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個人釋經   Private Interpretation

作者: 史鮑爾 (R.C. Sproul) 译者: 姚錦榮
摘自《神學入門》《Essential Truths of the Christian FaithP24 ,更新傳道會出版

宗教改革運動留給後世兩項最大的遺產,就是把聖經釋成普通語言,並允許個人詮釋聖經。馬丁路德曾使得這個問題引起人們高度的關注,當一五二一年天主教在德國的沃木斯城舉行會議,判他為異端邪說時,他在這個沃木斯議會(Diet of Worms) 中這樣宣稱:



主觀主義(subjectivism) 是個人釋經的一大危機。個人釋經絕非指神的兒女有權任意詮釋聖經,釋經的權柄與正確地釋經的責任是並存的。信徒有自由去發掘聖經中的真理,但他們沒有自由去建構一套自己想要的真理。信徒蒙召要明白什麽才是健全而正確的解經原理,並要避免使自己墮進主觀主義的危險中。



1 宗教改革運動使教會得到以普通語言釋成的聖經;也使得每一個信徒擁有個人釋經的權利和責任。
2. 教會傳統雖然可以作為信徒的指引,但不可將之視為與聖經具有同等的權威。
3. 個人釋經不可成為主觀主義的藉口。
4. 個人釋經的原則,帶出了信徒尋求聖經正確解釋的責任。
5. 雖然每段經文都可以有很多種不同的應用方式,但每段經文只可以有一種正確的解釋。


註:1. Roland H. Bainton, Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1978


Two of the great legacies of the Reformation were the principle of private interpretation and the translation of the Bible into the common language of the people. Luther himself brought the issue into sharp focus. When Luther appeared before the Diet of Worms (a council charging him with heresy for his teaching), he declared,

Unless I am convicted by Scripture and plain reason—I do not accept the authority of popes and councils, for they have contradicted each other— my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and I will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. God help me. Amen.1

Luther’s declaration, and his subsequent translation of the Bible into his native tongue, did two things. First, it took from the Roman Catholic church its sole right of interpretation. No longer would the people be at the mercy of church doctrine, having to accept tradition or church teaching as an authority equal to God’s Word. Second, it put interpretation in the hands of the people. This change has been more problematic. It has led to the very excesses about which the Roman Catholic church was concerned—subjective interpretations of the text that depart from historic Christian faith.

Subjectivism has been the great danger of private interpretation. Yet the
principle of private interpretation does not mean that God’s people have the right to interpret the Bible in whatever manner they wish. Along with the “right” to interpret Scripture comes the responsibility to interpret it properly. Believers are free to discover the truths of Scripture, but they are not free to fabricate their own truth. Believers are called to understand sound principles of interpretation and to avoid the danger of subjectivism.

In seeking an objective understanding of Scripture we do not thereby
reduce Scripture to something cold, abstract, and lifeless. What we are doing is seeking to understand what the Word says in its context before we go about the equally necessary task of applying it to our lives. A particular statement may have numerous possible personal applications, but it can only have one correct meaning. The right to interpret Scripture carries with it the obligation to interpret it accurately. The Bible is not a “waxed nose” to be shaped and formed to suit the views of the interpreter.

1. The Reformation gave to the church a translation of the Bible in the
common language, and to each believer, the right and responsibility of
private interpretation of the Bible.
2. Church tradition, though instructive as a guide, does not have equal
authority with Scripture.
3. Private interpretation is not a license for subjectivism.
4. The principle of private interpretation carries with it the obligation to seek the correct interpretation of the Bible.
5. Though each biblical text may have multiple applications, it has only one correct meaning.

Biblical passages for reflection:
Nehemiah 8:8
2 Timothy 2:15
2 Timothy 3:14-17
Hebrews 1:1-4
2 Peter 1:20-21