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使歷史有意義Making History Count

[每日靈修] 2/14/2018,  駱鴻銘編譯

1. 此讚美的本質
2. 什麼時候收到的
3. 誰給你這個讚美,那個人對你的影響





詩八九1 我要歌唱耶和華的慈愛,直到永遠;我要用口將你的信實傳與萬代。
詩七七11 我要提說耶和華所行的;我要記念你古時的奇事。
詩一四三5 我追想古時之日,思想你的一切作為,默念你手的工作。

Making History Count

For a little fun, as well as an important look into the pages of your history, take a few minutes for a simple exercise. Take a pencil and paper and jot down the five most meaningful compliments you’ve ever received. They may have been verbal or nonverbal, direct or indirect. On your paper note:

1. The nature of the compliment.

2. When it was given.

3. Who gave you the compliment and what role that person represented to you.

After completing this exercise, try another: Write down the five most important events in your life. Then write briefly why these “historic” moments are so important to you.

These two exercises represent a simple means by which you can come to grips with who you are. To finish the exercise, ask yourself this question: If Rembrandt could paint only one portrait of you, what would he have you doing in the portrait? What is your fruitful moment? Maybe tomorrow will bring a moment that will redirect your personal history.

Our history is not the result of blind fate or the impersonal forces of chance. My personal history and yours are bound up with the Author and Lord of history, who makes my personal history count forever.

Coram Deo
Do the two exercises suggested in today’s reading, then answer the question: “If Rembrandt could paint only one portrait of you, what would he have you doing in the portrait?”

Passages for Further Study
Psalm 89:1
Psalm 77:11
Psalm 143:5