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Julius Kim talks about and explains the difference between moralistic preaching and gospel preaching.

Here in Westminster Seminary we often talk about moralistic preaching, and we ought to say out front that preaching moral is actually a good thing. God wants us to be moral, holy creatures, yet at the same time, what we do as preachers is more than just preaching morals. I think that we need to make that distinction. That is, oftentimes we hear in our pulpits preaching that basically says this, for examples, you have character examples in the Old Testament. They are good characters and do good moral things so we preach and describe these characters in the Old Testament, we say, ultimately, moral is be like this person. Again, that is not bad or sinful to describe a moral act or moral person and say try to be like that person. But essentially, is that Christianity? Because if you look all the religions of the world, every religion says essentially: be a good person. They can come up with illustrations and stories of their own traditions of their own past of their own founder. They talk about how Buddha was good, how Mohammad was good. But essentially is Christianity just about being good? Actually, Christianity tells us : we are not good enough that God is so holy that no matter how hard we tried to be good will never be good enough. So the essential message of the gospel is that you are not good but someone was good for you. And is because of someonelse’s  goodness is credited to you by faith that we out of gratitude love for that other who is good for us perfectly; we can then be good.

 So, you see morals and moralism in and out for itself is not a bad thing, but it has to be put in a right perspective, or in the right paradigm, that is, the gospel paradigm. So we have to preach gospel sermons; we have to preach Christ centered sermons; we have to preach Christian sermons that essentially say: you are not good enough, you are never able to be good enough, but pray to God, someone was, and because what Jesus has done, be good, be like Him! Because you are now united to Him by faith, you will be more and more like Christ.

 So, is moralistic preaching bad? Well, in and out itself, yes. But, should we not to have morals in our sermons? No, we want to have morals in our sermons, but it needs to be placed in the right paradigm or in the right perspective.