuses to recognize the errors or faults in his or her friends or bosses. Rather, he or she exhibits the biblical love that covers a multitude of sins, remaining faithful in the midst of failure and shortcomings.

Coram Deo
Are you a faithful friend to others, despite their failures and shortcomings?

Passages for Further Study
Proverbs 27:6
Proverbs 17:17
Proverbs 18:24