感謝讚美上帝護理的大能与豐盛的供應。 本網誌內的所有資源純屬學習交流之用。



By Eddy Zhang

跟清教徒学英语(3 | not ... any more than...









And it will not follow from this that a believer is one person with Christ, any more than that Christ is one person with the Father, by that great mystical union.

And we are not ourselves the first makers and formers of our new holy nature, any more than of our original corruption; but both are formed ready for us to partake of them.

But this text is not to be taken exclusively in singing, any more than in prayer (Ps. 38: 18; 2 Chron. 35:25).

And therein we do not lie, any more than the Levites, the sons of Korah, or Jeduthun or other musicians bound to sing them (Ps. 5; 39; 42).

一本书里只有这四处例句。但是仍然值得提出来,免得日后出错。英语里有些句型十分精炼,要想翻译好,还破颇费心思。至少,我的语法检查系统认为,any more 应该修改为anymore.

跟清教徒学英语(4) | 站着说话不腰疼,躬身劳碌最脑瘫

作为著名的IT吉祥物“Bug Zhang”,(读音是 Bu-g Zan-g,不要忘掉最后的‘g’),我的同事们都不希望我写代码,所以我总是写一个Hello World!就表示参与了某些项目,就像植树节领导们铲了第一铲土,向着坑里洒了一桶水一样。而GCC,最优秀的代码编译器,则是大部分人看也看不懂的代码丛林。



By the Spirit of Christ dwelling in us, and inclining us to mind spiritual things and to lust against the flesh into higher favor with Him than the first Adam had in the state of innocency, because the righteousness that Christ wrought out for us by His obedience to death is imputed to us for our justification, which is called the righteousness of God, because it is wrought by One that is God as well as man; and therefore it is of infinite value to satisfy the justice of God for all our sins, and to procure His pardon and highest favor for us (2Cor. 5:21; Rom. 5:19).





因基督顺服神以至于死,成为我们的义——这义也被称为神的义,因它是由那全然的神又是全然的人所行的;又因基督的灵住在我们里面,叫我们思念属灵的事,抵挡肉体的私欲,甚至比第一亚当在无罪的状态下更蒙神的喜悦,这义就归算在我们身上,叫我们可以称义;因此,这义具有无限的价值,可以平息神的愤怒,不再计算我们一切的罪,而是赦免我们,给我们最大的恩惠。(林后 5:21 ;5:19)。

跟清教徒学英语(5| 嵌入经文的翻译



And when Christ was manifested in the flesh, in the fullness of time, all things in heaven and on earth, all the saints departed, whose spirits were then made perfect in heaven, as well as the saints that then were, or should afterwards be on earth, were ‘gathered together in one,’ and comprehended in Christ as their Head (Eph. 1:10).
译文:当基督以肉身显现、在时候完满之时,在天上和地上一切的事上显现的时候,所有圣徒都离开了,他们的灵就在天上成为完全。那时的圣徒与后来在地上的圣徒,都在基督里“聚集在一处”,并且基督成为他们的头(弗 1:10)。

Eph. 1:10 要照所安排的,在日期满足的时候,使天上、地上、一切所有的都在基督里面同归于一。
in the fullness of time = 日期满足
'gathered together in one' = 直接引语:同归于一

修改译文:(请对比经文,看看如何尽可能地借用经文):在日期满足的时候,基督以肉身显现,使天上、地上、一切所有的,包括那已经死去、灵魂进入天国的圣徒,以及尚且在世,或者将要出生在世上的圣徒,都在基督里面“同归于一” ,以基督为首(弗 1:10)。

And He was ‘the chief corner-stone, in whom the building of the whole church on the foundation’ of the prophets before, and the apostles after His coming, ‘being fitly framed together, grows to a holy temple in the Lord’ (Eph. 2:20, 21).
译文:基督是建造全教会之根基上的房角石——在祂来以前是在先知的根基上,在祂来以后是在使徒的根基上;全教会在此基础上得以建造,在祂里面成为合式,渐渐成为主的圣殿(弗 2:20,21)。

经文:(Eph 2:20 [Cuv/S]) 并且被建造在使徒和先知的根基上,有基督耶稣自己为房角石,
(Eph 2:21 [Cuv/S]) 各(或作:全)房靠他联络得合式,渐渐成为主的圣殿。

the chief corner-stone, in whom the building of the whole church on the foundation = 直接引语,“建造在……根基上,有基督耶稣自己为房角石”。这句话因为句式的问题,直接匹配原文有点难度。

being fitly framed together, grows to a holy temple in the Lord  = 直接引语,“联络得合式,渐渐成为主的圣殿”。

修改:教会被建造在基督到来之前的先知和之后的使徒“根基上,有基督耶稣自己为房角石”,“靠他联络得合式,渐渐成为主的圣殿”(弗 2:20,21)。
Jesus Christ ‘is the same yesterday, and today, and forever’ (Heb. 13:8).
耶稣基督“昨日、今日、一直到永远,是一样的。”(来 13:8)。


His incarnation, death and resurrection were the cause of all the holiness that ever was, or shall be given to man, from the fall of Adam, to the end of the world - and that by the mighty power of His Spirit, by which all saints that ever were, or shall be, are joined together to be members of that one mystical body of which He is the Head.

跟清教徒学英语(6| had rather ... or ...

And, that they may the better secure the practice of holiness by their conditional faith, they will not have trusting in God or Christ for salvation to be accounted the principal saving act of it; because, as it seems to them, many loose wicked people trust on God and Christ for their salvation as much as others and are, by their confidence, hardened the more in their wickedness; but they had rather it should be obedience to all Christ’s laws, at least in resolution, or a consent that Christ should be their Lord, accepting of His terms of salvation, and a resignation of themselves to His government in all things.


清教徒的书籍,句子都很长,我的脑容量不够,所以每句话都需要mechanical layout,至少要在头脑中画出语法图来,才能慢慢地理解。按照人的短期记忆,我的高速缓存只有7个字长,所以凡是超过10个单词的句子就必须调用远离中心处理器(CPU)的二级缓存,超过30个单词就要使用内存里的交换文件,所以在判断一本书的难度时,我总是用句长作为主要的依据,因为句长和我对句子的理解时间之间具有指数关系。

但这里不是为了讨论句子如何长,因为我总是能从清教徒的书籍中找出更长的句子来,实在不行,我的朋友说,可以去德语的文献中找更长的句子,再不行就去古典希腊文或者希腊教父那里去,因为神学表述,没有最长,只有更长;我的目的是讨论这个句子中的rather ... or ...
And, that they may the better secure the practice of holiness by their conditional faith, they will not have trusting in God or Christ for salvation to be accounted the principal saving act of it; because, as it seems to them, many loose wicked people trust on God and Christ for their salvation as much as others and are, by their confidence, hardened the more in their wickedness; but they had rather it should be obedience to all Christ’s laws, at least in resolution, or a consent that Christ should be their Lord, accepting of His terms of salvation, and a resignation of themselves to His government in all things.




And, that they may the better secure the practice of holiness by their conditional faith, they will not have trusting in God or Christ for salvation to be accounted the principal saving act of it;


faith, trust, confidence等不同词汇的精微区别没有体现出来。

had rather ... or ...的翻译不符合上下文:

but they had rather it should be obedience to all Christ’s laws, at least in resolution, or a consent that Christ should be their Lord, accepting of His terms of salvation, and a resignation of themselves to His government in all things.



如果神学翻译是一种重要的事工,从事神学翻译是一种呼召和服事,那么,合格的神学翻译大概需要这样几个条件(我留一个Loose end——天才人物除外。大家自行对号入座吧):





呵呵,我可能言重了,但是这样或许比轻看神学翻译为好。马丁路德说,逃避传道要像逃避地狱的火焰一样;马丁得路说,不要让年轻人误以为自己可以从事神学翻译,于是毁了他们的一生。没有人想拿着80元千字的稿酬,将好好的神学书籍翻译成Loose wicked teaching,不仅让自己的生活艰难,而且对教会的教导造成深远的影响。


Had rather be a good lay Christian, or be a loose theological translator.






While the apostles’ commission was worldwide—“to the end of the earth,” according to 1:8 Peter speaks of it as specifically directed to the Jewish people (cf. 13:31); and this is in accord with historical fact.


The function of the risen Christ was by no means limited to the execution of judgment; he was also the one through whom, as the prophets agreed, those who believed on him would have their sins forgiven.



耗时    260 分钟
英文字数        3405
中文字数        5641
原文译文比    5641/ 3405 = 1.66
翻译句数        112
平均句长        3405/ 112 = 30.4
单句平均耗时           260/ 112 = 2.32 分钟


6. Gentiles Receive the Holy Spirit (10:44–48)
44 While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell on all who were listening to the message. 45 The believers of the circumcision who had come with Peter were amazed because the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out on Gentiles; 46 for they heard them speaking with65 tongues and magnifying God. 47 Then Peter said, “Can anyone forbid water? Why should these people not be baptized, since they have received the Holy Spirit as we also did?” 48 So he gave orders for them to be baptized in the name of66 Jesus Christ. Then they asked him to stay on for some days.

44 Peter had not yet finished his address67 when the “Pentecost of the Gentile world” took place.68 The Holy Spirit fell on all his listeners. The event was not so much a second Pentecost, standing alongside the first, as the participation of Gentile believers in the experience of the first Pentecost.69 What was involved was later summed up by Paul: “in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks” (1 Cor. 12:13). But, so far as the hearers of the apostolic preaching were concerned, the order of events differed markedly from that of the hearers on the day of Pentecost in Jerusalem. The hearers in Jerusalem were exhorted to repent and be baptized in order to receive the remission of sins and the gift of the Spirit. But the experience of the hearers in Caesarea reproduced rather that of the original company of disciples in Jerusalem, on whom the Spirit descended suddenly.70 This may be recognized in Peter’s drawing a parallel (v. 47) between the household of Cornelius and the original disciples rather than between the household of Cornelius and the three thousand who believed on the day of Pentecost (cf. 11:15; 15:8).

45–46 The descent of the Spirit on those Gentiles was outwardly manifested in much the same way as it had been when the original disciples received the Spirit at Pentecost: they spoke with tongues and proclaimed the mighty works of God.71 Apart from such external manifestations, none of the Jewish believers present, perhaps not even Peter himself, would have been so ready to accept the reality of the Spirit’s coming upon them. The Jewish believers who had accompanied Peter from Joppa were astounded by what they saw and heard: Gentiles, those “lesser breeds without the law,” had actually received the same Holy Spirit as they themselves had received on believing the same message. How right Peter had been in his new insight into the impartiality of God as between people of one race and another! As in Peter’s vision the voice of God overruled food restrictions, even those imposed with the authority of divine law, so now the act of God in sending the Spirit overruled the sacred tradition which forbade association with Gentiles.

47–48 On the day of Pentecost (2:37–41) the sequence of initiation into the new community was conviction of sin, repentance and faith, baptism in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and the reception of the Spirit. Here the reception of the Spirit comes first. There is no explicit mention of faith in the immediate context, but it is certainly implied; it is suggested more definitely in 11:17, where Peter’s words “when we believed on the Lord Jesus Christ” clearly mean that the Gentiles received the Spirit when they believed,72 while in 15:7–9 Peter expressly links the Gentiles’ reception of the Spirit with their believing and having their hearts cleansed by faith.73 Only after the manifest descent of the Spirit on these believing Gentiles were they baptized in water. As for the imposition of apostolic hands74 (whatever inferences may be drawn from the silence on this subject in ch. 2), nothing of the kind took place before the Gentiles received the Spirit, and nothing is said about its taking place subsequently.

Had Peter not been confronted with a divine fait accompli in the outpouring of the Spirit on Cornelius and his friends, he might not have taken the initiative in having them baptized. But, as things were, God had plainly accepted them, and Peter had no option but to accept what God had done. In justifying his action a few days later, he asked, “Who was I to hinder God?” (11:17). Here his question, “Can anyone forbid water?” (like the Ethiopian’s question in 8:36, “What prevents me from being baptized?”), has been thought to point to a primitive custom by which, before a convert was baptized, it was inquired if there was any “just cause or impediment” why the baptism should not take place.75 Whether this was so or not, no impediment was alleged on the present occasion, and Peter gave orders that these new believers should be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.76 Their reception of the Spirit was not regarded as a substitute for baptism in water; rather, their baptism in water was the fitting response to the act of God in bestowing his Spirit. But no one appears to have suggested that Cornelius should be circumcised. His case thus served as a specially appropriate precedent when the question of the circumcision of Gentile believers was later raised at the Jerusalem council (ch. 15).

6. 外邦人接受圣灵(10:44-48

44  彼得还说这话的时候,圣灵降在一切听道的人身上。45 那些奉割礼、和彼得同来的信徒,见圣灵的恩赐也浇在外邦人身上,就都希奇;46 因听见他们说65 方言,称赞神为大。47 于是彼得说:“这些人既受了圣灵,与我们一样,谁能禁止用水给他们施洗呢?”48 就吩咐奉耶稣基督的名66 给他们施洗。他们又请彼得住了几天。

44 彼得还没有说完,67 “外邦人的五旬节”就到来了。68圣灵降临在所有听众身上。这一事件并非与第一次独立的第二次五旬节,因为第一次五旬节上已经有外邦人信徒参与其中。69后来,保罗总结了这里发生的事情:“我们不拘是犹太人,是希腊人……都从一位圣灵受洗,成了一个身体”(林前 12:13)。


4546 圣灵降临在外邦人身上,从外在形式上看来与五旬节那天最初的门徒们领受圣灵的情况几乎相同:他们也开始说方言,宣告神的大作为。71若非如此明显的外部征兆,在场的所有犹太信徒,甚至包括彼得本人,可能都不会如此轻易地接受圣灵降临在他们身上的现实。陪伴彼得从约帕而来的犹太信徒们因这次的见闻大为惊奇:外邦人,那些“没有律法的低等种族”,居然领受了同样的圣灵,与他们自己相信同样的福音时所领受的完全一样。彼得关于神不因种族而偏待人的新洞见是多么正确啊!正如在彼得的异象中,神的声音压倒了食物的限制,甚至高过神圣律法的权威规矩,现在神赐下圣灵的行动也压过了不能与外邦人交往的神圣传统。

4748 在五旬节那天(2:37-41),信徒加入新的信仰共同体之顺序是认罪、悔改与信心,奉耶稣基督之名受洗,叫罪得赦免,然后领受圣灵。这里的情况则是领受圣灵在前。在紧邻上下文中没有明确提到信心的问题,但是显然暗含其中;在11:17里,彼得的话给出了更明确的暗示,“像在我们信主耶稣基督的时候”,清楚地表示当外邦人相信的时候,他们也领受了圣灵,72 同时在15:7-9里,彼得明确地将外邦人领受圣灵与他们听而相信,借着信洁净了他们的心联系在一起。73在圣灵明显地降临在这些信了耶稣的外邦人身上后,他们才接受了水的洗礼。至于使徒按手的问题74(无论我们从第2章对此只字未提的沉默可以推论出什么来),在外邦人接受圣灵之前显然没有过,后来也没有任何地方提到过。

如果彼得不是面对圣灵浇灌哥尼流及其朋友的神圣fait accompli (译注:〔法语〕既成事实),他可能不会主动为他们施洗。但是,既然神明白地接纳了他们,彼得别无选择,只能接受神所成就的事情。几天以后,在为自己的行为辩护时,他这样反问到,“我是谁,能拦阻神呢?” 11:17)。而他在这里的提问,“谁能禁止用水给他们施洗呢?” (就像在8:36里埃塞俄比亚人问“我受洗有什么妨碍呢?”一样),被一些人认为是指向某种原始的习俗:在归信之人受洗之前,需要询问有无任何“公平的理由或妨碍”,不能施以洗礼。75不管是否如此,目前的情况下并无任何妨碍,因此彼得吩咐奉耶稣基督的名给这些新信徒施洗。76他们接受了圣灵,但此事并不能代替水的洗礼;相反,他们接受水的洗礼,乃是对神赐下圣灵的合适回应。但是没有任何人提出,哥尼流应当受割礼。因此,当后来的耶路撒冷大公会议上出现外邦人信徒是否应受割礼的问题时(第15章),他的案例成为一件特别合适的先例。






BDAG的κόσμος, ου, ὁ (Hom.+)7个义项,各有古典希腊文的用法,LXX的用法,新约圣经的用法,一共将近2600个字(译成汉语将近5000字)。
that which serves to beautify through decoration, adornment, adorning
condition of orderliness, orderly arrangement, order
the sum total of everything here and now, the world, the (orderly) universe, in philosophical usage
the sum total of all beings above the level of the animals, the world, as θέατρον ἐγενήθημεν (i.e. οἱ ἀπόστολοι) τῷ κόσμῳ καὶ ἀγγέλοις καὶ ἀνθρώποις 1 Cor 4:9. Here the world is divided into angels and humans
planet earth as a place of inhabitation, the world
humanity in general, the world
of all humanity, but especially of believers, as the object of God’s love J 3:16, 17c; 6:33, 51; 12:47b.
the system of human existence in its many aspects, the world

TDNT(新约神学词典)上的κοσμέω, κόσμος, κόσμιος, κοσμικός一条,一共17492个字(翻译出来大概3万字),完全是一篇严肃的圣经神学论文了。

1John 2:15 不要爱世界和世界上的事。人若爱世界,爱父的心就不在他里面了。
John 3:16 16 神爱世界(?),甚至将他的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信他的,不至灭亡,反得永生。

至于英文版的约翰3:16译为“world,只要查一下英文字典就知道了,world一词在merriam-webster字典上,光是作为名词就有14个义项,加上三个成语(world还可以做形容词,比如 world peace):

Definition of world
(Entry 1 of 2)
a : the earthly state of human existence
b : life after death —used with a qualifierthe next world
: the earth with its inhabitants and all things upon it
: individual course of life : career
: the inhabitants of the earth : the human race
a : the concerns of the earth and its affairs as distinguished from heaven and the life to come
b : secular affairs
: the system of created things : universe
a : a division or generation of the inhabitants of the earth distinguished by living together at the same place or at the same time the medieval world b : a distinctive class of persons or their sphere of interest or activity the academic world the digital world
: human society withdraw from the world
: a part or section of the earth that is a separate independent unit
: the sphere or scene of one's life and action living in your own little world
: an indefinite multitude or a great quantity or distance makes a world of difference a world away
: the whole body of living persons : public announced their discovery to the world
: kingdom sense 4 the animal world
: a celestial body (such as a planet)
for all the world : in every way : exactly copies which look for all the world like the original
in the world : among innumerable possibilities
: ever —used as an intensive
  what in the world is it
out of this world : of extraordinary excellence
 : superb




在翻译的时候,我们会发现,某些文化在某些概念上不是那么充分。比如,在中国文化中,“罪”的概念就没有英文那样细致的区分,于是在翻译的时候,会非常难选择。比如,guilt, sintransgression的问题:

One thing belonging to our natural state is the guilt of sin, even of Adam’s first sin, and of the sinful depravation of our nature, and of all our own actual transgressions, and therefore we are by nature the children of wrath (Eph. 2:3) and under the curse of God.

(修改):犯罪(guilt)是我们的本性。罪的引诱,亚当的原罪,在罪中堕落的人性,以及我们实际所犯下的各种罪行,都让我们担负罪疚(guilt of sin)——因此我们天生就是可怒之子(弗 2:3),在神的咒诅之下。

-(注释):guilt = 罪疚(犯罪)上次有位弟兄分享说,应当区分客观的罪和良心的负疚,sin = 罪,transgressions = 罪行。译者对“even”的处理不太好,因为所有of引导的短语,应当译为并列。


as has been shown:诚如前面所示
Another property, inseparable from the former, is an evil conscience, which denounces the wrath of God against us for sin, and inclines us to abhor Him as our enemy, rather than to love Him, as has been shown; or, if it is a blind conscience, it hardens us the more in our sins.
(注释):as has been shown。按照上下文,这个完成时态的短语,应当指前面已经讨论过的内容。“诚如前面所示”。

A third property is an evil inclination, tending only to sin, which therefore is called ‘sin that dwells in us’, and ‘the law of sin in our members’, that powerfully subdues and captivates us to the service of sin (Rom. 7:20, 23).
(翻译):第三种特征是一种恶的倾向(即单单倾向于犯罪),因此被称为“住在我们里面的罪”和“住在我们肢体里的罪之律”,这两种律强有力地制服我们、迷惑我们去服事罪(罗 7:20,23)。
(修改):第三种特征是行恶的倾向,让人不可避免地犯罪,因此被称为“住在我里头的罪”和“肢体中犯罪的律”。这种特征强迫我们为罪服役(罗 7:20,23)。
-(注释):subduescaptivates都是单数第三人称,所以不用“两种律”作为主语。这句话的主语应当是“A third property”,或者“evil inclination”。

all whom he fights …… 宾格的代词加主格的定语从句
A fourth property is subjection to the power of the devil who is the god of this world, that has blinded the minds of all that do not believe (2Cor. 4:4), and will certainly conquer all whom he fights with on his own dunghill, that is, in a natural state.
-(翻译):第四个特征,是对魔鬼能力的顺服。魔鬼是这个世界的神,曾叫一切不信的人,心里瞎了眼(林后 4:4)),也会战胜一切处在污秽中(即属血气的状态中)与之争战的人。
-(修改):旧人的第四个特征是屈服在魔鬼的权势之下。魔鬼是这个世界的神,弄瞎了不信之人的心眼(林后 4:4),凡凭着自己的努力,在自身的污秽中——即属血气的状态中——与之争战的人,都会被他征服。

As far as it remains in them, it lusts against the Spirit (Gal. 5:17); and it remains dead, because of the sin, even when the Spirit is life to them, because of righteousness (Rom. 8:10), and must be wholly abolished by death, before we can be perfected in that holiness and happiness that is by faith in Christ.
(Rom 8:10 [Cuv/S]) 基督若在你们心里,身体就因罪而死,心灵却因义而活。
(翻译):这状态在他们里面存留的时候,就凭肉体的私欲与圣灵相反(加5:17)。这自然状态哪怕在圣灵中因义是活的,却仍因罪而是死的(罗 8:10),并且必须被死所全然废弃,才能在那因信基督而成的圣洁和幸福上得以完全。
(修改):旧人只要存留一天,就凭着肉体的私欲与圣灵相争(加 5:17);即便在圣灵里他们因义而活,身体却因罪而死(罗 8:10),并且必须借着死亡全然废弃,才能在那因信基督而成的圣洁和幸福上得以完全。
-(注释2):by death. 工具格,不译为被动语态的动作主体。
parents = 父神,大概是typo

The promise of God, that He will not charge the iniquities of parents on their children, is a promise belonging to the new covenant confirmed in the blood of Christ; and it is yea and amen to us only in Christ, in whom we have another nature than that which our parents conveyed to us, so that we cannot justly claim the benefit of it in our old natural state (Jer. 31:29-31; 2Cor. 1:20).
-(翻译):神的应许,就是不将父母的罪孽归给儿女。这应许属乎在基督的宝血里所确认的新约。只有在基督里,我们才得着“是”,“阿们”。在基督里,我们有别的本性,与我们的父神所传给我们的不同(耶 31:29-31; 林后 1:20)。
-(修改):神应许不将父母的罪孽归在儿女的头上,乃是属乎新约,在基督的宝血里确认;只有在基督里,我们才以此应许为“是”,“阿们”,因为唯有在基督里,我们得到另一种本性,与我们的父母传给我们的旧人不同——所以我们在旧人里无法享受这应许的益处(耶 31:29-31; 林后 1:20)。
And those gospel means that are effectual for sanctification serve also for restraint of sin.

As vile and wicked as the world is, we have cause to praise and to magnify the free goodness of God that it is no worse.
that it is no worse"的理解让我扣头皮,啥叫“神的良善可不糟糕”- 我承认没咋理解,就按上下文和常理稍微处理了一下,不妥请指正。
译者把"that it is no worse"当作goodness of God的修饰语,但这个短语是动词praisemagnify的修饰语。